Saturday, November 30, 2013

Nursing Home Abuse - Why is it Happening?

Today, there are approximately 17,000 nursing homes in the United States that house almost 1.6 million residents. According to a troubling report recently released by Congress, nearly one third of these homes, or more than 5,000 in number, have been cited for abuse between 1999 and 2001. Below are the leading 'categories' of abuse.


There have been innumerable reports of physical abuse by residents and their families in recent years. Most times, this abuse comes from staff members who are frustrated for one reason or another. For instance, one resident in particular, Helen Love, was featured on CBS News a few years ago. She told a tale of having her neck and wrist broken by a nursing assistant who was angry with her after she soiled herself. She died two days after the interview. This is all-too-typical of physical nursing home injury problems.


A large percentage, with one estimate stating that more than half, of nursing home residents are admitted with some form of lack of mental capabilities. Examples include Alzheimer's Disease, Parkinson's Disease and senility. These conditions only leave a nursing home resident more vulnerable than others to emotional trauma, and thousands of reports of this type of abuse have pervaded the industry in recent years.


The same 2001 Congressional Report detailed horrible stories of sexual abuse, and cited several examples. The specifics included such acts as molestation during bathing, staff members exposing themselves to residents and all-out rape. These instances were not limited to staff members, either - many reports of sexual abuse accused other residents of such behavior.


The most troubling statistic from the report is that the percentage of nursing homes cited for abuse in the United States rose from just over 5 percent of homes in 1996 to more than 15 percent in the year 2000. Obviously, this is a growing problem that will only get worse as the population ages collectively. If you have suffered from this terrible tragedy, contact a nursing home lawyer as soon as possible.

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