Friday, April 5, 2013

How The Wall Clock Hidden Spy Camera Can Save Mom

Elder abuse in nursing homes and assisted living facilities are becoming a real problem in the United States. The whole issue was brought up front this past week when a childhood favorite of many seniors, Mickey Rooney, appeared before a Senate subcommittee on aging.

He testified about some of his own personal experiences as it related to family members taking advantage of his inability to cope as he got older. It always helps when a celebrity speaks out about an issue that sometimes they can do more good in one session before Congress than all the reports and studies in the world.

At the same time that he was testifying the General Accountability Office, or GAO, released a new report about abuse of our elders. The report showed that 14 percent of elders who aren't living in nursing homes and assisted-living facilities have been abused in some way. That's bad enough but the report goes on to claim that 84 percent of all abuses are never even reported.

With 13 percent of the population in the year 2008 over age 65, the demand for professional care of our senior citizens is growing. It is estimated that by the year 2030 nearly 20 percent of our population will be older than 65. Nearly 30,000 seniors a month now start qualifying for Social Security.

It's a very serious issue and one that needs to be dealt with. Most people cannot afford a nursing home or assisted care facility so home healthcare is about the only option.

There are many types of abuse from physical abuse, sexual, financial and mental abuse all of which play into the problem. There is the problem itself and then all the family dynamics that enter into it. Throw in dementia and Alzheimer's and you have yourself a real mess.

One of the best ways to detect elder abuse in a home healthcare setting is with a hidden spy camera.

Place a board camera inside an object that people don't think twice about seeing and you have a spy camera. One of the most effective spy cameras is the wall clock. It looks just like a regular quartz wall clock and can be placed just about anywhere in a home, office or business.

For a home healthcare setting I would recommend the wall clock model that has a built-in DVR. It is the easiest to use and will detect any wrongdoing on the part of a home healthcare giver. No one could tell that they are being recorded.

The wall clock hidden security camera can indeed save mom.

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