Friday, January 10, 2014

How to Choose an Assisted Living Facility If Signs Tell Your Loved One Needs It

Sometimes it's never easy to tell whether your loved one needs assisted living or not, so how do you determine it's the right time for it? Here are some signs to tell if your mother for instance has to live in an assisted shelter.

• She finds it hard to go shopping or cooking for food. Check her refrigerator. Is it empty or filled with food?

• You can find some bruises on her skin although she tries to cover them up. This may become a sign of balancing problems. Your mother might have been falling on the floor often.

• You can notice her wearing the same sleeping clothes you saw the other night. It could mean that cleaning the laundry or bathing is so hard for her.

• The garden or the yard is so dirty. She might have been having problems about moving around the house.

• She often forgets about her appointments like going to the doctor. For this reason, she may have also been forgetting about taking her medications or supplements. This could be a sign of memory loss.

• Your parent seems so depressed. This is very common for old people who live alone.

• You may notice a change in her behavior. For instance, she may wear a dress that isn't suitable for the current weather condition. She could be confused.

If you see any or all these signs mentioned above, indeed your mother or loved one needs assisted living. What are the characteristics of the right facility your parent or loved one actually needs?

1. Certified and licensed. Every state has their set of rules and regulations when it comes to facilities like an assisted living home. Choose the one that is licensed to operate and offer services to the elderly.

2. Clean and sanitized environment. Go for a well-maintained and clean facility. This will help you choose the right facility which will provide the perfect place for assisted living to your loved one.

3. Friendly staffs. When you visit the facility, do you feel at home? Do you think your mother for instance would enjoy her life here? Do you feel that workers in the facility are accommodating and polite?

4. Licensed staffs. Of course, an assisted living shall employ health workers to work in the facility to provide the elderly the healthcare they need especially if they need assistance in taking their medicines or if they have special health concerns.

5. Established in the industry. Choosing a reputable assisted living facility is big help for your loved one because you can ensure that she would be properly taken care of. You can also depend on their skills and experience in the industry to provide assisted living services to your loved one.

There you have it-the steps to find the right assisted living facility for your loved one when you have finally concluded that he or she needs this type of service based from the signs you first discovered.

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