Saturday, August 31, 2013

Laid Off and Loving It - How to Recover From Job Loss

After a 30 year career in the airline industry, I was told I was no longer needed. As a baby boomer, this was a very scary situation. I immediately accepted another job, and even though it was an excellent job and the pay was considerably more than with the Airline, I found that I just did not want to leave my future in the hands of others. I started a journey of learning how others had found financial freedom and independence by working from home.

Of course not everyone will choose my path, but I truly believe what is required is the same, regardless of the choice to change careers or to become an entrepreneur. I learned some valuable information that assisted me in becoming an Entrepreneur and living a life of freedom without an employer. I would like to share some of these lessons with you today.

When we find ourselves at a crossroad, sometimes we realize we had nothing to do with the destination. Life truly does "happen" but it is how we respond that is important. Especially when something like a lay-off or a firing or even being fired can be something that brings up a host of negative emotion, It is important to respond from the inner self, not from fear, disbelief, anger, or any negative feelings.

It is very important to realize things truly do happen for a reason and when the response is not in the proper framework then the door to greater things may not appear for you. You must have an open mind and be alert to the opportunities available.

In addition to being open minded, it is hugely important to accept the responsibility for where you are. You probably did not ask to be fired or laid off, but you DID make decisions which put you where you were and opened the door for the end result.

Once you have accepted responsibility then take a very long look at what you truly want to have. If it is another job, then you must know exactly what job you want. You must be able to see yourself in that position, see yourself going to the job and being at the job.

Take time to develop and get personally involved in your goals. You must get very excited about what you want to create. And, if you cannot get emotional and excited about something, YOU WILL NEVER HAVE IT! So take the time to decide what you want and make it something very exciting.

Another very important component is the decision to have what you desire. Making a decision is nothing to take lightly. When you make a REAL decision, all other options are off the table. The only option is the goal. But you must make a decision to have what you truly want. It is not necessary to "try" to figure out how to have it, it is only important at this point to make the decision to have it.

I have only briefly covered these concepts today, but would very much recommend you continue to research these methods. Life truly can be exceptional, regardless of what your past holds. But when you apply these simple concepts along with others, you might be amazed at what happens in your life.

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