Monday, April 1, 2013

5 In-Demand Jobs In America - Weather The Outsourcing Trend

In America, as elsewhere around the globe, the trend to outsource business processes is on the uptrend as more and more companies look at cheaper labor costs as a means to reduce overhead and remain competitive. Economists predict that millions of job positions previously available to the American labor market may soon be shifted overseas to countries whose labor forces command definitely cheaper prices as against the American workforce.

It will be prudent for you to look at more stable jobs that can weather this outsourcing trend. Here are five of those careers you might want to consider if you're looking for more stable employment and career path.

Careers in medicine and health care

Nurses and medical assistants remain secure in employment in the health care profession. These jobs are even being manned with foreign, expatriate workers as the local supply cannot meet the demand. Figures from the Department of Labor show a consistent growth in these careers within the next decade. Local hospitals and clinics are still a long way from outsourcing their nurses and medical assistants so you are sure of a place to work when you finish your nursing degree or medical assistance training.

Would-be-nurses can readily finish their degrees through online and on-campus education and training in as short a time as less than two years. Massage therapists, another line of medical workers, are also not being outsourced for obvious need-to-be in-touch reasons.

Careers in sales and marketing

American salesmen and marketing men are also secure in their field. Sales in various fields including the medical profession through medical sales representatives remain sourced from local employees. Outsourcing of these sales jobs is still far off into the future.

It helps if you have a solid bachelor's or master's degree in business or marketing for you to enjoy better wages. Of course, if you are the natural salesman, even an undergrad background can land you a lucrative sales job nonetheless.


The teaching profession is likewise safe from outsourcing their teachers. Even while the influx of foreign teachers continues, the demand remains high for teachers at local educational institutions. Every year more and more Americans are going to school and more and more teaching jobs are becoming available.

You need to get appropriate elementary or secondary education degrees and experience to land fatter paychecks in teaching. As you gain experience and clout, you can aspire for principal or administrator jobs that pay more.

Careers in banking and finance

Another field that is less outsourced, if not at all, is investment banking; so is insurance. Banking on these finance careers to give you a steady stream of income for the next decade or so will be good investment indeed as the banking and finance industry continue to rely on local professionals rather than outsource.

And wouldn't you know it? A career as a video-gamer

While game animation may be outsourced from cheaper overseas labor, developers and designers of video games remain in high demand in America. Trends show that technical expertise in this field will continue to weather the outsourcing trend as labor stats show.

Software developers and programmers can enjoy relative security as they go into video-gaming careers.

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