Monday, June 10, 2013

Red Cross CNA Training Program

If you are searching for CNA certification programs you should know that the American Red Cross offers one of the best and most highly reputed CNA training courses available. If you have a local chapter in your area this would be an excellent program to complete in order to prepare yourself to take the CNA certification exam.

CNA requirements vary from state to state, and the curriculum of the Red Cross CNA training program is designed to meet the specific requirements of the state in which your chapter is located. As a CNA, it is your responsibility to know the regulatory requirements for nursing in the state in which you practice. Training through the Red Cross will give you the peace of mind to know that you are in compliance with all state and federal laws and that your training is 100% accredited.

As the population of the United States continues to age, job opportunities for nurses and nurse assistants will continue to rise to meet the growing demand. The healthcare industry is continually adding jobs for qualified workers, even in a weak economy. There has never been a better time to begin a job as a medical professional.

Training from the Red Cross, which is provided and supervised by registered nurses (RN), will provide you with all of the information you need to know and all of the skills you need to develop in order to become a CNA and work with patients in hospitals, residents in nursing home facilities, and with clients of home care services. You will be able to take your state's CNA certification exam with confidence, knowing that you took one of the best and most complete training programs available.

The cost and the number of hours required to complete Red Cross CNA training varies from state to state. This is due to the fact that the training program must meet state policies governing CNA certification. Some courses can be completed in as few as 120 hours (or about three weeks) while others take more than 250 hours (over six weeks) to finish. The cost of the training program varies from around $500 to over $1500, depending on the length of the course.

The American Red Cross has been a recognized leader in the nursing industry for more than a century. They have been a provider of nurse assistant training for more than twenty years. They offer CNA training at dozens of locations across the country and their training program requires just a few weeks of your time. If you are serious about becoming a CNA, check out the American Red Cross today. You can find the location nearest you through the American Red Cross chapters web site or by using their search form to find your local Red Cross chapter.

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