Monday, December 9, 2013

The Assisted Living Option For Seniors

The demographic studies provide a clear picture of our population. The simple fact is a majority of the population is aging quickly and beginning to fall into the category of seniors. As this demographic evolution continues, assisted living is becoming a popular residential option.

What is assisted living? It is independent living for seniors, but with a little help with the basic needs they have every day. This typically includes a couple meals a day, monitoring for general health and well being as well as housekeeping and personal care. These are generally known as "ADLs", which refer to activities of daily living. Assisted living does not include the providing of medical care for the senior in question.

The living arrangements for assisted living can vary a surprising amount. They can be as simple as a room shared with another senior to a suite with a kitchen in it. Regardless, the room tends to be smaller than one would expect if you were to just rent an apartment. It also comes equipped with many safety features such as hand rails in the shower and along walls.

Assisted living should not be confused with independent living. Independent living for seniors involves a senior only community. Independent living provides no assistance on a daily basis, whereas assisted living does. The assistance with some of the basic daily needs can make all the difference in the world.

What are the benefits of assisted living? It provides a very normal daily life so a person can feel independent. At the same time, the daily activities that become difficult when people age are taken care of, which provides less stress and more freedom. Essentially, assisted living is the half way point between no assistance and full nursing home assistance.

To this end, most seniors report one huge advantage to assisted living - the meals. Assisted living usually provides at least two meals a day and sometimes more. Seniors universally list this as a huge benefit because it takes the burden of shopping for food and cooking meals off of there...well, plate.

On the other end of the scale, we have the disadvantages of assisted living. There are two. The first is price. Depending on the area of the country, the cost can range widely from a couple thousand dollars a month to fifteen grand for pure luxury. This often has to be paid for personally. Some long-term care policies will cover it as well. Various states have individual programs that can help as well.

Assisted living is very popular these days because it fills a need. Most seniors do not need the full care found in a nursing home, but could use a bit of assistance with the typical needs of daily life.

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