Monday, August 26, 2013

Using Social Networking to Find a Senior Care Job

These days, the job market is more fiercely competitive than ever - and decent jobs aren't all that easy to find. Things are quite a lot easier for those who are looking for senior care jobs, but tracking down the right assisted living jobs still requires a bit of creativity and finesse. Putting as many different resources to work for you as possible is one of the best ways to track down the nursing home job that's right for you; social networking websites are something that every serious job hunter should use. Learn more about using social networking sites to find nursing home administrator jobs by reading on below.

Connect Through Facebook - It seems like everyone has a profile on Facebook nowadays. The site has become a valuable tool for connecting with others. As you search for a nursing home job, browse around on Facebook to make some important connections. Let your existing network know that you're seeking an RN job or another job in the field and ask them to pass your name along to others. You never know - you might just hit pay dirt!

Use Twitter to Spread the Word - Although you are limited to 140 characters or less, Twitter can be a savvy way to spread the word about your job search. Post your resume online, then use Twitter to send a link to it out to the world at large. Use hashtags and targeted keywords that relate to assisted living jobs; you might pique the interest of a human resources manager somewhere. Remember, if you post your resume on a non-secure site, make sure your email address is in a format where it won't get a lot of spam like changing the @ symbol to text - i.e. name -at-

Get Active on LinkedIn - Anyone who's searching for senior care jobs without an active LinkedIn profile is missing out on a lot of valuable opportunities. Create and maintain a current LinkedIn profile; try to connect with as many people within the industry as you can. The larger your network is, the easier it will be to find the RN job of your dreams.

Interact on Senior Care Blogs - There is a plethora of blogs out there that relate to the senior care industry in some way. Look for the most active ones and get in on the conversations that are happening there. Include a link to your LinkedIn, Twitter and Facebook profiles in your signature and you might just attract some interest.

Get Involved with Online Industry Networks and Associations - Track down reputable online networks or associations, like the National Senior Living Providers Network, and use them as social networking resources. It's just one more way to get your name out there, and it's another savvy way to make additional connections on other social networking websites. The more connected you are, the easier it will be to find topnotch nursing home administrator jobs and other senior care opportunities!

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