Thursday, August 29, 2013

Assisted Living Communities Help Baby Boomers Get The Extra Care They Require

In the 21st century, the number of assisted living communities being built is on the rise. This is a really good thing because every year, as more and more baby boomers retire; the need for this kind of intermediate care facility is growing.

It used to be that the only care option when you retired was retirement home. These were also called nursing homes, but they used to be the kind of place where nobody ever got nursed back to good health. They were simply places where the seniors were sent. Kind of like boarding schools, except nobody got to go home on spring break.

Those days are behind us now and today's nursing homes are a much different type of place. Full of people who are very dedicated to caring for the senior population. That is a fabulous improvement.

Another improvement has been the establishment of other types of retirement communities besides nursing homes. There are active adult communities where all the people who live there are very active and spend a lot of time playing golf or swimming or otherwise living very active lives.

And in the middle between the round the clock kind of care in a nursing home and one of the senior retirement communities are the assisted living communities for seniors. These places are for people who just need a little help with the things they need to do during the day.

According to some sources, the residents of assisted living facilities need help with an average of 3 activities of daily living during the day. These might include things like help getting washed and dressed in the morning, or having meals prepared, getting assistance with cleaning the house or even having medications administered.

Nothing too serious, just a little help with getting some important things taken care of. Usually the assisted living places have residents that are a little bit older than the average baby boomer, but this is not a rule by any stretch of the imagination. Residence in one of these places is based solely on the amount of care that you need.

If you or your loved ones are baby boomers, age 55 or so, and need some help with the daily morning routine, washing up, and getting dressed for the day, but don't really need constant supervision, then it could very well be that living in one of the many fine and modern assisted living communities might suit you perfectly.

Take a couple of minutes to visit some websites and find out more about assisted living. It might prove to be the ideal sort of residential arrangement.

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