Thursday, December 26, 2013

Information On Licensed Practical Nurses

The home health care providers are not really full nurses. These are usually nurse's aides or LPN, i.e., Licensed Practical Nurses. These nurses deal with the entire health care arena and usually do not specialize in any particular field. They provide medical assistance to the patients that suffer from chronic illnesses, long healing and recuperating terms or are just too old to take care of themselves. Most homes comprise at least one of the above cited members in their family and not all family are capable of providing the much needed health care on their won. They need someone to rely on - someone whose job and training entail specifically just that. That is where the LPNs come in.

These nurses are generally restricted to provide care for patients in their own home but are now being employed by hospitals and other health care institutions. They can carry out all the duties of the regular nurses without needing to undergo further training.

They are generally of two main types when it comes to home care - full-time and part-time. The part-time ones have specific work hours scheduled during which they are required to carry out the care of the patient. In most homes, other members of the family willingly and happily care for the patient but because of school or work restraints cannot be there all 24 hours in the day. Therefore, the nurse is hired for those hours that there is no one at home.

In the case of the full-time ones there is no fixed time that they are allocated to carry out their duties. They are usually present 24 hours a day, 7 days a week. In fact, they live in the same house as the patient so that they can be called upon at any hour. They are generally required not just for convenience but also because most of the times the patient requires specialized medical care which is not possible to be carried out by an untrained member of the family.

These LPNs work with diligence and complete professionalism and are therefore quite sought after. They are also extremely helpful in case of any medical emergency because they are trained to carry out emergency procedures. Their skill, training and years of training can be very helpful to the patient and his or her care and comfort is made top priority!

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