Saturday, June 22, 2013

The Top 10 Benefits of Getting Old, Including Elderly Care Facilities

Sure death is closer as you age, but once you deal with the reality of that you can start having fun. These 10 benefits make me look forward to my golden years.

1. Elderly Care Facilities: Senior assisted living is a great way to manage when getting older starts to take its toll on your body. Having someone provide your meals and manage your medicines takes the tedium out of aging.

2. Confidence: Ah, youth. It can be exciting for all of the uncertainty, but it can also be jarring and worrisome. Forget about being unconfident and self-conscious -- with age comes a self-righteousness well worth the wait.

3. Wisdom: As if being self assured isn't enough, you also get the benefits of having lived and seen a variety of things young whippersnappers haven't. That makes your experience all the more valuable. Pass it on whenever you get a chance, but because kids have little patience, it may be better to write it down as a memoir, so the future generations can have your stories too.

4. Discounts: From museums to early bird specials, seniors get tons of reduced fares. Take your pick and start enjoying.

5. Free Time: Without working you can easily begin a new hobby and focus on yourself. Try golf -- it's great exercise and it's nice to immerse yourself in nature.

6. Solitude: And speaking of nature, now that you've been around the block, chances are you can finally appreciate what it means to be alone. The quiet and relaxation of listening to birds chirp or streams burble; kids just want to see what's next.

7. Grandkids: The best aspects of having children without the worry of discipline and raising them properly. And with gray hair it's hard to be thought of as foolish, so you can act as silly as you want around kids (or anyone else, for that matter).

8. Mental Strength: As we age, the brain grows stronger, having absorbed more. Philosophizing becomes easier and we don't take knowledge for granted the way young people often do.

9. Freedom: No one can really tell you what to do. You have age on your side, which goes a lot farther than any reasoning or "power."

10. Relaxation: With time to spare we don't have to rush or worry. That means you can breathe deeply and relax. Take a nap or a stroll, do whatever you want! You're retired!

Getting older is natural. Enjoy it as it occurs and you will be able to reflect on your youth without regret.

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