Sunday, June 23, 2013

Nursing Home Abuse

Those that have experienced pain and suffering due to negligence on the part of nursing home employees may be eligible for compensation. A lawsuit may be filed against the staff member or institution responsible for the carelessness. People who file these law suits are not only searching for the money they need for medical bills, but may also wish to prevent future abuse in the assisted living facility. Many of today's medical malpractice suits are related to nursing abuse. The growing number should cause concern to anyone entrusting the care of their loved one to the care of others.

It is important to properly research homes prior to moving a loved one. Things to consider include location, reputation, and services offered. However, it is impossible to ensure that a home will be free of any abuses. Despite the price or reputation of a facility, the staff can still be negligent in their care. It takes the awareness of the residents and their families to recognize any calamities that may be occurring. Some of the many signs that abuse include:

繚 Complaints of residents

繚 Bed sores

繚 Bruises

繚 Broken bones

繚 Infections

繚 Deteriorating facility

繚 Signs of sexual abuse

繚 Mental confusion

People trust nursing homes to take care of their loved ones. Without a nurse or doctor's help, it may cause the elder's heath to deteriorate at a faster rate. There is no reason that the large amount of money people pay for this care should result in the abuse of a loved one. Yet in is a cold hard fact that a large number of medical malpractice cases concern nursing home abuse.

Visit the website of Indianapolis nursing home abuse attorney Hankey Law Office, P.C. for more information on the dangers and legal ramifications of abuse.

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