Wednesday, December 4, 2013

Decorating a Room in a Nursing Home

When a person is first placed into a nursing home, they are not going to like it that much. They will complain and want to go home. But there are a few things that family and friends can do to make their new home more appealing.

1. Familiar furnishings always create comfort. Move in an elderly person's favorite chair and they will immediately feel better. Adding knickknacks and pictures of family members will bring back more pleasant memories. Many nursing homes will allow families to redecorate a room in order to make a person feel more at home.

2. Curtains and rugs are other items that will make the room feel more inviting. If the person is sharing a room with another resident, decorate their side of the room only.

3. Blankets and other heirlooms that have been in the family for a long time are a way to bring back the past in order to help the person deal with the present.

Moving into a nursing home can be a traumatic experience for an elderly person. Try to find ways to make the nursing home fee more like home. If the person is allowed to keep a small refrigerator in their room, put their favorite snacks and drinks in there or give these items to the nursing staff and them to serve it to the person during snack time.

Giving an elderly person items that they recognize and food that they like will help make the transition a little easier. No one like being in a new place, so try to make it as easy as possible.

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