Saturday, February 1, 2014

Causes of Police Brutality

Police officers are legally able to use force against individuals when provoked. In some cases, police use force when unprovoked or use excessive force when only moderate force is warranted. The use of excessive force can lead to severe injury and, in many cases, death. Death caused by police brutality is wrongful death and is punishable by law.

Police brutality can occur for several reasons, but the most common cause of excessive force results from the officer's psychological state, or when the police officer's perception of the situation affects how he or she reacts.

One such situation is when the officer feels disrespected. Some officers will act out against the disrespectful individual even though it is not the legal or moral thing to do. They may do this either to punish the individual for disrespecting them or to intimidate any other people present.

Another situation from which excessive force may arise is racial profiling. An officer who racially profiles individuals may overact to crimes committed by individuals of certain ethnicities or falsely accuse an individual of a crime because of his or her ethnicity. Both cases may count as brutality.

When police officers feel intimidated, they may preemptively strike an individual even if the officer was in no immediate danger. It may be harder to prove excessive force in this case because the officer may claim he or she felt threatened and had to act for his or her safety.

In each of these cases, the police officer committing the brutality may be doing so to assert his or her dominance since police officers are in a position of authority. Officers found guilty of this offense may face criminal charges. Families that lose loved ones due to police brutality may be entitled to monetary compensation for their loss.

No matter the reason a police officer used excessive force, the officer in question should be held accountable for his or her actions. Most of the time, police brutality cases are difficult and tricky. It is important to contact a lawyer that specializes in police brutality cases to help you properly build your case.

When the police are guilty of brutality, they should be held accountable for their actions. If someone you love died because a police officer used excessive force against him or her, contact the Pennsylvania police brutality attorneys at Lowenthal & Abrams, P.C. You may be entitled to compensation for your losses.

Ski Hill Injuries - Can You Sue With a Lawyer Or Recover Compensation?

Ski hill cases can present complex issues and questions in a lawsuit. It is important to consider the case early on. Injuries can happen because a person did something that they should not have done, or failed to do something that they should have done. Often times, the reason for the injury is not immediately clear. It is not unusual for lawyers practising in this area to retain engineers and orthopaedic surgeons to provide opinions about the reasons for the injuries.

For instance, there have been past cases where people have been injured because their ski bindings did not release. This can happen if the ski bindings are not adjusted properly for the person skiing. If the bindings do not release, a person can sustain greater injury than they otherwise would have. The types of injuries can include fractures, knee damage, chronic pain and fibromyalgia.

Injuries can also happen if the ski hill is not properly organized and monitored. Another potential cause of injury is if a skier causes you to sustain an injury (ie: they trip you or crash into you). Ski hills have responsibilities to their customers. Ski hills may rely upon waivers that are signed at the ski hill, but they cannot rely upon those to abdicate their responsibilities entirely. In the past, courts have assigned blame despite the existence of a waiver clause or form. A lawyer who is knowledgable in the area can provide you with an analysis of your particular situation.

If you have been injured in this or some other way in Ontario Canada you may be able to claim compensation by way of a lawyer with a lawsuit or through other means. When meeting with a lawyer it is important to speak to the lawyer about whether he has handled these types of cases in the past. These cases are complex and they can raise unique issues. Do not be afraid to ask your potential lawyer about his or her game plan for your case (how is he going to prove your case, what are the risks and the weak points in your case).

Nursing Home Fires - 5 Recent and Avoidable Tragedies

Deciding to put a loved one in a nursing home is a very difficult choice. It is emotionally stressful to place someone who has cared for you under the care of strangers. In addition to medical care and daily sustenance, safety is a big concern. If a fire occurs in nursing homes, residents are less able to escape than healthy, independent people. To become more aware of the reality of this threat, take a look at summaries of five cases of nursing home fires and the losses suffered by each.

1. Hampton Plaza Fire of 2008

On May 14, 2008, two men were pronounced dead of apparent smoke inhalation following a nursing home fire in Niles, Illinois, a suburb of Chicago, on the third floor of the Hampton Plaza Nursing Home. Two more were injured of the same cause without life-threatening damage. The fire was believed to have been caused from smoking materials stored in a closet, belonging to two residents who smoked. The fire claimed the lives of two residents who were asleep in bed when the fire broke out in very late evening. Upon the firefighters' arrival four minutes after being alerted, Deputy Fire Chief Steve Borkowski claimed that, "There was zero visibility in the room"1 already filled with smoke. In this case, the facility was equipped with sprinklers and smoke detectors which worked properly and responded effectively to the fire.

2. Governor's Creek Health and Rehab Fire of 2008

An afternoon fire broke out in Governor's Creek Health and Rehabilitation Center in Green Cove Springs, Florida in April of 2008. The fire claimed the lives of one resident and injured five patients and three staff members. The fire is believed to have been caused by the deceased victim smoking in bed while using an oxygen machine, allowing for rapid spread of the flames. The concrete structure of the facility contained the fire to one room, allowing staff members to break windows to ventilate other rooms as patients were evacuated. The fire was isolated mainly to the victim's bed.

3. Mount Pleasant Fire of 2007

On December 30, 2007, Blues legend Weepin' Willie Robinson was the victim of a fire at Mount Pleasant Home in Boston, Massachusetts. Boston's "Elder Statesman of the Blues" also was the victim of a fire in his room resulting from smoking in bed. He knew this was against policy but would forget at times, finally claiming his own life just before the new year. Robinson was found when the fire alarm and sprinklers were set off in the early morning hours.

4. Tula Nursing Home Fire of 2007

In November of 2007, 31 residents were killed in a nursing home fire in the Tula region south of Moscow, Russia. The facility was in violation of numerous fire safety codes, including not having a fire alarm. The rapidly moving flames combined with thick smoke claimed the lives of the victims. The wooden interiors of the brick building encouraged the fire's quick advancement. A short circuit in a second-floor ceiling lamp was the apparent cause of the fire. Survivors claim that the lamp began smoking before crashing to the ground to spark the initial flames. Some residents who escaped with their lives were able to jump from windows out of desperation, even losing consciousness for a time. The facility had previously been under appeal to be shut down in violation of numerous fire safety rules, including replacing the electrical system which had been deemed a fire hazard.

5. Southern Russia Nursing Home Fire of 2007

A southern Russia nursing home lost 62 residents as the result of a fire in March of 2007. The high death toll is attributed to an incomplete alarm system as well as the sluggish response of a watchman who heard two fire alarms and alerted the nursing home staff prior to notifying the fire department, delaying authorities by approximately 21 minutes. Many of the victims were bed-ridden and unable to escape the smoke and flames invading their rooms. The fire came as the deadliest in Russia in more than 15 years. Home to more than 90 residents, the facility violated 36 fire safety standards. The facility contained insufficient equipment to protect against smoke, and the wooden panels lining each room were not flame-proofed.

Nursing Home Fire Safety Factors

It is impossible to be too particular about to whose care you entrust your loved one. When selecting a nursing home, be sure to include fire safety questions in your inquiry such as:

- Does the facility use fire-retardant on combustible materials?

- Does the building meet fire safety code?

- Does the facility have and maintain adequate fire protection equipment such as fire alarms, sprinklers, and extinguishers?

- Will the fire department automatically be alerted of a fire in the building?

- What is the smoking policy of the facility?

Even when all of the fire safety standards are met, there is no guarantee that fires will not ignite or be extinguished before anyone is harmed. In the American instances above, many lives were saved due to the structure of the buildings and the usual quick response of rescue workers. However, even with these assistances, smoke inhalation cannot be remediated if the poisonous gas has already invaded the lungs. In circumstances especially where residents are prone to forgetfulness as in the case of Weepin' Willie Robinson, fire hazards are always a possibility. It is far better to prevent fires from starting than to extinguish them afterwards.

Paul Galla

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When Do I Place My Elderly Parent In The Hands Of Senior Care Experts?

Planning care for an elderly parent is a difficult decision and one that many families confront, often with conflicting ideas, when their aging parent shows signs of decline. The only universal answer is, "It depends". There is no one answer that fits all. What does your parent want? If it's to stay in their own home, as is often the case, can you or other family members provide a safe environment and the necessary care to keep them there? Consider the costs to you, emotionally, as well as financially. Too often, a loving caregiver's health declines faster than the one they are caring for. If you are caring for your parent now or considering doing so, keep this in mind: you must recognize the stresses on you and your family; your spouse and children need you, too. Once your parent is gone, at some point they will be, will you still be there for your own family? Here are some things to consider and to discuss with other family members: siblings as well as your spouse and children.

1. What is your relationship with your parent? Are you or your parent often impatient, short-tempered, continually critical or demanding of each other? Or, are you caring for your parent now and exhausted?

2. Dementia posses challenges when wandering or other behaviors are beyond your control and are a risk to your parent and others. You can restrict their wandering by keeping outside doors locked as long as someone is with them, and it does not interfere with escape in case of fire or other disaster. You cannot lock them in a room or tie them down. Adult protective services will step in, as they should.

3. Does he or she require intimate personal care (injections, incontinence, bed sores, other wound care, etc) that goes beyond your ability to provide? Some people are able to remove themselves from the discomfort of those tasks and provide the care, no matter what. If that is not you, don't force it.

4. Fragile health requiring skilled nursing care is more difficult to manage at home, though not out of the question. If the doctor thinks your parent has less than 6 months to live, and you really want to keep them at home, you can engage the services of Hospice. They will provide the necessary skilled care wherever your parent is, whether it is at home or in a facility.

5. Social interaction with friends and family are important to all of us. For elderly people, who are limited in their ability to get out on their own, socializing with others where they live is important. If aging-in-place (remaining in their own home) means loneliness and isolation, then they are likely to decline more rapidly.

If any of the above applies, then hiring caregivers to provide in-home care or placing your parent in a care facility are your best options. There are numerous in home caregiver agencies. Hire a care manager to assess your situation and make recommendations. Assisted living residences are available, from homes in residential neighborhoods accommodating 5-6 individuals, to large multi-story complexes for many individuals and with many services. Some of them are sponsored by different faiths. Skilled nursing facilities, i.e., nursing homes, take individuals who, as the name suggests, need skilled nursing care. If your parent is transferred from an acute care hospital at the doctor's recommendation, then Medicare will cover the cost for up to the first 100 days. If you admit your parent from home, you must pay the bill.

I am a proponent for keeping a loved one at home whenever possible, if that's where they want to be. Trained caregivers are caring, nurturing people, and they are more removed emotionally, than you are. This distance enables them to manage the more difficult aspects of care while still treating them with respect, and hopefully humor. In my own experience (many others have reported this also), my father didn't listen to me, his "child", despite the fact that I was an elder care professional. He ignored me or often did the opposite when I made suggestions; but when his caregiver gave the same advice he would say, "good idea", and do it willingly. I stepped aside, supervising from a distance, and let it flow organically. When the time comes for you to make this difficult decision, discuss it with your parent, siblings - all of them, and your own family. If you can't all meet in person then have phone conferences, or email "conversations". Don't leave anyone out of the discussions - it will come back to bite you later if you do. If your parent isn't capable of making realistic decisions include them anyway. They need to feel included and know they have a voice in the matter.

Do You Know How To Avoid Elder Abuse? Speak To An Elder Law Litigation Attorney

Little is more heartbreaking than watching a loved one of advanced age struggle with poor health, deteriorating mental capacity, and loss of quality of life. Unfortunately there are people who prey on the vulnerable for their own gain; those who take advantage of, intentionally harm or neglect the aged are guilty of elder abuse. This type of abuse can occur anytime anyone interacts with an elderly person; often family members are the perpetrators, but those in positions of authority also have the power to harm a vulnerable older person -- a financial advisor, a health care practitioner, or staff at an elderly care facility. In the case that your loved one has been the victim of elder abuse, you may wish to pursue legal action. Litigation attorneys are trained to advocate on behalf of your parent, relative, or loved one, ensuring their rights are not violated further, and financial compensation is made when appropriate

Elder Law Protects Your Loved One From Financial Abuse

Perhaps the most common type of elder abuse is in the area of finance. Family members may see an opportunity to benefit from handling financial affairs as power of attorney; skimming funds or paying oneself a "wage" for handling finances is unethical, just as coercing a loved one to leave you money in their will against their wishes is also. If you suspect that there is wrongdoing with respect to any aspect of an elderly person's finances, a litigation lawyer can help. A solution may be as simple as contacting the public guardian or trustee office on the person's behalf so an audit can be done. In serious cases of financial wrongdoing, litigation attorneys can file an emergency power of attorney to replace the abuser; they can also begin litigation proceedings to advocate on the elderly person's behalf, and bring the perpetrator to court to defend his or her actions.

A Litigation Attorney Can Assist With Disputes Over Health Care

In some cases, the elderly have designated oversight of their health careto an advocate, but their advocate does not act in their best interest; they may decide on care that is inexpensive or inadequate (in order to increase their inheritance, for example). At other times, the health care provider is abusive verbally, physically, or by neglect. Medical malpractice of an elderly patient is another instance in which the expertise of a litigation attorney would be required.

While it may not always be possible to protect an elderly person from abuse or neglect, it is within your power to be informed about what to do when health care has been compromised. A litigation attorney can advocate for temporary guardianship should abuse be evident, and can also take steps to begin a legal process to remove the rights of an abusive advocate, and when appropriate, sue for compensation.

Speak With A Litigation Attorney Before Abuse Can Take Place

Attorneys with expertise in elder law may be able to help you and your family before your parent or loved one is vulnerable to abuse. Often a litigation attorney will be available to help with will and estate planning, which will ensure the person's wishes are protected (and minimize the risk of coercion from less than ethical influencers with regard to wills and estates). Consulting with an elder care lawyer about end-of-life issues, long term medical needs, as well as general estate planning and administration will ensure everything is in order before your loved one is ill or deemed incompetent to make decisions -- and is prone to falling prey to abusers.

Elder law was established to protect the elderly and their families from wrongdoing with respect to healthcare, finances, and wills and estates. Consult with an attorney who specializes in elder law and be informed and prepared in advance of illness and the death of your loved one. Developing a relationship with an attorney you can trust before you ever need to take legal action will ensure that you and your elderly loved one feel safe and protected, and hopefully, never have to go to court to defend your loved one's rights.

Common Types Of Car Accidents

While no car accident feels common when you are involved in it, there are some types of car accidents that happen more often than others. Below you will find a list of the most common car accident a short explanation of how they might happen.

Rear end collisions: These are most likely to happen when one vehicle is stopped. This could be because of a traffic light or stop sign. If the following vehicle fails to stop in a timely manner they run into the back of the stopped car.

Head on collisions: This type of accident most often occurs when both vehicles are moving in opposite directions. Sometimes one driver is pulling out to pass a car and fails to see an oncoming car. Both cars meet head on, usually causing damage to the engines and sometimes to the drivers or passengers in the cars.

Pedestrian involved accidents: Normally if a pedestrian is involved in a car accident it is when crossing a street or road. The person crossing may not notice the vehicle and the driver may not see the pedestrian. Sadly this happens most often with young children and elderly people who cannot react fast enough to avoid being hit.

Collisions involving multiple vehicles: Accidents such as this usually happen on busy highways, often due to bad weather conditions that make it difficult to control the vehicles involved. However, they could happen on any busy street with a higher speed limit. When cars are traveling faster, it takes more time to slow down or stop, making it more difficult to avoid an accident.

Collisions caused by rear-view mirror blind spots: These accidents often occur when a vehicle is backing out of a parking place, or possibly when backing into a parking space. Although, it is possible that an accident could be caused when a car is changing lanes, if they have a blind spot and do not notice another vehicle coming up behind them.

Collisions caused by drug or alcohol use: While accidents involving drunk drivers are becoming less numerous they still happen daily. Accidents involving drunk drivers can happen any time and any place.

Collisions caused by driver distraction: Distracted driving accidents are very common, especially since the advent of cell phones, iPads, and other communication devices that can be used in cars. In the past it was most often the passengers in the car that distracted a driver. This is no longer the case.

These are just a few of the more common types of car accidents that could happen almost anywhere at any time of day or night. When you are driving a vehicle it is vital that you pay close attention to what the vehicles around you are doing, for your own protection and the protection of your passengers.

Friday, January 31, 2014

Care of the Elderly - Independence in the Golden Years

Research has proven that for those individuals suffering from an illness or disability, that living in the comfort and familiar environment of their homes can contribute significantly to their physical and mental well being and rates of recovery. As modern society is progressing to an hourglass formation of population distribution, whereby there are higher proportions of aged and younger individuals, more families will be charged with the responsibility of looking after elderly family members as well as raising their own children.

Nearing retirement and ageing gracefully should be the golden years of life for everyone and for many, spending these golden years in their own homes is not only desired, but deemed necessary. Maintaining independence is essential. However, many will require medical care and advice that is not able to be provided by immediate family and friends. The care of elderly parents needs to be discussed thoroughly by all the parties involved to ensure that care giving decisions are made in the best interests of the elderly parent as well as all caregivers. It is important to have respectful and open conversations, assessing the care requirements based upon their mental, emotional and physical condition.

In many instances, the option to have healthcare professionals attend the family home to provide care for the elderly is the best option. Whether specialised medical care is required for an advanced illness or disease, or if simple assistance is required to help with daily routines that have become somewhat difficult due to the natural occurrences of aging, healthcare professionals can ensure that the quality of life of the individual remains at the highest of levels. There are many benefits of caring for the elderly in their own homes including: the provision of care in a manner that ingrains dignity and independence, preventing or delaying the need for hospitalisation or institutionalisation in nursing homes, freedom and comfort of the individuals concerned, specialised care designed for the specific needs of the patient, as well as providing the platform to keep families together.

Nonetheless, there are situations where elderly care is not feasible to occur within the home environment. While it is admirable of families that wish to take the challenge of caring for their elderly family members at home, there are some instances where the individuals may require more specialised assistance and care that isn't available in the home, even with the professional assistance of medical staff. In these cases, other alternatives may need to be evaluated and chosen.

However, deliberating over the issues of where an aged family member should live when they are no longer able to live independently is an extremely difficult decision, often leaving family members feeling guilty for even considering the options. The need to balance the requirements of the family, with marital and career responsibilities, requires decisions to be made that work for all the parties involved.

Whether the decision is made to retain elderly family members within their existing homes or other living alternatives are sought, professional healthcare staff will ensure that the golden years will be enjoyed with dignity and independence.

How to Become a Health Care Administrator

Once you learn how to become a health care administrator and take the necessary steps to enter the specific career of your choice, there will be a world of job opportunities at your fingertips. Health care administrators and managers make up a huge portion of the workforce in consulting firms, insurance organizations, hospitals, public health agencies, nursing homes, rehabilitation centers and other medically-related organizations. As a healthcare administrator you will be able to carry out long-term goals, create and implement policy, manage personnel, oversee both capital and operating budgets and more. So how do you enter these important professions?

The first step to becoming a health care administrator is earning a college degree. You will need to earn at least a bachelor's degree in business, gerontology, health sciences, public administration or social services. There are also master's degree programs that are very useful for these careers, such as the MBA in Healthcare Management.

The degree does not guarantee a job, though, so you'll need to get some experience. If you can find work in a healthcare facility, nursing home, social services organization, home health care company or hospice center in any capacity, from nursing to administration, you will be a better job candidate once you finish school. Some jobs will even require several years of entry-level experience or at least one year of administrative or clinical management experience before you can apply. Healthcare administration jobs in nursing and rehabilitation centers also require passage of the state and national Nursing Home Administrator licensing examination. Background checks are standard in these occupations as well.

As a healthcare administrator you may have to earn continuing education credits to remain employed. If your job requires any sort of professional license, you can assume you will need to apply for this license as a term of employment. All this hard work should pay off, though. Salaries vary depending on experience, location, specific job title and the type of organization you work for, but you can expect to be compensated well. While an office manager might only start off earning around $30,000, the average salary for this job reaches $65,000, and hospital administrators can earn as much as $130,000 with diligence and advancement.

Houston 18-Wheeler Accidents

Houston has the distinction of having some of the busiest thoroughfares in the United States, while also being a primary route for many shipping and trucking companies. With a large number of 18-wheeler trucks on the roads and highways of Houston, the unfortunate reality is that accidents will inevitably occur. In fact, in 2008, there were 421 fatal traffic accidents that involved large commercial trucks, making these cases 9.1% or all fatal accidents in the state. This disproportionate percentage proves that 18-wheelers are extremely dangerous on the road.

Considering the size and weight of these large vehicles, the possibility of being injured in a wreck increase substantially when they are involved. A serious injury can lead to many different negative effects that can have a major impact on your life. This includes huge medical bills, possible rehab, loss of wages, vehicle damage and pain and suffering.

If the accident is your fault, then there are not many option available. However, if you were injured due to the negligence of the commercial truck driver, then you may be eligible for compensation in the form of damages. With a qualified personal injury attorney at your side, you can approach the difficult and complex process of filing suit against the offending party in a productive and efficient manner.

Although a devastating experience such as a major auto accident can leave permanent scars, both physically and emotionally, you can lessen the pain and suffering by getting back much of what was lost due to this disastrous event.

Damages in Houston

The amount of compensation you may be entitled to receive after a truck accident will depend on several factors. These include, but are not limited to: the extent of the injuries, if one or more parties are liable for the truck accident, the size of the truck that caused the accident, what materials they were hauling at the time, and if they were in violation of State and Federal truck industry regulations, among other considerations.

The state of Texas allows for various types of damages that an individual can sue for. This compensation will make up for both monetary and non-monetary damages that you may have incurred. Damages tend to be lumped into three categories: Economic (actual financial loss), Noneconomic (physical, mental emotional pain, disfigurement) and Exemplary (punitive damages for gross negligence).

To receive these damages, it is vital that you and your attorney prove all of the ways in which the at-fault driver has impacted your life. Of the three types of compensation that you are eligible for, you can separate specific damages into two broad categories: property damages and personal injury damages. Property damage includes the following:


繚Personal Belonging in the Vehicle at the Time of Accident

繚Towing Costs

繚Vehicle Storage Costs


繚Body Shop Repairs

繚Replacement Fees

As for personal injury damages, there are many areas that are eligible for compensation, including:


繚ER services (if applicable)

繚Physical Therapy

繚Physician Costs

繚Temporary Transportation Costs

繚Loss of Wages (work)

繚Hospital Stay

繚Pain and Suffering

繚Permanent Injury Compensation

These are just a small listing of the potential damages that you can sue for if another injured you due to their own negligence. As a citizen of this country you have a right to sue if another has wronged you in a way that affects your ability to live your life. Understanding your options if ever confronted with this difficult situation will allow you to take all necessary and relevant factors into account to develop the most effective argument possible for your particular case.

Understanding the Crucial Aspects of Basic Bedside Care

Most elder people would rather receive basic bedside care from the comfort of their homes than be confined to an assisted living facility. As a result, they hire specialized caregivers and nurses to take good care of them. In addition to these individuals there are also therapists and physicians who can provide at-home care services. Elderly people, especially the sick ones, require a lot of attention. Their bodies are frail as a result of terminal illnesses and the overall wear and tear on the body. Some may not be sick at all, but they do not have youthful energy to cook, clean and care for themselves. This is where you come in. You can't just watch and do nothing. Here are some basic things you need to know about becoming a bedside caregiver:

1. The basic bedside care activities for senior people are divided into two broad categories. On one hand are the Activities of Daily Living (ADL). The second category consists of what is termed as Instrumental Activities of Daily Living (IADL). Activities of daily living are those that you normally go though on a day-to-day basis. Examples include bathing, dressing, brushing your teeth, going to the restroom, movement from chair to bed, and vice versa. Examples of instrumental activities of daily living are cleaning the house, preparing meals, managing medication, shopping and managing money etc.

2. Frequency of basic bedside care. This is dependent on a number of factors. Of utmost importance is how independent the elderly person remains as you take care of their needs. For instance, a senior person is able to attend to activities of daily living on his or her own. Other activities like laundry and housekeeping require your input. You need to assign someone to perform these tasks on behalf of your elderly parent. There has to be a nurse or caregiver providing round the clock surveillance to ensure that the person is safe and comfortable. Medication is crucial especially to a very ill person. Make sure the correct dosage is followed. The meals have to be prepared at the right time while adhering to nutritional requirements.

3. Couples can take turns at providing basic bedside care. Caring for a sick person requires patience and understanding. You need to have a big heart. It can be inconvenience to your daily routine. You have to be at the person's side for long hours. It is your duty to ensure they have eaten well, have had a change of clothes and that they are generally okay. It means you have to stay awake most of the night. When you are not busy, you can relieve your spouse so that at least he or she can catch up on sleep and recoup some energy.

4. By taking care of your elderly parents from the comfort of your home, you can save a lot of money that could have otherwise been spent on caregivers. In some instances, it is not possible to do this. That is the time you hire a professional through a care giving agency. The rates vary depending on whether you want someone for the day, night or throughout. You can negotiate for a reasonable rate.

While seeking for a basic bedside care agency, ensure that you are dealing with a licensed firm. Some caregivers simply place ads in newspapers, yet they are not qualified or experienced for the task. Confirm that the caregiver has gone through training and is certified to provide elderly care to the sick and other indisposed seniors. Do a background check on all agencies you have short listed before making a final decision. There have been cases of caregivers mistreating the elderly. Always know who you are hiring to care for your loved ones!

CNA Salary - Is It Worth The Extra Study?

Certified nursing assistants (CNA) work in healthcare settings including hospitals, nursing homes and long-term care facilities for disabled individuals. These front-liners in the healthcare industry perform a wide variety of roles and responsibilities including but not limited to taking vital signs, assisting in personal hygiene needs, and transferring patients from one place to the next within the facility. Of course, these competent individuals should have completed their CNA training programs and passed their CNA certification exams.

The profession is one of the fastest-growing in the healthcare industry for several reasons. As the population ages, more and more individuals require short-term and long-term medical care in hospitals, nursing homes and other healthcare facilities. This is where certified nursing assistants come in. Add in the good salaries and benefits packages available for certified nursing aides and you, too, will be interested in it as a career.

Range of Salaries

And speaking of salary, exactly how much does an employed nursing aide earn in a year? Like with all professions, the answer depends on several factors including experience of the individual on one hand as well as type of facility and geographical location on the other hand. Even in the same establishment or in the same city, the salary for two certified nursing aides of similar work experience will be different.

For example, your lower salary reflects your employment status as an entry-level staff while the salaries of your senior colleagues reflect their seniority in the organization. It may also be that your higher salary in a nursing home in comparison with another nursing aide in a hospital boils down to the size of these establishments.

Experience as a Determinant

In general, however, certified nursing aides earn according to their level of experience and employment status. As you gain more experience, you are more likely to enjoy higher salaries. It also helps to put the lessons you have learned during CNA training to good use as an employee.

On average, nursing aides with less than a year of experience can earn $20,000-$31,000 annual salary while those with up to four years of experience will enjoy $22,000-$32,000 per year in basic salaries. Nursing assistants with more than 5 years of experience can earn $25,000 to $34,000 a year, aside from the perks of the job like bonuses. Of course, the CNA certification of these front-liners must be valid and updated for employers to keep them on the job. So, you had better take note of this fact of life.

Other determinants in the salary of certified nursing aides are:

• Type of facility - Those who work in veterans' hospitals, private homes and private offices tend to earn more ($24,000-$38,000) than those who work in nursing homes ($18,500-$30,000) and hospitals ($20,000-$32,000).

• Location - Those who work in metropolitan areas are more likely to earn more than their rural-based counterparts.

Yes, the money is good, indeed!

Senior Living - An Ideal Place for Retired Seniors

Everyone wants to live in peace and happiness even in old age, and senior living options are available for these people. In such a fast-paced world, children usually don't have time to take care of their ageing parents. If they look for some retirement options, however, things could be easier. For all retired people, retirement communities are a great place to spend their lives in happiness and contentment. For most seniors, independence comes with a lot of difficulties, but for those who find it tough to accomplish their daily chores there are assisted living homes. When people get older and their children are unable to take care of them, there are a variety of senior living options.

Most seniors resist frequent change, so selecting a retirement community has to be done with great care. Most of the assisted living homes are set up so that the residents of the facility can have a better quality of life than they would experience in their traditional homes. It has often being observed that when it comes to elder care, the most important thing is to get exercise and have activities that enhance their lives and promote longevity. Improving the quality of life through senior living is a very real possibility, and this is the top goal of the assisted living homes. These facilities are there for all senior citizens, whether they are retired or not and whether they need assistance or not. After retirement, a lot of people tend to stop taking care of themselves as well and try to keep living on their own, but this stage of life ought to be the most enjoyable one. If you want to enjoy your life, then check into the best retirement community.

For retired people, there are a number of senior living options that can be chosen depending on the needs of the individual. The two main choices after retirement are living with family or moving to a retirement community. The choice of these senior homes depends on the overall health, independence, and mobility. If the aged person does not like going very far, then assisted living homes that are located near shopping areas would be best. As we get older, we try to find activities that will keep us engaged and happy. A lot of senior living facilities organize events for elderly people to share their thoughts.

Active seniors who are independent in their daily lives can opt for a regular retirement community which serves their individual needs. Senior citizens need to understand that staying in senior living is not a social stigma, but is a way to enjoy retired life to the fullest without being dependent on anyone. The ideal place for retired people among all the senior living options is the retirement community because it really caters to the needs of retired people.

Thursday, January 30, 2014

Assisted Living Facilities - What Are They?

Assisted Living facilities are generally for person's 60 years of age and older. Typical candidates need assistance with "Activities of Daily Living" (ADLs), but wish to live as independently as possible. Assisted Living communities exist to bridge the gap between seniors that can live independently and skilled nursing homes.

Assisted living facilities provide helpful services such as:

1. Eating,

2. Bathing,

3. Dressing,

4. Grooming,

5. Laundry,

6. Housekeeping,

7. Assistance with medications.

While Board and Care facilities are usually in a private residential home, Assisted Living facilities are larger structures often arranged as senior living communities. These communities can contain as many as 400 residents or as few as 25 seniors. Residents of assisted living communities usually meet in a dining room together with other residents for meals.

A person designated as the 'Activities Director' oversees a key area in the assisted living community - Social activities. The Activities Director typically arranges daily options for residents including outings, crafts, dances, music, educational classes, seminars, and other opportunities. All activities are designed to encourage physical and mental stimulation.

Assisted Living facilities create a care plan for each individual resident upon admission. The care plan details the agreed upon personalized services required by the resident and guaranteed to be provided by the facility. The plan is updated regularly to assure that the resident receives the appropriate care as his or her condition changes.

Assisted Living communities are closely involved in the health needs of their residents. They often have a person designated to oversee this called a 'Health Care Director'. They coordinate the monitoring of health related issues involving medication, diet, personal hygiene, socialization and mental acuity to assist the senior and their family as they interact with health care professionals. If a decline is noted in a specific area, family and health care professionals are consulted by the Health Care Director to resolve issues. Often, because of their experience, unexpected emergency health issues are avoided, as signs of a decline recognized and acted upon early.

Residents can live at 'Assisted Living' communities for many years, even as their health declines considerably. Many offer hospice care and end of life assistance. If you are considering senior care options, assisted living facilities are definitely an option worth looking into.

Finding a Home For Those With Chronic Mental Illness

For those who have a family member or close friend with a chronic mental illness, life can be filled with challenges. Chronic mental illness takes its toll on families, who often don't have the training or emotional resources to adequately care for their loved ones. It's difficult to navigate the waters of the legal and mental health care systems, and doubly difficult to find a good home for a loved one with a mental illness who can't live on his or her own. Despite a family's dedication and willingness to do whatever it takes to ensure that their mother, father, brother, or sister receives the care he or she needs, it's not always clear what housing and care options are available or suitable. Here, then, is a review of six of the most common types of housing and care available for those with a chronic mental illness.

Nursing Homes: Because those who are mentally ill sometimes are in need of long-term medical care, there are times when a nursing home might be necessary or appropriate. However, many nursing homes aren't equipped to adequately address mental health care issues. When selecting a nursing home for a loved one, ensure that it specializes in serving those with chronic mental illness.

Residential Care Facilities: Most people with chronic mental illness receive the appropriate level of care in residential care facilities. Typically, they provide 24-hour staffing, room and board, and assistance with medications and scheduling mental health care appointments. These kinds of facilities are generally not locked.

Adult Care Facilities: Adult care facilities are more family oriented than residential care facilities, but generally provide the same level of care. They are more appropriate for those whose conditions are stable. Adult care facilities are not locked, and some do not provide 24-hour staffing. Family Care Homes: The family care home setting is more of a typical home in that it serves a much smaller number of residents and is not generally staffed 24 hours a day. Unfortunately, many subsidies for those will chronic mental illness will cover this level of care, even though the individuals may need the services of an adult care or residential care facility.

Assisted Living Units: An assisted living unit, as its name implies, is most appropriate for those people who are high functioning and stable. With assisted living, there is minimal staff supervision and residents typically live in apartments and receive services like meals, laundry, and medication supervision. Assisted living can also be a bridge to independent living, in that if someone successfully participates in assisted living for a year, he or she may be able to transition to a traditional apartment. Psychiatric Units: Psychiatric units are either based in or affiliated with hospitals. One type of psychiatric unit specializes in short-term acute care, most often when a person is a danger to himself or herself, or others. The goal in this situation is to stabilize the individual and transfer him or her to another kind of facility. The other type of psychiatric unit is one that is affiliated with a state hospital, and is often a locked facility for those needing longer-term care.

Steps to Putting Relatives in a Nursing Home

According to the American Geriatrics Society, the number of individuals that are admitted into nursing homes has risen since 1994. Many of these individuals are admitted to care facilities as soon as they are discharged from a hospital or after a sudden illness. Many factors contributing to this increase include age, low income, and poor family support. However, the occupancy rate in these homes has dropped to less than 90 percent. Many attribute this finding due to an increased amount of assisted care facilities.

Facts about Nursing Homes

Many people are unaware of how much nursing homes have populated across the U.S. In an article by the Centers of Disease Control and Prevention, currently, there are over 16,000 in the U.S. This accounts to approximately 1.7 million beds with 1.5 million residents currently residing homes. On average, residents are spending an average of 835 days in nursing homes.

What to do when Choosing the Right Home for Your Loved Ones

Selecting the right nursing home requires proper research and knowing what to expect. You can also research nursing homes across the U.S. by checking the database at This page helps you find facilities by name, county, state, city or zip code and allows you to compare, check inspection reports and research staff data. The American Association of Retired People offers a list of actions to do prior to admitting relatives into a care facility. These steps can help ensure a less stressful decision for family members.

1. Make a checklist on what type of activities, programs, location and other facts pertaining to the proper home that can comfortably accommodate the relative's needs.

2. Research information about specific elder facilities.

3. Visit the homes you are interested in and make sure to double check the inspection reports.

4. Check references from other residents relatives and friends.

5. Enlist the services of a professional litigation, such as a medical doctor, to research if the facility was subject to any lawsuits.

6. Consider consulting experts who can easily find the right facility for your loved one.

Why Do So Many People Think That Making A Personal Injury Claim Is Wrong?

If you bring up the subject of injury claims or compensation in a conversation often people's reactions and responses suggest that this is a negative thing to do. Often people seem to have the impression that there is something inherently bad or wrong about making a personal injury claim for compensation.

Most of us have heard the phrase 'compensation culture' banded about, and again this is usually used in a negative way. But what exactly is wrong about making a claim for compensation if you have been injured through no fault of your own, and where the blame for your injuries lies squarely with another party?

If you were driving your car perfectly safely down the high street, and another driver suddenly shot out from a side road without looking, slamming into your vehicle, and causing injuries, it is hard to understand how anybody could then decide that it would be wrong of you to claim compensation from the other driver.

Presumably these people would be more than happy to accept the fact that they would be unable to work for several weeks or months, leaving them massively out of pocket, facing overwhelming debts, and quite possibly at risk of losing their home. They would be happy to accept the cost of care, or medication, and the many other costs such as paying for transportation whilst unable to drive themselves, and all the while knowing that the other driver was paying an insurance company to cover just those expenses and costs. It simply doesn't make sense.

We all pay insurance, and that money is there specifically to pay the costs involved should an accident occur. Some of those costs will be in repairing cars or other property, but most of the costs which arise from a road traffic accident are medical costs, or costs which arise from a loss of earnings.

Some people claim that because more people are claiming the compensation they both need and deserve that all of us are having to pay more for our insurance. But when you stop to consider the fact that the costs incurred will be rising as more of us are driving newer cars, as earnings rise, and as costs increase, as well is the fact that there are more cars on the road, and therefore more accidents, it is hardly surprising that we would be expected to pay more for our insurance.

As costs are only ever going to increase, it is unreasonable to expect insurance to drop. Usually the people who claim that making a personal injury claim for compensation is somehow wrong are people who have never themselves been involved in an accident and had to bear the brunt of the financial implications.

Making a personal injury claim will always involves professional medical diagnosis and the gathering of evidence, all of which is subsequently examined and evaluated by professional, experienced and qualified solicitors, as well as being scrutinised by an increasingly cynical insurance company. This means that compensation is only awarded to those people who genuinely need or deserve it.

If you or anybody you know has either been involved in an accident, or is unfortunate enough to be involved in an accident in the future then it is important not to heed the erroneous advice put forward by those who would recommend that you deny yourself the compensation you will inevitably need, and instead contact a personal injury solicitor at the soonest opportunity.

What Does a Certified Nursing Assistant Do? CNA Job Description

Certified Nursing Assistants work in hospitals, nursing homes, extended-stay and private residences helping patients with everyday tasks. The majority of a CNA's job description involves personal care duties such as bathing, dressing, maintaining sleeping quarters and assistance during mealtime. Depending on where you decide to work your job duties can vary slightly. Being a CNA is not an easy job. You have to be attentive to your patients' needs and comfort them when they are feeling down and out. A lot of people become Certified Nursing Assistants not knowing what they are getting themselves into and do not last long.

Along with the job duties listed above, there are some other duties as well. They can include:

  • Helping patients change bed covers

  • Providing showers

  • Changing clothes

  • Administer medication at certain intervals

  • Assisting patients with exercises

  • Help patients use the toilet

CNA's will also help monitor a patient's well-being. This can include checking vital signs such as blood pressure, temperature, heartbeat, blood sugar and respiration rate. Certified nursing assistants can also measure a patients output from urine, blood and stool. Some of you may be thinking that this isn't the job for me. Well think again, becoming a Certified Nursing Assistant can be very rewarding jobs for those who enjoy helping make a difference in the lives of those less fortunate than yourself.

Another big responsibility of CNA's will be dealing with the relatives of your patients. This can include making/taking phone calls, explaining procedures in person and sometimes assisting the family with unexpected needs. This aspect of a CNA's job is very important because relatives will have a lot of questions and be on edge most of the time. Proper terms and techniques will be taught during your CNA training.

A CNA's job description will vary depending on the type of facility that they work in. For those of us who will work in hospitals will do more medical procedures. Those who work in nursing homes will have more job duties related to patient's day to day needs.

Quotes from retired CNA's:

  • "As soon as I would get to work, even if I was having a bad day, I would be so happy to be where I was"

  • "Becoming a CNA was one of the best decisions of my life. It has allowed me to show the world the compassionate person I am. Seeing the smiles on my patients faces makes every day go a lot smoother... "

  • "I feel bad for people who work jobs they do not have a passion for."

Over 50 Dating Opportunities for Men and Women Have Never Been Better!

For all you over 50 dating men, it's time to dust off all those trusty pick-up lines. And for all you over 50 dating women, you can play as hard to get as you want.

With more than 21 million single seniors in the United Sates and nearly four million single senior men and women in Canada, as well as tens of millions of Baby Boomers retiring over the next two decades, it's safe to say that dating is never out of date.

The future is bright for the geriatric generation's exploding single population who want to find a date or possibly even a mate. Whether it's casual dating in search of sex, a new male or female friend, romance or even love that you seek, today's seniors have more opportunity to find what they want than any other senior generation in history.

If you are age 55 or older:

  • 6% of you are widowed.

  • 9% of you are divorced.

  • 4% of you are presently separated.

  • 9% of you have never married.

That's a lot of single senior men and women available to date. And with 10,000 people retiring every day and more than 40% of them being single, more than ever before, a life of solitude is a matter of choice.

The burgeoning senior populace, along with its increasing political and social influence, means that the world is becoming more senior friendly. As a result, medical advances allow us to live longer and healthier lives and every community throughout North America is providing more senior social activities. After all, 65 is the new 45!

Studies show that seniors who have a small network of friends and engage in a variety of social activities live happier, self-sustaining and longer lives than seniors who keep to themselves or rely primarily on family for interaction.

Seniors are also discovering that the best way to avoid the dreaded assisted living existence and to stay independent are threefold:

  1. Be our own best friend by looking after ourselves both physically and mentally by adopting some surprisingly easy-to-do dietary strategies and modest exercises.

  2. Surround ourselves with at least three good active friends with diverse interests so that we are continuously exercising our brain and body.

  3. Have someone special in our life where sharing and caring are the basis of a close friendship or romance.

A great way to achieve all of the above is over 50 dating. Instead, many aging people look to their senior years with fear or dread and see it as the start of their decline. It doesn't have to be that way at all anymore. More than any other senior generation before us, we have the means and opportunity to live our Golden years as vibrantly and actively as we wish.

The other good news is that women 50 and older are no longer meek kittens waiting for the alpha male to take the lead when it comes to dating. Today's single senior women, just like men, know what they want and are becoming more assertive about taking their future into their own hands. Mature men are just as apt to be asked out as to be doing the traditional asking out.

The sheer numbers of the expanding senior population makes it more possible than ever to find exactly what over 50 men and women want when it comes to interacting with others of the opposite sex.

As a single senior, what are you looking for? Is it:

  • Friendship with someone of the opposite gender?

  • Romance?

  • Sex in the form of a 'Friend with Benefits?'

  • Love all over again?

For any and all of the above, the over 50 dating scene has never been better. The only question is: Are you ready to have fun again and turn back the dating clock?

Wednesday, January 29, 2014

Curbless Shower Accessible Bathrooms and Senior Independent Living Sunrise Facilities

Assisted Living and its Benefits

Of the many ways we take care of our elderly, the concept of assisted living is one of the most popular. Assisted living offers the best of two worlds for the person served by the system. Independence is at a high while caregivers are available if they should need them. In essence, they are never really alone.

Assisted living facilities are not to be confused with nursing homes. This is a common misnomer. The term assisted living is exactly as it sounds. Facilities provide assistance with what are called ADL's or activities of daily living. This encompasses things such as bathing, eating, dressing and more.

While some assisted living facilities do offer medication assistance as allowed by the state it is located in. Medication assistance can mean anything from preparing the medication to simply reminding the individual that it is time to take it. These facilities do not provide any major medical services, which makes them a whole different type of facility from a nursing home.

The main attraction for assisted living facilities is the individual's independence. The elderly begin to feel that they have lost their independence if they cannot function on their own from day to day. This is where AL facilities play a major role in longevity and quality of life for residents.

The facilities themselves tend to be more attractive to the individual as well as the family. The types of units range from a standalone home to an apartment in a continued care community. However, it is not just the type of residence that appeals to the clients; it is the environment as well.

An environment that allows the individual to live a full life and receive the assistance of staff members only if needed. The staff is always there to watch and step in if they have to. Safety is the major function here. The individual is free to do whatever is available to do at will. Activities are on the schedule and always going on.

All of this freedom mixed with assistance gives the client a feeling of worth, value and security. That goes a long way towards the quality of life for these people. Additionally, the family can rest assured that their loved one is well cared for and happy. Therefore, the benefits are not ONLY for the client.

In the end, all of this needs to be paid for somehow. The usual way is private funding, but there are some exceptions to that rule. Many long-term care insurance policies will cover assisted living expenses if it is licensed. Check your loved one's policy to make sure.

In some states, Medicaid waivers and funds are available to help defer the costs. Check your local statutes and laws governing assisted living. Since AL facilities are regulated at the state level, you will need to check with the state for actual details pertaining to your situation.

The bottom line is that you can place your loved one in a nice assisted living facility. The cost can be deferred by several means and insurance may even cover it. Do a little research and see what your state has to offer. You may be surprised at what you discover.

Facts About Medical Alert Systems for Seniors

As people age, they become more susceptible to a range of health and well-being risks. From the possibility of a heart attack or stroke to the risk of a serious fall or other injury, there are numerous concerns that may arise among seniors and their loved ones. Unfortunately, these concerns sometimes lead to undesirable choices such as moving seniors to assisted living facilities or requiring expensive and possibly intrusive round-the-clock caregiving. One of the most exciting and effective responses to these problems is the medical alert system for seniors. Providing the elderly with a way to get help in the event of an accident or injury even when they're home alone, this type of system may be a wise choice for some families. Medical alert systems aren't perfect, however, and considering some of the most prominent facts about the systems before purchase can make any decision more confident and ultimately successful.

An especially useful feature of modern medical alert systems for seniors is the ease of use they typically afford. Most systems consist simply of a base unit similar to an answering machine; this is plugged into an electrical outlet and a phone line. The only other piece of necessary equipment is the wearable remote that the user can employ to make contact with the base unit, thereby alerting the monitoring service to an emergency. These remotes are usually encased in a small plastic object that can be worn around the neck or wrist, and a button typically functions as the alert mechanism. While this basic system is highly effective if properly used, it's important to note that keeping the remote on at all times is essential; if the button is out of reach, the system won't work, effectively nullifying the system's purpose.

Keeping the remote button on at all times is central to the effective use of a senior medical alert system, but when a user is away from their residence, other safety measures will need to be considered and put into place. The range of a given base unit will vary from one system to the next. While some are limited to a fairly small area, others are intended to reach through every room in a house, as well as some or all of the surrounding grounds. Knowing how far a remote button wearer can venture from the base unit and still be covered is important for making a wise purchasing decision, as is keeping in mind that no system can protect a senior once they've left the service area.

The equipment used in a medical alert system is crucial in determining the system's overall ability to perform as desired. Quality equipment should always be used, and while it may not always be easy to discern which units are more or less proficient, checking whether the equipment meets general standards, including those from the Underwriters Laboratories (UL), can help identify worthwhile models. Just as critical to the success of an alert system, however, is the quality of service that's activated whenever the equipment is actually used.

Medical alert companies may perform the necessary services of an alert system in-house, or they might outsource the service to another company, often in an effort to save money. Buyers should always be aware of whether an offered service is conducted by the same company that sends out equipment and collects payments, as in-house service usually indicates a company is fully committed to providing a quality product. Great services should also offer a range of options to medical alert system users. Sometimes, these services merely route calls to local emergency personnel, which can result in legal problems or may even cause emergency departments to block known alert numbers. When seniors are able to first connect with an alert system operator, they can convey whether they're truly in need of emergency assistance, or would simply like their family member, neighbor, or other pre-arranged contact to be notified.

An especially important fact about medical alert systems is that they're as useful for peace of mind and emotional well-being as they are helpful when accidents actually happen. The stress and worry that seniors and their families may experience when little to no security measures are in place can be exhausting, and may even lead to actual physical symptoms. Choosing a medical alert system wisely and allowing it to take the mind off of possible injuries or other dangerous situations can help family's support independent living and its many benefits without feeling vulnerable or afraid.

Medical alert systems for seniors can be highly effective in providing safety and a sense of comfort to the elderly and their loved ones, but there are many things to know before making a purchase and signing a contract. With the right choices, this method of preserving independence can benefit entire families.

Everyday Zen

Zen can be a difficult concept to understand. Translated by many as meaning "meditation" or "a state of mind", Zen can be perceived as a new understanding on how to live one's life. Demanding persistence, patience and discipline, living a life of Zen everyday is not an easy process but can ultimately prove to be extremely meaningful and worthwhile.

Zen is not a religion. Zen does not tell you what to do. Zen is an approach that has been refined through many years that can be practiced everyday by anyone. The main aim of Zen is to develop self-awareness and an understanding of everything around you. Through the course of one's life, people are conditioned into believing things without thinking about them too deeply. Zen encourages you to release lifelong conditioning and preconceptions and enables you to find a deeper understanding of yourself and reality. Zen frees your mind to live a life of heightened awareness which in turn enriches and improves your daily life experiences.

Achieving complete Zen is known as the process of enlightenment. As mentioned above, it is the process of discovering a new viewpoint on life and discovering ones inner truth. Discovering this complete inner truth comes from persistent practice and getting to know the true you. This can be achieved through daily meditation as well as through trying to live a life of deep respect and compassion for all things around you.

Zen meditation is one of the techniques that have assisted many in the Zen path. Setting time aside daily to meditate aids in allowing one to focus and receive clarity on the world and oneself. This clarity comes with practice and patience and there are numerous meditation techniques that can be used to assist you in this process. It has been mentioned countless times by many how the way one sees the world is often very similar to how one sees oneself.

Consequently, Zen living is to live a life with respect for all living things and can be utilized in every aspect of one's life. Zen deals with the present and things that have practical relevance in one's life and ignores concepts of things that do not have an effect on ones daily experiences. Zen encourages one to live for the moment and to look at things in different ways in order to make them take on more meaning and in turn provide greater enjoyment.

Practiced for thousands of years and an approach that is available to everyone. Zen can either be practiced daily or its ideas can be incorporated into one's lifestyle, to assist in encouraging a more fulfilled and pleasure filled life.

Verbal Abuse in Nursing Homes

The emotional state of a person is an important part of their overall health. If a person does not feel supported or emotionally cared for, their physical health can suffer as well. A large part of that emotional support or abuse can come through verbal affirmation or abuse. Verbal abuse is a very real part of emotional abuse no matter the age of a person.

When a family makes a decision that a nursing home is the best environment for their family member, they do so expecting their loved one to get the physical care and emotional care that they need. If there is negligence in providing either of these forms of care, a person may suffer in this environment. Caretakers should be diligent in providing the necessary care for their patients without threatening or belittling them in any way.

Verbal abuse can consist of a caretaker raising their voice or yelling at any of their residents. This may be done in an attempt to frighten or coerce a person to do something they do not feel comfortable doing. Verbal abuse can also consist of taunting or calling names. Taunting can occur in a number of different forms and can include sexual humiliation as well as public humiliation. These forms of abuse are detrimental to the health of a patient and can be a contributing factor in depression or other emotional conditions. Also, using degrading or derogatory language towards a resident can be considered emotional abuse. Such inexcusable treatment should never be tolerated, and nursing home workers who are responsible for committing these atrocious acts should be held accountable.

If your loved one has suffered emotional abuse linked to verbal abuse, please visit the website of the San Antonio nursing home abuse lawyers at Mayo Injury Lawyers.

What a Pharmacy Technician Does

What Does a Pharmacy Technician Do?

I have been writing articles on why and how to become a pharmacy technician, but some recent feedback has made me realize I left out the obvious. What is it that pharmacy technicians do in a pharmacy? Most people figure they help the pharmacist enter prescriptions and count pills. This is true for an outpatient pharmacy, also called a retail pharmacy, but there are many roles for pharmacy technicians in healthcare. The rest of this article will list different types of pharmacy settings and the roles that pharmacy technicians have in these settings.

Community/Retail Pharmacy:

I have worked retail, and I prefer other settings; however, it is where a large percentage of pharmacy technician jobs are found. What a pharmacy technician can do is determined by the state they work via state laws and rules. In general, technicians cannot provide clinical information to patients or be the final check for prescriptions. In some states, technicians are allowed to provide information on over-the-counter (OTC) medication (ie, medications that do not require a prescription, such as, acetaminophen and ibuprofen). Pharmacy technician tasks include, but are not limited to:

• Collecting patient information (insurance and personal information as needed)
• Entering and processing prescriptions in the computer system
• Filling and selling prescriptions
• Requesting refills from doctor offices for patients
• Compounding medications that are not commercially available
• Ordering medications
• Restocking shelves
• Answering the phone
• Working with insurance companies on approving payment for certain medications
• Maintaining the cash register and conducting accounting functions

Hospital Pharmacy:

There are many different roles for pharmacy technicians in a hospital pharmacy. I know this type of pharmacy best since this is where most of my work has been. The most common are technicians who work in the central pharmacy. In addition we have decentralized techs, sterile compounding techs, billing techs, OR techs, narcotic techs, database techs, automation techs, team lead techs, and buyer techs. These technicians as a whole perform the following tasks, but not limited to:

• Filling new orders, this includes a variety of medications from oral medications to specially prepared sterile compound medications (including chemotherapy meds)
• Answering the phone
• Tubing medications (if the pharmacy has a pneumatic tube station)
• Preparing medications for delivery
• Delivering medications
• Assisting floor pharmacists with medication histories
• Assisting floor pharmacists with IV drip checks
• Handling missing dose calls
• Billing medications where nurse charting does not bill
• Maintaining the pharmacy database
• Restocking operating rooms and anesthesia trays with appropriate medication
• Dispensing and tracking all controlled substances throughout the hospital
• Maintaining automation equipment [automated dispensing cabinets that store medication on nursing units, automatic fill systems (typically called Robot-Rx)]
• Purchasing of all medication and supplies needed in the pharmacy
• Leading and managing the technician workforce, including upkeep of schedules

Long-Term Care Pharmacy:

I have worked at a couple of long-term care pharmacies, and I think it is a great place to be a technician. They typically employee a lot of techs because the work load lends itself to a lot of technician tasks. These pharmacies provide the medication needs for nursing homes, assisted living facilities, and psychiatric facilities. The typical pharmacy is located in a warehouse. It does not have an open pharmacy for people to come to; they receive orders by fax and deliver all medications via couriers or drivers to facilities. The oral medication is filled in blister packs (cards of 30 tabs that are used to provide a 1 month supply of medication), or some other mechanism that provide the facility with an extended amount of medication doses that can be safely and cleanly kept until doses are due. Pharmacy technician tasks include, but are not limited to:

• Filling new and refill orders (different from hospital because of the number of doses provided)
• Processing new order and refills coming through the fax machine
• Order entry of prescriptions and printing of labels for fill techs
• Sterile compounding of medications (although there aren't as many sterile compounded medications as a hospital, there are still enough that most long-term care pharmacies have a few techs specialize in sterile compounding
• Billing medications to homes
• Controlled substance dispensing and documentation
• Ordering medications and supplies
• Restocking medications that are returned that are still suitable for reuse.

Home Infusion Pharmacy:

These pharmacies primarily care for patients that require some form of IV or other non oral medication, and want to receive the therapy at home (hence the name home-infusion). I have also worked in a home-infusion pharmacy. As a tech I had a lot of experience in sterile compounding, and found my self in any position that needed a IV room tech. Pharmacy technician tasks include, but are not limited to:

• Compounding sterile preparations in the clean room
• Preparing supplies associated with sterile medication administration for delivery
• Billing medications delivered to patients home
• Coordinating deliveries of medications with patients
• Entering orders in the pharmacy order entry system

Nuclear Pharmacy:

No, I have not worked in a nuclear pharmacy (I am sure you were staring to think I got around quite a bit, but I have been in pharmacy for about 17 years). I have some friends who work in a nuclear pharmacy. The hours are interesting; they usually come in at about 3 AM and work until about noon. These types of pharmacies make radioactive compounds and they need to be made in a way that when they are delivered to the hospital or clinic administering them, that the dose has degraded to a specific amount. Without going into too much detail, these medications have short half-lives. So they have to time the compounding of the product with the time it takes to deliver the medication and the time the patient is to receive the dose. The job pays well, but as you can imagine, there are not a ton of these positions available. Pharmacy technician tasks include, but are not limited to:

• Preparing radioactive products
• Cleaning and preparing sterile compounding areas
• Entering orders into the pharmacy system
• Coordinating dose due times with deliveries and preparation
• Billing products to hospital or clinic

Health Plans/HMO Pharmacy Group:

I saved this one for last because it is a lot different. Most healthcare plans have a pharmacy department. They manage the pharmacy benefit of the health plan. I have worked with my companies health plan and have spent some time with the pharmacy department. Pharmacy technician tasks include, but are not limited to:

• Answering phone calls and providing support for patients on the pharmacy benefit
• Reviewing prior authorization requests
• Providing support to physicians and drug companies for information requests
• Supporting the pharmacists in the department with database and projects as needed

As you can see, pharmacy technician roles can be very diverse. The best advice I can give you is to figure out what setting you would most like to work in and obtain some experiential hours in that setting. I have found that the type of pharmacy you train in is typically the type of pharmacy you end up working in.

Tuesday, January 28, 2014

How to Find a Suitable Car Accident Attorney?

Law is a complicated field. It has numerous branches and each branch itself has many branches further. One lawyer cannot specialize in dealing with all these branches and hence, they choose only one or two in which they specialize in their careers. Similarly, one branch of law is related to car accidents and a lawyer who deals with this particular field of law can be termed as a car accident attorney. As the name suggests, a car accident attorney deal with cases that involve a car accident in which persons may or may not be injured, but some damage definitely does occur to the automobile. If you are involved in a car accident, you should probably hire a car accident attorney to represent your case to make sure that no harm is brought to you. A competent lawyer will make sure that the damage to your car is paid by the insurance company as well as any other emotional or physical damage that you experienced during the car crash.

Car accidents are frequent; hence at any time the need can arise for you to hire an attorney. For this purpose, let us give you a few tips in this article regarding how you can find yourself a suitable as well as competent lawyer. First of all, when the need arises for you to hire a lawyer, the best place to begin your search is to start from your own social circle. Ask your friends, relatives and other acquaintances for any referrals. It is possible that some of them might have had an experience of hiring and working with an attorney. They can refer you to a few good ones and alongside give you information regarding, how a particular attorney work? What are his work ethics? How cooperative or hard-working he is? Such information can be vital for you to screen your search.

Secondly, you can also look through newspapers to start your search. Phone directories are also a good place to start your search. These sources will help you to make a list of all those attorneys that you think might be worth contacting for further information. Make sure that the attorney you choose to represent must have a strong past record, is highly experienced and has the ability to negotiate powerfully. The successful attorney will be the one who can settle the case without taking it to court. Your lawyer should also be able to avoid the court and must be able to arrive at a settlement without the mess of the court. However, if circumstances do not allow your attorney to keep the case away from court, then he should at least be able to arrive at a settlement at the least possible cost.

Make sure that he is honest in his dealings and openly discusses your case with you. He should keep you updated. If you can find a lawyer who is willing to take payment after winning the lawsuit, that will be a good agreement for you. If he agrees to such terms, make sure that no monetary matters are left unsettled. Whatever terms are agreed upon, make sure that there is written contract that you sign after reviewing it.

Permanent Jobs For People Taking Care Of The Old Folk

With more people than ever surviving well past the ubiquitous three score years and ten (70), it has become apparent that not all of these people will be able to care for themselves full-time. Centers which cater only for older people are many, so this is possibly a good choice for a career. Nursing home jobs are nearly always being advertised and once someone has tried this out, they often go on to get more qualifications to enhance their career. A nursing home job could be just about anything, although the one thing that they have in common is that they will have close contact with the elderly.

Although the doctors and nurses employed by these places will take care of the medical needs of the inhabitants, there are many other positions which have to be filled to make sure that their lives are comfortable. Cleaners and housekeepers will keep the environment in good order while receptionists and social workers will ensure that the guests get all the information that they need. Visitors too will need some guidance and all of these jobs are available for those who just want to work around the older folk.

Nutritionists have a very important role to play of course, since the elderly often have a bad appetite or an inability to take certain foods, it is important that anything they eat is packed with nutrients enough to suffice their daily needs. Making it attractive and tempting too is also an art which should see them wanting to eat whatever is put in front of them. The nutritionist will certainly have a bachelors' degree in dietetics before they get a license to practice so this could take some time to achieve. Clever people start working in a home and study in their spare time so that they can achieve this important goal. Of course, this should make it much easier for them because they will get an insight into what an older person is like.

Social workers, on the other hand, ensure that the person is getting the care and treatment that they should have. Abuse is known to rear its ugly head in some places so the social worker is really an advocate for the elderly. They must have a masters' degree to fill this kind of position but once they have it, the salary is not so bad.

The one thing about working in a place like this is that the older person usually has a lot to impart to the younger generation. Stories of the past are like a living history of where we all came from and can be very interesting if they are given the opportunity to let everyone know.

As long as they are treated like human beings, and not some nuisance that is being kept just until they pass on, these people should be able to live out their lives peacefully and comfortably. With the help of all the ancillary workers, they should now be treated with respect for the last days of their lives.

Assisted Living - Why it is So Popular With Seniors?

As we age into our golden years, we face a bit of a quandary. As much as we hate to admit it, we could use some help with some basic daily tasks. At the same time, we want to maintain our independence as much as possible. More and more people are finding that assisted living is a great option because it allows both of these goals to be met.

What Is Assisted Living?

Assisted living is a compromise between completely independent living and a nursing home. It is designed to provide seniors with help with daily tasks like meals and cleaning, while allowing them their total independence when it comes to daily tasks and such. Although different facilities offer different services, most assisted living facilities do not offer medical care.

Assisted living is by far the most popular senior housing option. Why is this? Well, think the issue through. Most people prefer to live independent and do so. As we age, we might need help with a few things, but it is fairly rare that we suddenly need help with everything! This is where assisted living comes in. We don't have to worry about making meals. We don't have to worry about keeping our living area clean and so on. The staff of the assisted living facility takes care of those annoying issues.

Another reason assisted living is popular has to do with the people occupying the communities. Simply put, they are all seniors who are active. It is not a gathering of really sick people one finds in a nursing home. This collection of active individuals of the same general age gives us chances to meet others with similar attitudes and the same interests. For many seniors, moving into an assisted living facility is one of the best things that can happen to them.

For the longest period of time, the only real option for seniors was to transition from independent living to a nursing home. That constituted a major change in lifestyle and was one reason many seniors viewed nursing homes with such despair. Fortunately, assisted living has created a transition between the two and today provides seniors with a housing option that not only meets their needs, but represents an idyllic living situation in many cases.

Reasons to Pursue Senior Home Care

There are plenty of reasons why an individual might want to consider senior home care. Senior home care is something that makes growing old a lot easier than it might be otherwise. The sad fact of the matter, however, is that many people will avoid implementing senior home care into their lives because they don't want to spend the money. This is simply not the way to go, and can make living a comfortable lifestyle very difficult. Fortunately, there are a variety of reasons why considering senior health care might be a good idea, with the following being just a few examples.

Senior home care provides individuals who are looking to grow old with all of the dignity that they deserve. Dignity is something that doesn't come easy, and is typically not part of living in a nursing home. When one gets to age in their own environment, however, they typically are provided with much more dignity than they might have otherwise.

Hospital care can be very expensive for seniors; especially those who are not in very good health. In order to prevent the need for hospitalization, seniors should make all the attempts possible in order to keep home health care as an option. This is a great way to live in an environment that is comfortable, which can keep hospitalization at bay.

People who are growing old need to live in an environment that is exceptionally comfortable. The sad fact of the matter, however, is that most nursing homes simply aren't very comfortable to live in. Living at home, however, is considered by most people to be exceptionally comfortable, and should not be avoided.

Aging is something that requires one to have their schedules tailored specifically to their own needs, and this never happens in nursing homes. In home care, however, this happens all the time, and can be very effective at keeping someone alive for a long time. As a result, home care is the answer when it comes to choosing the best individually tailored program.

Professionals can be very important when it comes to keeping someone in good health for a long time, and this doesn't often come from living in a situation where nursing homes exist. Avoid nursing homes; go with home health care.

Family stress is a huge deal that no one ever wants to deal with. This always occurs when people grow old, however. You can avoid this type of stress by simply going with home health care, which can save your whole family a lot of stress.

The information outlined above is all you should need to understand that senior health care is the best way to grow old. Avoid nursing homes; go with senior home care today.

Successful Careers To Be Had In Nursing Home Facilities

Many people these days want more from their jobs than just an adequate pay check at the end of the month. Indeed, they are usually looking for a rewarding career which lets them look forward to going to work instead of dreading walking through the door. For these people, nursing home jobs may be the answer. A nursing home job allows people to interact with the older folk while catering for their needs. If they do not have older relatives, this may be a need that has gone unfulfilled until now.

Since these places are becoming more common, it will certainly give the worker a confidence that their position is long-term. With any long-term career, most people want to feel that they can progress up the ladder so that not only do they succeed in this chosen profession, they also get to earn better as they go along too.

These days, the general public is living far long than our forefathers did. Just one or two generations back adults would often pass away before they reached fifty. Now though, with better food, education and health care, people are far more likely to reach their seventies and well beyond in some cases.

It would seem then that we have a whole different approach to old age than we used to. No longer do we see old age as a time to sit with slippers in front of a fire. These days, people are far more likely to be fit and agile individuals who go on adventure holidays around the world. Unfortunately though, there are those who have illnesses or infirmities which precludes them from this kind of life.

These people often have to reside in a place where others can help them with their daily routines because they cannot do this for themselves. Medicines and health care also has to be sorted out for them and it is this growing number of people who have a new careers blossoming for those in the caring professions.

Since doctors and nurses take care of the medical aspect of their treatment, it is obvious that they need help in other departments. They may need a help in washing themselves or visiting the bathroom etc which some find a little difficult to cope with. However, those who want to help normally have that kind of demeanor which allows the older person to still keep some dignity while they are doing what is necessary to us all.

It is not only hands on care though, where careers are blossoming. There are many positions which have to be filled in these places. Everything from cooks to cleaners, caretakers to maintenance etc, all have to be done well so that the older person can relax and enjoy the last part of their lives in peace.

Indeed, if anyone has an elderly person at home, this should give a good indication of how these people need a helping hand themselves after helping us all to start our lives as successfully as we have.

Cost Segregation - Pay Yourself or the IRS?

Owners of commercial property and/or leasehold improvements can now legally redirect their Federal and State tax dollars back to their business. The alternative is to give your money to Uncle Sam to be managed...YIKES!! This process, known as cost segregation (A.K.A. cost seg or accelerated depreciation), is available to commercial property owners with holdings over $200k.

Cost seg is an IRS approved tax strategy allowing owners of commercial property to increase their cash flow and decrease their tax liability. A comprehensive study frontloads depreciation deductions into the early years of ownership, thus capitalizing on the time value of money.

A deduction today is always going to be worth more than that same deduction five or ten years from now.

Cost seg is the process of identifying, separating, and reclassifying costs in a commercial building from 39 year (or 27.5 year) property to 5, 7 and 15 year property.

  • For example: The carpeting in a commercial building can be reclassified from 39 year property to 5 year property using cost segregation.

In general, an engineer based study can yield a tax savings of 8%-12% of the cost of any given property. A one million dollar property could yield a tax benefit of $100,000 or more.

So why isn't every owner of commercial property utilizing this tax strategy?

Many property owners are simply unaware of this tax strategy. Every year, thousands of commercial property owners overpay their taxes. Oh, and chances are your accountant is NOT "already doing that for you". A proper cost seg study is comprised of tax law/knowledge and engineering principles (cost estimating, construction, and blueprint comprehension). Most accounting firms do not specialize in this area; however, a good cost segregation company will work hand in hand with the property owner's accounting firm to make the final application of the study a turn key solution. A completed cost segregation study does not replace the important role an accountant plays in preparing tax documentation or determining tax liability.

Who qualifies for a cost segregation study?

Any property owner who has:

  • Purchased or constructed a commercial building or facility after 1986

  • Renovated, remodeled, expanded or restored an existing facility

  • Paid for office or facility leasehold improvements

  • Purchased commercial residential property such as an apartment complex/building

Cost segregation can benefit owners of apartment complexes, assisted living facilities, auto dealerships, banks, casinos, car washes, fitness centers, gas stations, grocery stores, hospitals, hotels, medical facilities (doctors, dentists, etc.), office buildings, storage facilities, restaurants, retail centers and more.

Think of the benefits of cost segregation this way: If you were given a check for a million dollars and had to choose to either cash it now or in 39 years, what would you do? Well, most people would cash it now, because the time value of that money is worth more today than 39 years from now. This is the same idea with cost segregation.

By not doing a cost segregation study, commercial property owners are basically giving the IRS an interest free loan of money they could be using TODAY for their own benefit! They could pay down debt, purchase more property, invest it, or take a vacation. Educate yourself on this tax strategy.

Elderly Care - Support And Assistance

Certainly, it is a noble job to care for the elderly. It is like caring for a little child because you have to make sure that they are always safe and secure. Senior citizens are prone to falls. It is important to follow safety guidelines in order to prevent such accidents. Since it is difficult to care for elderly family members, some families choose to hire someone to care for their relatives. However, it can be a little costly. Truly, the cheapest choice is to open your home to your elderly relatives. All you need is to make some minor house repairs and renovations. If you want to make sure that the remaining days of your loved ones are spend well, you need to make the right adjustments.

You can safety proof your home by setting handrails inside the bathroom. Handrails are very useful to hold the weight of the elderly especially when the bathroom floor is slippery. Linoleum is also highly suggested to avoid slips and falls. Moreover, to make sure that there will be no accidents you can opt to hire a nurse or a caregiver. If you are looking for suggestions and tips on how to care for the elderly, there are several types of elderly care arrangements that you and your family can try. Here are some of them:

Home Care Facilities
In this kind of facility, your elderly relative can spend his or her remaining years together with the people of their age. At home care centers, the management guarantees that your loved ones will only receive personalized care and attention.

Assisted Living Facilities - Nursing Homes
In this kind of facility, nurses and caregivers facilitate the feeding, bathing and dressing of your elderly relative. They also offer support to bedridden individuals. The main difference between home care and nursing homes is the costing or expense. Most rooms in the assisted living facility cost three times than an average room in home care.

Senior Day Care Centers
If you are busy with your day job, you can opt for the nearest Senior Day Care Center in you your area. Your elderly relative can still stay with you during the evening. During the day, you can drop them to the center so that they can attend most the different activities prepared for them by the center's facilitator. Moreover, just like the assisted living facilities and nursing homes, senior day care center also offer physical and social support to senior citizens.

Independent Living Communities
Last but not the least, is the independent living community set up. This type of arrangement is for the energetic and lively type of folks who wish to have a peaceful and comfortable life in health clubs and recreational center. Seldom do they offer medical help or supervision to elderly. Additionally, it usually consists of low maintenance apartments, condominiums, and town houses.

With the above mentioned elderly care options and arrangements, it is important to consider the security and satisfaction of your loved ones. If they are still capable of performing activities of daily living, then you may want to choose a facility where they can still move around and enjoy life. On the other hand, their need for a family and friend support is still very essential.

Monday, January 27, 2014

What Does an EMT Do, and How Much Do They Make?

In desperate situations, EMT's and Paramedics are usually dispatched by way of a 911 operator to the scene where they often work together with police and fire fighters. After they arrive, they rapidly assess the patient's condition while attempting to determine if the individual has any pre-existing medical ailments. Following protocols and guidelines, they offer emergency care and transport the sufferer with to a nearby hospital or medical facility.

EMT's and Paramedics use special equipment, such as backboards, to immobilize patients before placing them on stretchers and securing them inside the ambulance for transport to a hospital. This work is normally carried out in teams. During patient transport, one person drives while the other monitors the patient's vital signs and provides additional care. Some highly trained Paramedics are part of a helicopter's flight crew to quickly transport critically ill or injured patients to hospital trauma centers.

At the medical facility, EMT's and Paramedics help transfer patients towards the emergency department, report their observations and actions to emergency department staff, and may provide additional emergency treatment. After each run, the trip is documented, used supplies are replaced, and equipment is checked. If a transported patient has a contagious disease, the inside of the ambulance is decontaminated and cases are reported to the proper authorities.

EMT's and Paramedics also provide transportation for patients from one medical facility to another, particularly if they work under private ambulance services. Patients often have to be move to a hospital that specializes in treating their injury or illness in order to provide them with long-term care, such as assisted living facilities.

Beyond these general duties, specific responsibilities depend on the degree of qualification and training. The nation's Registry of Emergency Medical Technicians (NREMT) certifies emergency medical providers at four levels: EMT-Basic, EMT-Intermediate 1985, EMT-Intermediate 1999, and Paramedic. In most states, NREMT approved courses are available at community colleges and private training facilities to prepare for certification at all four levels.

Salaries vary with respect to the state and amount of training achieved. The national average salary, including EMT's of all levels, is $33,020 annually. Top earners on this profession earn typically $51,460 a year and up. Additionally, there is a great chance for overtime pay as demand for services is consistently increasing because of the growing and aging US population. No matter the salary, becoming an EMT or Paramedic is a superb way to start a career where you can help make an improvement inside your community and save lives!