In the province of Manitoba there is no authorization or screening required to operate an Assisted Living facility or community. They are privately owned facilities and are not licensed or government regulated. The Manitoba Home Care Program provides professional services to Assisted Living residents based upon their individual eligibility.
Manitoba Home Care
The Manitoba Home Care Program is the oldest program of its kind in Canada and was established in September 1974. In 2009 - 10 Home Care provided services to more than 35,000 individuals in Manitoba, most being seniors. The Regional Health Authorities (RHAs) are responsible for Home Care operations in each of the eleven regions covering the province of Manitoba.
Healthy Living
The Manitoba Government's 'Department of Healthy Living, Youth and Seniors' focus is on wellness and illness prevention. In partnership with the communities, the schools and the workplaces in the province, the Healthy Living department promotes health and wellness in every stage of life from infants to seniors and their goal is that healthy choices are easier and more accessible to everyone. The Minister of the Department of Healthy Living, Jim Rondeau is dedicated to the goals and initiatives that his department supports.
Seniors and Healthy Aging
Seniors and Healthy Aging is a part of the Department of Healthy Living, Youth and Seniors. The Seniors and Healthy Aging Secretariat acts as a point of contact to seniors and organizations ensuring that government policies and programs reflect the needs of Manitoba seniors. The Secretariat works to promote independence, health and well being to older Manitoba residents by being a source of information and providing research support to the Manitoba Council on Aging and an advisory body to the Minister of Healthy Living.
The Manitoba Council on Aging
The Manitoba Council on Aging is an advisory body to the Minister of Healthy Living, Youth and Seniors. It is the responsibility of the Council to ensure that the seniors' perspective is provided and reflected in government policies and programs that relate directly to seniors. A complete description of the roles and responsibilities of the Manitoba Council on Aging can be found on the Manitoba Government Website.
Age-Friendly Manitoba Initiative
Another important initiative is the Age-Friendly Manitoba Initiative led by the Seniors and Healthy Aging Secretariat. The Initiative works to create environments that value their seniors within the communities of Manitoba. Their mission statement is built around community values including celebrating the diversity of all Manitoba residents and to make Manitoba the most age-friendly province in Canada. The goals and resources of Age-Friendly Manitoba are explained in greater detail on their website.
Finding Assisted Living Communities in Manitoba
The definition of Assisted Living in Manitoba is similar to that of the other Canadian provinces. Assisted Living facilities combine independent living with services such as housekeeping, laundry, transportation and meals and are customized according to the requirements or needs of the individual. The Manitoba government does not subsidize daily fees for living in an Assisted Living facility or community but seniors may qualify for Home Care Services or the Manitoba Shelter Benefit Program.
Homestead Manitoba
Homestead Manitoba is one example of Assisted Living in Manitoba. They have been established in Manitoba since 2003 and they take great pride in providing the best possible services to their residents. Their communities include Kildonan House in North Kildonan, MB, Sterling House in Winnipeg, Dakota House located in the heart of St.Vital, MB, and Devonshire House in Winnipeg.
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