Tuesday, December 24, 2013

The Stair Lift and The Benefits It Can Bring

If you're thinking about putting in a stair lift for the disabled or elderly person in your life, there are few better choices you can make. If you are considering one for yourself, so much the better! As we get older, it gets increasingly difficult to tackle that long flight of steps. More importantly, however, it can present a danger. Seniors are seriously injured by falls each year; it represents one of the greatest threats to living a healthy life in the golden years. Adding a second floor to the equation just adds that much more danger. No one wants to leave his or her familiar home because of decreased mobility. Putting in an assistive device such as this can stave off that possibility.

If freedom were no issue, those who were disabled or otherwise mobility-challenged would never have a problem with giving up their house and moving in with relatives or into a nursing home. Of course, this is hardly the case. Those with no concept of being forced with the choice may think that living in an assisted living environment sounds like a good time. No responsibilities, no mortgage, etc. But when the price is your freedom and independence, that choice doesn't sound quite so idyllic. By putting in a stair lift, you can retain that freedom you are so reluctant to give up.

Life can change in an instant when anyone north of 65 or 70 falls to the ground. This is true even when the fall is relatively minor. A fall that someone of 30 wouldn't even remember the next day can put a senior in the hospital. Now, imagine what such a fall would mean if it happened in the middle of the staircase. It is not an exaggeration to say that it could carry serious consequences, including death. This isn't an issue worth taking chances with. Putting in a stair lift removes that danger from your home and gives you a better chance at enjoying a full and healthy retirement.

OK, so maybe you aren't particularly concerned about taking a nasty spill. Maybe you just find it harder each day to summon the energy to climb those steps. You begin moving necessary belongings to the first floor, just to cut down on the number of times you have to make the trek. If this describes your life, you might be ready for a stair lift to make things easier on yourself. You don't have to be immobile to enjoy the benefits of this technology, after all. If you just need something to take some of the strain off your muscles and joints, there are few better choices.

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