Friday, May 10, 2013

Top Ten Tips for Creating a Spectacular Activity Calendar

Creating a monthly calendar of activities can be a daunting responsibility of the Recreation Director. Coming up with original ideas, scheduling the right date, time, and location, and somehow, trying to fit it all into those little boxes so that it is legible and attractive, is not an easy task! It can be very difficult to create a well-balanced program of activities that meets the needs and interests of the population you serve. The following are some tips to help you develop your monthly calendars.

1.Conduct a Population Analysis and a Calendar Analysis on a regular basis. Compare the findings to ensure that the calendar is well-balanced and appropriate for the current population. These important forms can be purchased as part of the Recreation Department Review Manual developed Re-Creative Resources Inc.

2.You should try not to have the same activity domain back to back. For example: 10:00am Exercise 10:30am Trivia rather than 10:00am Exercise 10:30am Bowling

3.Keep the titles of the activities simple and easy to understand. Quite often, we create these fabulous names that do not clearly define the activity.

4.Don't wait until the last few days of the month to plan the next month's calendar. You should be planning your calendar months in advance-at least the special events, entertainers and such. Many Recreation Directors even schedule entertainment in January for the entire year!

5.Every facility or agency is different and the ways in which Recreation Directors create and display calendars is unique. There is more than one way to skin a cat and calendar development is really up to the creator. The primary concern is that the calendar reflects the needs and interests of the population. Style, format, color, font, etc. vary. Just be sure that the calendar can be read, understood and that it is not too intricate or over-stimulating.

6.Proofread the calendar for typing, grammar and spelling errors as well as times, locations, etc. The calendars must be presented in a professional manner.

7.Think THEME. I believe that themes are a great way to add fun and pizzazz to the Activity Calendar. Themes are very easy to incorporate and keep the activity program interesting and educational. For theme-related activities think about the following:

•Physical activity such as exercise and/or physical game
•Cognitive activity such as discussion, word game and/or trivia
•Educational activity such as discussion, educational videos, guest speaker
•Sensory-incorporating all 6 senses
•Creative activities such as music, writing, arts and crafts
•Food-related activities such as cooking, socials, etc.

8.Calendars can be created using many different programs or software. Whether you use Microsoft Word, Publisher, or special calendar creator programs, is up to you.

9.Create a calendar template to use as a guide. The first column is the general template and the 2nd column is the specific calendar of activities. Use a list of activities to guide you. Download your free list of activities.

10.Involve others in the calendars planning process. This is not a job solely for the Activity Director. Talk to the residents, activity staff or other people who may have invaluable input into creating a well-balanced, fantastic, activity calendar that is easy to understand and read and reflects the true interests and needs of the residents in the facility.


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