Question: How do we encourage patients, and people in general, to have hope without encouraging "false hope" (and quack medicine)? Answer: Omega-3 fish oil use is associated with better cognitive and heart health, as well as improved mood. The Amer. Heart Assoc. recommends people eat fish 2X per week, and the Amer. Psychiatric Assoc. recommends fish oil capsules for people who are depressed.
Question: Can you say more about the UCLA Memory Training programs? Who is involved? How do you assess success? etc. Answer: I think the best way to help people separate hype from hope is to translate the science into every day language so people can grasp the significance and limitations of findings for themselves.
Question: Does training people to use memory enhancing techniques has the same effect on everyday memory as brain training using memory, attention games, etc.? Answer: We have several programs at UCLA - Memory Training is a 4-week program taught by volunteer trainers. Memory Fitness is a 6-week program designed for assisted living facilities. Anyone interested in obtaining an institutional or individual license should visit Also, Dr. Karen Miller published our most recent study performed at Erickson Living in the Am. J. Geriatr. Psyschiatry.
Question: According to, an Edinburgh University study, just published in the journal Nature, "showed that brain cells are genetically different to other cells in the body and are genetically distinct from each other." If this is the case, what might be the implications for brain fitness research and techniques? Answer: I think that in order for people "transfer" their memory techniques to everyday life, they do better if they are provided specific exercises in this method. It depends, Jeanette, on how the cells in the brain differ. Our research has found that new mental activities will stimulate neural circuitry throughout the brain and when people become familiar with a mental task, their brain cells become less active but more efficient.
Question: The current environment in education seems to be on teaching to the test and the focus is on the "average" learner. Do you have any recommendations for maximizing learning potential, specifically memory, in children? This question suggests an important dimension: how do we intervene earlier in life in order to prevent bad events later on? A big part of health promotion. Answer: Lindy, I think that we need to individualize training. A recent study found that when training of working memory in pre-teens was too challenging, there was no improvement in fluid intelligence.
Question: What is the point of brain training for children without deficiencies? Aren't they training their brain everyday at school and in life in general? Answer: Alvaro, I say it is never too early to start training the brain. We tend to wait until people have symptoms. The brain fitness strategies for middle-aged and older adults should be adapted for a younger audience.
Question: What intervention strategies should we be recommending for people earlier in life- beyond individual differences? Answer: Pascale, Yes, young people are training their brains; however, today the average young person spends 11.5 hours each day with technology (computers, smart phones, etc.). That may have a negative effect on important mental skills involving face-to-face communication.
Question: This is fascinating because it's somehow counter-intuitive. Does it mean that physical exercise or social connection is more important than working on the computer (in terms of brain health)? Answer: Alvaro, I suggest a few skills for young people: -specific memory techniques -face-to-face communication skills (eye contact, non-verbal cues during conversation)
Question: What is the neuro evidence that technology actually changes the brain, structurally and/or behaviorally? Answer: I think physical exercise, social connection, and computer skills are all important, but we need to maintain a balance in our lives.
Question: We have less than 15 minutes left. If you have questions, be sure to send them in soon. The MEMORY BIBLE now has been out for a while now. What's the big development or insight you'd point to that's happened recently that readers need to know about? Answer: Our study "Your brain on Google: Patterns of cerebral activation during Internet searching" (American Journal of Geriatric Psychiatry 2009;17:116-126) showed that Internet savvy older adults had significantly greater neural activity searching online compared with internet naive controls. Our follow up of this study showed that after one week of searching, there were significant increases in brain activity in the previously naive subjects.
Question: What mnemonic technique would work for the occasional lapse of recall of a word, a common word that one uses every day? I teach a memory improvement class-mostly seniors-and this is one issue I'm not sure how to approach. Answer: I think that people are concerned not just in improving their memory ability, but also in lowering their risk for developing dementia. Drug development thus far has been disappointing, but some of the lifestyle strategies described in The Memory Bible also appear to delay the onset of dementia symptoms. In "The Alzheimer's Prevention Program" we describe a technique specific for these tip-of-the-tongue memory lapses. It involves writing down clues to the word when you can't think of that word; looking it up later; and then using basic mnemonic techniques to restore the word's place in memory.
Question: what is your opinion on acetyllcarnitene, phosphatidylserine; phosphosterycholine; and coenzyme Q10 as memory or brain enhancment supplements Answer: Michelle, Controlled trials of phosphatidylserine have demonstrated short-term benefits in people with normal aging. I am not aware of similar clinical trial evidence for the other supplements you mention, although they have been found to have antioxidant and other properties that may be brain protective.
Question: Gary, you've worked many years in this field. Let us in on the secret. What do YOU do you, personally, to promote your own brain fitness? Answer: I try to get at least 30 minutes of aerobic conditioning each day; try to minimize my stress by staying connected with family and friends; generally eat a brain healthy diet (fish, fruits, vegetables), and try to balance my online time with my offline time. Which reminds me, I think it is almost time for me to sign off line.
Question: You're right about timing, Gary. Good advice for all of us. We want to thank everyone for participating in today's most interesting session. In particular, we thank Answer for sharing his scientific expertise with our audience. Answer: Thank all of you who participated for you excellent questions.
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