Saturday, May 11, 2013

Broken Bones and Elderly Adults

Breaking a bone can be a traumatic experience at any age, but the health concerns are often far greater when an elderly adult breaks a bone. The ability of an elderly adult to heal from a broken bone may not be nearly as great as that of a younger person. Often, accidents that result in broken bones are avoidable. This is especially true if a caretaker's negligence results in a broken bone or other serious injury. These situations cannot be overlooked or taken lightly because of the real impact that this type of injury can have on the health of an elderly adult.

Broken bones are a serious concern for many adults living in nursing home facilities. Often these homes do not properly facilitate preventative health practices like proper exercise and diet that could protect a resident against injury. Proper diet and exercise are crucial for muscle strength and bone strength at any age.

If a caretaker is negligent or even abusive in how they provide for the clients in their care, their inattention could result in painful injuries. Also, if a caretaker is not attentive or observant in their care of an elderly adult, accidents can occur. Even a low-level drop or fall can cause serious bone damage for a nursing home resident. If a caretaker fails to properly supervise his or her clients, he or she may not be able to stop a preventable accident.

Broken bones can be a serious health concern for elderly adults in nursing home facilities. If your loved one has been the victim of one of these accidents due to caretaker negligence, he or she may be able to secure compensation for his or her unnecessary and avoidable pain and suffering.

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