Saturday, February 23, 2013

The Dangers of Working in Senior Care

Like most other jobs, there are dangers associated with senior care jobs. Before applying for assisted living jobs, it pays to be aware of all of the associated pros and cons - and danger is one of the things that you have to be realistic about. While the dangers that go along with most nursing home jobs aren't excessive, you should be prepared to deal with them. With sufficient preparation and training, you should also be able to avoid them most of the time. Read on below to learn more about the dangers of home care jobs and other jobs the assisted living field.

Needle Sticks - When you're training for an RN job, one thing that is going to be emphasized is needle safety. Most senior care jobs involve the use of needles from time to time. Despite your very best efforts, occasional mishaps can occur. It is imperative to always be conscientious about using needles. Put the best safety practices to work for you so that you don't inadvertently stick yourself and end up in the clinic yourself.

Communicable Diseases - Surprisingly enough, assisted living jobs share one major thing in common with daycare jobs: communicable diseases. Due to the close quarters that people live in at an assisted living facility, it's easy for communicable diseases like H1N1 to spread like wildfire. While frail elderly patients are the most at risk, perfectly healthy individuals are too - especially when they don't protect themselves adequately. Hand washing is the number one way to avoid communicable diseases, so get into the habit right off the bat.

Back Injuries - A lot of heavy lifting is involved with an RN job at a nursing home. After all, you are charged with helping your patients get around. Sometimes, that means that you must hoist them, lift them or provide support to them as they walk. It's not unusual at all, then, for those who work nursing home jobs to end up with back injuries. Make sure to study up on tips and tricks for avoiding back injuries prior to beginning any type of assisted living job.

Combative Patients - When working home care jobs and other senior care jobs, you're bound to come into contact with a fair amount of patients who have dementia. Such patients can be highly unpredictable and combative; all too often, senior care personnel end up in the cross hairs. You should always be as prepared for the unpredictable as possible - and expect the unexpected at all times.

While there are many definite dangers associated with working nursing home jobs, the vast majority of employees find that the benefits far outweigh the risks. By being aware of the dangers, though, you're a lot more likely to have a positive experience in the senior care field.

Long Term Care Options Using Hybrid Policies

Presently 60% of those over 65 will need long term care at some point. Nursing home care averages $200/day or $73,000/year. Assisted living averages $35,000/year. And unskilled home care generally starts at $15/hour.

Long term care insurance is designed to bridge the gap where Medicare or private insurance ends. But it can be expensive and it is difficult to estimate how much you will need. Or whether you will use it at all.

Enter the Hybrid

Blended or hybrid insurance products are now on the market from reliable companies. These offer life insurance and annuities combined with long term care benefits. So if you need the LTC benefits they are available, but if not the annuity or life benefits can be tapped or passed to heirs.

Some Considerations

Look carefully at the details of these hybrid policies as compared with traditional LTC policies. They will likely have larger up-front costs which should be balanced against simply purchasing a smaller LTC policy along with a separate annuity product that will give you guaranteed payouts starting at age 65.

Also look at whether a policy offers inflation protection. If you are in your 50s now, the $200/day coverage you buy now may be worth much less unless the policy adjusts benefits annually for inflation.

Under new U.S. federal rules, benefits paid out under annuity or life policies are tax free if you use them to purchase LTC insurance. This is a recent change, and will save you the 25% or more tax you would have otherwise paid. Federal tax law also allows you to deduct the cost of LTC premiums paid so long as you otherwise itemize deductions.

Deferred Annuity Hybrid Deferred Annuity Hybrid

Since this is an annuity product, you should first determine that an annuity fits with your retirement planning. Typically one invests over many years, and earnings accumulate tax deferred. There is protection against loss with a guaranteed income beginning on a certain date.

If your long term care needs exceed what you have planned for, or you see tax benefits to using the annuity payouts for such care, the hybrid policies are useful.

Examine what triggers LTC coverage, what exactly is covered (home care, nursing care, assisted living, etc.), how much is paid per day, how long the LTC benefits last, and what early withdrawal penalties may be.

Choose a waiting period-the time before benefits start--with which you are comfortable. This will depend on how much other insurance or cash you have to tide you over until benefits begin.

You can also create your own hybrid if you presently have an annuity by using payouts tax-free to purchase the LTC insurance.

Life Insurance Hybrid

These policies aim to provide your beneficiary with life insurance death benefits regardless whether you use the LTC benefit. Some even compensate a family member for parental care. The prices are generally locked for your life so inflation protection is not an issue. And most policies do not require traditional life insurance medical exams.

If you find yourself in a financial pinch you may be able to retrieve all of your principal without a surrender charge or penalty.

The challenge can be that to get the most from such policies, you may have to make a large one-time purchase. Some plans allow this to be spread over a few years. But you or your beneficiaries are very likely to get it all back at some point-and then some.

Look at how long the LTC "rider" allows LTC to be paid and compare that to average nursing home stays-presently 2 to 2.5 years.

Generally the greatest benefit to these hybrids comes in the form of LTC protection. For example, a one time $100,000 premium hybrid policy from John Hancock provides 6 years of LTC at $84,192 for a total benefit of $505,152. This would of course diminish life insurance payouts accordingly, but not below a minimum $5,000 "burial expense" payout.

If the universal life policy options described above are simply too expensive, consider purchasing a LTC policy and also a small term or universal life policy of $50,000 or so to compensate your estate for the LTC insurance premiums you would pay over a 20-25 year period. That way if you never need the LTC insurance your estate will break even--provided you calculate the life insurance premiums into how much coverage you carry.

Home Watch Versus a House Sitter - More Than Just Semantics

If you have a property that is vacant or unoccupied for an extended period of time, you need someone to take care of it. There are four major groups of homes that would fall into this category:

- Snowbird homes that are seasonally unoccupied
- Properties For Sale
- Inherited homes or home in probate
- Houses where the owner has moved to an assisted living facility or nursing home.

In each of these cases, a valuable asset is sitting without care. Leaks, bugs, mold, mildew, sewer gas, and other disastrous consequences can cost you thousands of dollars and eat away at the value of the property. Many owners realize there is only one answer- getting someone to watch the house. Unfortunately, many of those seeking competent, professional services will confuse the two most commonly used phrases: home watch and house sitter.

A house sitter has evolved to mean someone who stays in the house in your absence. They are not really watching anything, they are merely living in the property much the same as you would. They come and go just as you would. They may or may not run appliances, check for leaks, change filters, and other tasks you would do as part of routine home maintenance. Many house sitters do not own their own homes and are ill-suited to do anything other than give your home a 'lived-in' appearance. If all you want is someone in residence, this may be your option. But you may forfeit your rights to occupy the property in this arrangement since you sign a contract for a period of time. There are several services that offer pairing between house and sitters, but keep in mind you are giving your precious home and valuables to a stranger for long periods of time. The choice is yours.

A home watch service, on the other hand, is a business that assumes responsibility for the health and welfare of an empty property in your absence. This business does not arrange for people to live in the house, which means you can come and go as you please. Most property owners do not want strangers in their unoccupied home, and a house watch service caters to this requirement. They are licensed and insured for this trade, and have the tools and experience to identify and mitigate problems before they become a huge issue. You are far away, but their local knowledge and communication will give you peace of mind that there is someone on scene whose sole purpose is to monitor all the systems and the general condition of the house. Using extensive checklists, they spend their time on-site looking for possible trouble before it happens. Their focus is entirely on the property and your peace of mind, quite different from a house sitter.

No matter which choice fits your needs, make sure you understand the difference. If you want someone to live in your property while you are gone, you are looking for a house sitter. If, on the other hand, you prefer the home to remain unoccupied except when you want to use it, but want a professional to monitor the structure, grounds, and all the supporting systems, you want a home watch service.

Hydrating the Dehydrated Elderly

Believe it or not... Dehydration is one of the most frequent causes for hospitalization in our older population. Not only do warm temperatures contribute... but, dry indoor living conditions also increase body heat that forces them to excrete fluids in order to stay cool, thus creating a need for more hydration.

In fact, the elderly need up to 10 percent more fluids. On average, the adult elderly person should intake at least six, eight-ounce glasses of water per day.

Some of the signs and symptoms that dehydration is taking place include... dry mouth, light-headedness or dizziness, darkening of urine, increased weight loss and muscle weakness. Dehydration can lead to kidney failure and even death if not recognized and treated.

To prevent dehydration, make sure fluids are easily available. Set up a hydration schedule offering fluids every couple of hours. It is also wise that the elderly eat fruits and vegetables that are rich in water such as broccoli, tomatoes, oranges and such.

When you suspect that dehydration has already set-in, contact a medical professional immediately. Fluid and food in-take should continue if tolerated. The World Health Organization in the 1960's approved an oral solution that helps the absorption of water and electrolytes.

Now, I'm not a doctor, but the recommendation by the 'WHO' is still used today and may be considered for elderly persons in remote areas or who cannot access a medical professional. The solution is as follows:

3/4 Teaspoon of Table (preferable 'sea') Salt
1 Teaspoon Baking Powder
4 Tablespoons Orange Juice
1 Quart/Liter Water

As we age, our body composition has less water in it, which makes the elderly more susceptible to dehydration.

Younger people have 70 percent water content in their bodies, while elderly adults only have 60 percent or less (According to Ransky Law). Other contributing factors for dehydration in the elderly include a lowered thirst response, swallowing difficulties. The elderly also have more health problems and when sick, people need even more fluids to stay healthy, making it extremely important to keep up with water (fluids) intake.

Whiplash Claim Payouts in Car Accidents

Britain by comparison with most other EU countries, has a good track record for road safety and one of the lowest road death rates in the EU; however hundreds of thousands of accidents still happen each year. These accidents are caused by a wide variety of circumstances including speeding, drink driving, drug abuse or simple lack of awareness and due care and attention to other road users to name just a few. There are many ways people get injured such as a pedestrian involved in a vehicle accident. a driver in a car accident or a passenger in a motor vehicle. Each and every one of these people should be able to claim against the third party who is responsible for causing the accident.

Naturally there are varying degrees of injury such as internal injury, broken bones or serious brain injury. The vast majority of road accident claims in the UK though are car accident compensation claims for soft tissue injury to the neck or spine called whiplash, which is caused by the sudden movement and jerk to the neck and spine upon impact. Whiplash injury may not last long in most suffers and be undetectable in many cases but certainly can cause considerable discomfort for the affected person.

Dangerous drivers and drivers who drive without due care and attention can cause many accidents on our roads, but at least some form of financial compensation is available to suffers of whiplash who wish to make a claim. Whilst the money will not heal your injuries it can certainly in some way in help you for the inconvenience, pain, suffering and out of pocket expenses.

In addition to the fact that whiplash injury in car accident claims account for the vast majority of claims being submitted for personal injury today, whiplash compensation claims also appear to have been on the rise since the advent of the "No Win No Fee" system in England. The "No Win No Fee" arrangement was introduced to save the claimant a paying legal costs as these are recovered form the negligent third party who is liable for the accident.

The good news is that the system has been improved further since April 2010 as a new "fast track" claims process has been introduced for road traffic accident claims to speed up your whiplash claim payouts. So claimants should get compensation much quicker due to the new law introduced by the Ministry Of Justice.

CNAs and LPNs Charged With Abuse Or Neglect of Patients - What to Expect

In New Jersey, Certified Nursing Assistants (CNAs) and Licensed Practical Nurses (LPNs) are often accused by their patients or employers of neglect or abuse of patients in their care. Usually these charges arise out of employment at nursing homes, rehabilitation centers and hospitals. As a New Jersey attorney who represents many licensed or certified health care providers, I see a steep rise in the number of CNAs and LPNs who are fired from their jobs and who are threatened with placement on the New Jersey's "abuse registry" for alleged patient abuse or patient neglect. Many CNAs and LPNs lose their licenses for acts or omissions which appear to be minor, or even fabricated. These are the cases where attorneys can be the most helpful.

Some allegations of abuse and neglect are, of course, justified. Despite their training, caregivers sometimes show lack of knowledge or training or patience. Some are, in fact, neglectful or abusive. Fortunately, however, most allegations against CNAs and LPNs are for minor offenses. Nevertheless, such caregivers lose their jobs every day in New Jersey for offenses which would be excusable in most other fields of employment. Because of the close relationship between caregiver and patient, whenever a caregiver is accused of abuse or neglect of a patient, the charges are always taken seriously.

When an allegation is made, the facility conducts an investigation. They may take statements from the caregiver, the alleged victim, witnesses (if any), the nurse in charge, the facility operator, and others. Unless the investigation reveals absolutely no evidence (genuine or otherwise) to suggest neglect or abuse, an accused employee will usually not be allowed to return to work. Sometimes they are suspended while the investigation (real or otherwise) is pending. More often they are fired immediately or within a few days. The facility understands how vulnerable it would be to a large lawsuit if another patient was victimized by the same caregiver while the investigation was pending.

Many LPNs, CNAs, RNs so accused believe that they were fired for no real reason or without evidence. They are upset. They are sure that they cannot be fired without proof that they did something wrong. They are wrong. The large majority of caregivers in the work force are "at will" employees. This means they have no employment contract, and they do not belong to a union that has negotiated a collective bargaining agreement with the employer on their behalf.

"At will" employees may quit the job whenever they wish and for any reason, or even without giving a reason or notice. But, sadly for them, the employer may fire "at will" employees for almost any reason, too. The nursing home operator does not usually have to wait for the outcome of an investigation in order to fire the employee. Of course, even an "at will" employee may not be fired for illegal reasons such as gender, disability, race, religion, nationality, sexual orientation. Employees who allege that they were fired for such illegal reasons will have the difficult burden of proving that to be true. Where the proof exists, an experienced attorney can help the fired employee to get the job back or even to sue for monetary damages.

Besides losing his/her job, other life-changing events may still await the caregiver. When a CAN, LPN or HHA is accused of abuse and neglect in New Jersey, the facility (nursing home, agency, rehab center, hospital), must investigate the event and report the matter to the Department of Health and Human Services in Trenton. Usually within a month or so of the alleged events, the caregiver receives a notice to attend an Informal Hearing in Trenton.

The Informal Hearing is the first of a series of hearings and appeals that may determine whether the caregiver's license will be revoked and his or her name placed on the Abuse and Neglect Registry. A Formal Hearing, If necessary, includes sworn testimony and documentary evidence. The hearings are designed to sort out exactly what happened; they enable the caregiver to explain or justify the action or inaction.

Although it is not necessary to retain an attorney for these hearings, it is usually wise to do so, if you can afford to. By instructing the caregiver on the procedures and how to give testimony, by explaining to the caregiver what is important and what is not, by assisting the state to understand our side, the attorney makes the hearings go more smoothly, often with better results. At the Formal Hearing, it is usually necessary to question adverse witnesses. An experienced attorney can effectively cross-examine them to arrive at the truth. We were able to prove, for example, that a CNA had not abandoned an Alzheimer's patient, but, because of the configuration of a bathroom, the passing RN could not see the caregiver in the room. Another time we showed that the nursing home was wrongfully trying to get rid of an employee without having to pay for her unemployment benefits. An attorney is trained to present your case in the best possible light.

In, New Jersey, CNAs and LPNs are frequently charged with abuse or neglect at residential care facilities. Some charges arise from minor incidents. Others reflect horrible facts. The consequences in either case can be serious. An experienced attorney can often successfully defend charges of abuse and neglect and save the license and reputation of the caregiver. It is always a good idea to consult with an attorney with experience in these matters.

Friday, February 22, 2013

Crucial Documents That Can Maximize Car Accident Compensation Payout

Car accident victims idealize the personal injury solicitors as their last resort. They think that the process of filing a compensation claim becomes simplified if an experienced solicitor is hired. This is a partial truth as because the victims also need to do a lot of things on their own to win the car accident claims and also to maximize the compensation payout. From arranging the requisite documents to collecting the contact details of the witnesses, a car accident victim has to play a major role in the preparatory stage for filing a claim and should also assist his solicitor in every possible manner. The primary focus of an accident victim should be to gather the documents as instructed by the solicitor. These documents and evidences, if accumulated properly, can significantly increase the compensation payout. Here below is a list for your future reference.

Photographs of the accident scene

A road traffic accident victim or anybody who was travelling with him at the time of the accident should take out a camera (in whichever form available) and start taking snaps of the accident place immediately after an accident. The skid marks on the road that clearly demonstrates that an accident happened in that place, personal injuries, damaged car parts and the road traffic signs should be snapped randomly. These documents will clearly prove how the accident affected the victim.

Witness statements

Fate of a car accident claim lawsuit largely depends on the views and opinions of the witnesses. Statement of a common person who just came across an accident can turn immensely vital in the court. Generally these people share their own experiences and explain the incidents from their own perspectives. The judges always want to hear different interpretations of the same accident and they take into consideration their statements quite seriously. Therefore, one needs to gather the contact details of the informants. Just do not try to grease their palms as because if it is found that you tried to brainwash the witnesses, you may face other legal complications.

The police report

Informing the nearest police station about the car accident you faced falls among your general duties and responsibilities as a citizen and you should promptly take necessary actions after the accident. Even if you are badly injured, call the emergency number of the police department and officers from the nearest police station will arrive in no time. Chances are there that the traffic sergeants on duty will locate you within a few minutes and all you have to do is to state them briefly what happened. The court gives high importance to police reports.

Medical reports

Getting medically diagnosed and seeking proper care and treatment is a sure-fire way to increase the compensation payout in the future. Only a licensed physician's report will be considered authentic in the court. You should seek medical care and follow your doctor's advice for another reason as well. It will prevent you being accused in the court for contributory negligence.

In a nutshell, car accident claims are assessed and quantified on the basis of all the available documents. It is your solicitor's duty to draw reference from previous landmark cases during the court proceedings and guide you through the procedure as well. It is your duty, on the contrary, to follow the above-mentioned guidelines.

How to Choose Nursing Homes

Choosing a nursing home is a very important decision for the entire family. There are many important factors to consider, and selecting the right nursing home is critical. The compatibility and quality of a specific home can determine whether or not it is a good or bad experience, and whether or not the resident enjoys their time there.

The important things to consider can be divided into three broad categories: administration of the nursing home, the physical aspects, and the services that the nursing home provides.

Administration of the nursing home. As in many areas of life, the administration of a nursing home determines much about the atmosphere in the home and how it is run. Some important things to consider are whether or not they are registered and licensed, and whether or not they participate in Medicare and Medicaid programs. It is also very important to feel comfortable with the staff of the home, as they will have the most daily interaction with the resident.

Physical comfort and safety. The physical comfort and safety of a given nursing home are very important. Safety and security is an integral issue because many elderly citizens are unable to successfully defend themselves and their property. The residence needs to have measures in place to protect the residents, and also apparatuses to ensure their physical safety. Grab bars and wheelchair ramps are important for protection as well. Physical comfort will vary greatly from person to person, but it is important to be happy with the room accommodations and the furnishings of the buildings. Comfortable temperature can also be a problematic issue for some residents.

Services provided. Nursing homes can provide a wide array of services to their residents, and many of them are extremely helpful. Prospective residents must understand exactly what medical, dental, and nursing services are offered on-site. It is also important to be comfortable with the food services, especially whether or not the nursing home adapts well to therapeutic diets. Therapy services, along with pharmacy capabilities, are a big advantage. Along with the activities provided for the residents, it is important to be clear on whether or not the nursing home staff will take the residents to their medical appointments.

Where Are Sign Language Interpreters Needed?

The train left the station.

The passenger next to me began a friendly conversation and ultimately asked me "In what kind of settings would a sign language interpreter be needed?". This lovely lady was unfamiliar with Deaf Culture and was just making polite conversation. I was afraid my answer sounded a bit 'flip', but I replied "Only in places where communication is needed". This led us into a discussion trying to imagine all the possible scenarios. We can start with the most familiar.

Medical Sign Language Interpreter - think about it. Visits to the Doctor, Dentist, Chiropractor, Counselor, Physical Therapist, Surgeon, Group Therapy, Urgent Care and Emergency Room...

Legal Interpreter - jury duty, serving as a defendant or witness, consultations to gain knowledge regarding rights and potential actions...

Educational Interpreter - elementary school, middle and high school, college, PTA meetings, training centers, driver's education classes, workshops, self-help seminars...

Entertainment ASL interpreter - Deaf actors, producers, directors, hearing actors needing to learn sign language, production companies needing to learn the inside scoop regarding Culture and body language, stage performances, concerts (lots of deaf people love really loud music!)...

Corporate Interpreters - deaf employees participating in meetings and conferences, conventions, collaborations with team members.

Personal Sign Language Interpreters - Weddings, funerals, class reunions, job interviews, graduations, religious services, DMV, real estate issues, investment consultations, tour groups, car buying, cosmetic surgeon (no miscommunication wanted here!)...

And the list goes on. Think about your daily / weekly / monthly life and how often clear communication is necessary. How frustrating would it be to attempt ALL of these transactions using lip reading and writing. Something as simple as ordering a Happy Meal at the Drive-thru becomes nearly impossible.

In Palm Springs, California, The Deaf Seniors Foundation is thinking ahead. Today, many seniors visit Senior Centers or live in Assisted Living and Retirement Homes across the U.S. How would you like to live in an environment where nobody understands your language? Your native language is ASL / Sign Language and you are unable to communicate with the residents you see every day. The staff expects you to read lips and write things down. Complete isolation...

Now imagine the same deaf senior in an environment where everybody can sign. Laughter and hands flying and a sense of community at a delicate time of life...

As our train arrived at the station, I wished I had kept track of the times she said "I've never thought about that".

Here's hoping that awareness is contagious as we all journey on.

Planets And Profession

Hindu astrology explain the role of nine planet in choosing the profession.each planet effect the basic character of any person and a person choose his profession according to his inner calling.

Beside other significations the Sun is a creator, promoter, owner, manager and physician. He also rules government, brokerage or commission. When the planet that proves to be the deciding factor as regards a person's livelihood, happens to be the Sun the person may get rule of a country, land, province, district, etc., royal positions and dignities, service under the Government, administrator, a maintainer or law and order enforcement of commands. He may be engaged in medicine, doing mediator work or highly authoritative jobs in Forest Department, Municipal Corporation etc.

The Moon is planet of fecundity and rules liquids, mind, mental work, unsteadiness, movements changes, salt, seas, etc. If the Moon is deciding the profession then the person's job will have something to do with the following factors: Shell, pearls, Salt, agriculture, ships, fish, hospitals, service to women (women welfare),
holy shrines, maternal property, etc. He may be a sailor, mariner, navigator, fisherman, boatman, dealer-in-pearls, or one working in pearl-fisher, mid-wife, nurse etc.

Mars is a planet of action and rules profession involving rudeness or cruelty, engineering works, fire, lands and daring operations. Callings involving instruments, armaments & tools & department like police, military and medical. The person's will be connected with military preparations, doctor (Surgeon), chemist, butchery, metallurgy-generally all works in iron, steel or fire.

Mercury is a planet of reasoning or education. Governs merchandise, and profession like clerks, accountants, auditors, copyists, teachers, authors, translators, postmen, messengers, astronomers, mathematician, publishers, printers, etc. are due to the influence of Mercury.
Jupiter is a planet of expansion. All professions which are dignified and which require a good judgement can be attributed to him. He governs principally banks, treasuries, income tax or revenue department, charitable or educational institutions, lawyers, editors, teachers, councillors, judges, priests, senators, bishops, and ministers.

Venus is a planet of pleasure. Venus governs Dramatists, artists, wealth and perfumers, weavers, car-dealers, jewellers etc. are governed by him. Venus governs wealth and hence income tax, wealth tax and other Venues are all governed by him provided there is a connection with Saturn, to indicates dealers in gold, precious stones, elephant or horses, cows, hotel-keepers, confectioners, linen drapers, scent-dealers, players, maid servants, etc.

Saturn is a planet of obstruction. He also governs service, misery, oil etc. The person will be engaged in a job connected with engravings on wood, stonework execution, porterage, scavengers, shoe making, garden work, brick masons, digging pits, oil etc. If has been observed that he influences service under government especially or under foreign influence. He also governs jobs connected with punishment. Saturn gives one leadership in labour organization, trade unions, service under various capacities, expert in work and extracting work from others.

Dragon's head is a planet of eccentricity. The erratic of cruel deeds are attributed to him. But he is well disposed occupying the houses of good, especially Mercury; he produces good researchers, scholars, lawyers, speculators, etc.

Physical Therapy Assistant Jobs And Employment Outlook

Physical therapy assistants or work under the direction of physical therapists to provide rehabilitative services to patients who are suffering from disabling diseases, injuries and those who are recovering from surgeries.

They main duties involve helping relieve the patients' pain as well as helping them restore their physical functions.

Some of the assistant duties include: observation of patients before and during the therapy sessions to gauge their improvement assisting the patients to do different therapy exercises, give them massages etc, to make a report on the responses made by the patients after treatments and to submit reports of patients to the physical therapist.

Qualities of good assistants

Compassion: most of the people having therapy will probably be in a lot of pain. The physical therapist is expected to understand this and show compassion to the patients.

Good interpersonal skills: this quality is important because you will be spending a lot of time with the patients and he/she should be able to interact with the patients in a friendly manner.

Attention to detail: when it comes to any kind of healthcare, the healthcare workers must be very keen on detail because sometimes that is what makes the difference between someone dying or living.

Assistants should be able to identify when the patient is overworking themselves and recommend rest to avoid further physical damage.

Physical fitness: the duties of a physical therapy assistant require them to almost always be on their fit. If you are not physically fit you may not be able to keep up with the duties that are required.

Jobs And Employment Outlook

The demand is expected to grow by 46% from 2010 to 2020. This makes it one of fastest growing jobs. This is huge growth means that there will be a demand for physical therapists and it is a good career to join.

This huge growth is brought about by the large number of retiring people, especially from the baby boom generation.

Most retired people will be joining retirement homes and nursing homes are one of the highest employers.One is assured to get a soft landing if he/she has had good training.

The growth will also be accelerated by the advancements in medical and technological advancements. Medical advancements will mean that the number of people surviving from accidents will increase and this means that more people who survive will be in need of physical therapy to get them back into their normal lives.

Some of the top employers include: hospitals (both private and state), ambulatory health care services and nursing homes.

Becoming a Physical Therapist Assistant

To become a assistant, you must attend accredited physical therapy assistant programs from a university or a community college. This program usually takes two years and one is issued with an associate degree upon graduation.

The program usually includes both formal class work as well as clinical experience. Physical therapy assistant schools class work will include learning about physiology, psychology and anatomy of the human body.

The clinical experience will involve learning first aid procedures like CPR as well as hands on training to give the student some experience.

After acquiring an associate degree, you must then be certified.To get the license, one must pass the National Physical Therapy Exam.

Some states may also require further exams before getting your license so it is important to check whether your state has any other exams or requirements apart from the national exam.

Specializing in certain practices means that the physical therapist assistant concentrates on gaining better knowledge on one particular area of practice.

Choosing to be a specialist gives individual better job placement opportunities. Some of the specializations include: orthopedics, neurology, geriatrics, pediatrics among others. Specialization requires further certification from the American physical therapy association.

Physical Therapy Assistant Jobs Salary

The salary will vary depending on a number of things for example: experience, employment facility, specialization as well as the number of hours of work that the assistant works, for full information on physical therapy assistant salary

For those who are full time physiotherapist assistants, the median salary is around $50,000 annually. The highest paid physical therapist will receive amounts above $68,000 while those in the lower bracket will earn around $31,000 highly paid physical therapy assistant jobs are available while training be sure to look into this.

Assisted Living in Kansas City

When we think of Kansas City, MO, we think of barbeque, blues, and beautiful scenery. Those are three of the main reasons that senior citizens are really drawn to the city themselves. Combine the three "b's" with exceptional cultural events, neighborhoods, medical facilities and assisted living facilities. The combination is a fantastic environment that is welcoming to everybody and invites great living. Over the past years, Kansas City has received some exceptional feedback from people who want to make their golden years solid gold. It is easy to see why when you look at all that it has to offer.

Cultural And Social Events

Festivals, events, and theatre are huge events in the city. There is something going on year round and that is very appealing to many people. Are you looking to experience an awesome blues festival? You can. Do you want to have some fantastic food? KC will serve it up. Are you a fan of plays from local and national talents? You'll find those plays in KC. Here are some of the most highly acclaimed events that you can go to in the area:

• Watch a Kansas City Chiefs Game at the legendary Arrowhead Stadium
• Enjoy a fun, exciting Kansas City Royals game
• American Heartland Theatre
• Kansas City Repertory Theatre
• Unicorn Theatre
• Kansas City Museum
• Nelson-Atkin's Museum Of Art
• National World War Museum
• Northlands Festival
• KC Film Festival

The list could continue on for pages of all the fantastic events that are cherished by local senior citizens. The entire city and surrounding area really welcomes people to come in and experience the difference that this amazing city offers. Whatever your interests are they will be satisfied with a Kansas City lifestyle.


Whether you are visiting Kansas City or choose to make your home there in your senior years, you will want to experience the wide variety of neighborhoods that the city offers. The neighborhoods range from very contemporary and hip like the Brookside neighborhood. There are other neighborhoods of both beautiful and historical proportions that are available to live in and enjoy in the area. Some of the most popular include Ivanhoe, The Country Club Plaza, Westpark, and Hyde Park.

These neighborhoods also are lined with beautiful parks and boulevards. They are among the most enjoyable places to walk and browse in all of Kansas City. If you have ever had the pleasure of experiencing a stroll in one of these fantastic neighborhoods you would see countless people of all ages enjoying each other's company or the beautiful scenery.

Medical Facilities

Senior citizens know how important it is to have excellent medical care. That not only extends to the personal service they receive but to the range of specialists they have access to. Kansas City, MO, has given seniors the confidence that they need for decades. The reputation of the professional medical community is exceptional. The community and its medical professionals go above and beyond to ensure that every individual has the type of health care that they need and more importantly - when they need it. Here are some of the most widely visited health care facilities in the area:

• Truman Health Centers
• Research Medical Center
• St. Luke's Hospital of Kansas City
• University of Kansas Medical Center

Assisted Living Facilities

The assisted living facilities in Kansas City, MO, offer senior citizens with a wide range of needs to get them met, keep some independence, and help them keep enjoying wonderful life events. Facilities range from assistance with minor needs to complete help with problems that require more care and assistance. With the increase in senior citizen population, the city has really dedicated itself to providing a high level of top notch assisted living facilities. The list of facilities that have been regarded highly in the past by senior citizens and their families is extensive. Some of the more commonly mentioned are Lakeview Village and Wexford Place. There are many other options out there and new assisted living facilities continue to be built. They want to give senior citizens all the best options available. First on their list is an excellent place to live that helps take care of any needs that they may have.

Any person who is retired and looking for a new adventure should consider Kansas City. It is a city that is breathing with life and energy. The dynamics of it are friendly to both the young and retired. Just imagine what a great day you could have if you spent it at a great cultural event or festival. This type of environment creates memories each and every day. When people visit you there will be no shortage of the fun options you can offer them. The cultural reasons are excellent choices for senior citizens to live in the city. The medical facilities are just another element that really bring comfort, security, and appeal to Kansas City as well. There are very few cities out there that can combine all the exciting dynamics of the area with the exemplary health care and assisted living care. It literally has something for everybody. Check out Kansas City, MO, and all that it offers. Yes, you will find the three "b's" - barbeque, blues, and beautiful scenery. You will also find something more -you will find you enjoying life in your senior years like you'd never thought possible.

Thursday, February 21, 2013

Medical Assistant Resume - How to Write the Perfect Resume for Medical Assistant Jobs

Your medical assistant resume is the first thing that a potential employer will look at closely. It needs to be well-written, precise and include all the relevant information about you that an employer needs to know. It is very important that you make a good first impression with your assistant medical resume, otherwise it might end up in the wastebasket.

Take a bit of time to write, format and print your resume using the following tips. This will ensure that you can promote yourself properly and increase your chances of landing a job interview.

Medical Assistant Resume Structure

Personal Details - of course, the first thing on your medical administrator or assistant resume should be your full name, address, contact numbers and email.

Skills - this section is will contain a list of your administrative and clinical skills. This is the most important part of your resume which is why it goes next after your personal details. There are several different styles of writing this part of your medical administrator or assistant resume and it may be called profile, summary of qualifications, highlights of qualifications or it can simply be titled "Certified Medical Assistant," "Certified Podiatric Medical Assistant," "Certified Ophthalmic Medical Assistant" etc.

The most effective way to write this section of your medical administrator or assistant resume is to create a two or three sentence paragraph that sums up your qualifications and then list all of your relevant skills that you want to highlight in bullet form. Here is an example:

Certified Medical Assistant

Experienced CMA proficient in medical office management and with a strong clinical background in pediatric healthcare. Fluent in verbal and written Spanish. Skills include:

* Medical Office Management
* Patient Records Management
* Medical Billing
* Bookkeeping
* Taking Vitals
* Drawing Blood
* Giving Injections
* Preparing Patients for Examination
* Certified in CPR

Education - keep this part of your assistant medical resume simple. You should include your medical assisting certifications in it as well as any medical assisting training you have had. For certifications, list the certificate name followed by the date and for educational history, the name of the institution followed by the dates.

Work History - for most people, except for new graduates, this is the part that employers will ask questions about the most. Work history should be listed in reverse chronological order. That is, the most recent experience is listed first. Detail your achievements and responsibilities for each position in bullet form. Put more information on the most recent work experience in your medical administrator and assistant resume.

Chronological vs Functional Resumes

Most employers still prefer the traditional chronological resume. Ideally, this should be the type of medical assistant resume you create. The only exception is if you have had a lot of unrelated work experience. In that case, a functional medical assistant resume that lists relevant experience in skills clusters may be more appropriate.

Nonetheless, keep in mind that recruiters and HR personnel may be either unfamiliar with or even irritated by functional resumes for medical administrators and assistants. The assistant medical resume format described in the writing tips above is a combination resume that lists skills first and then work experience.

Assistant Medical Resume Tips

* Print your resume using black ink and plain white paper.
* Don't get fancy with borders or graphics.
* A medical administrator and assistant cover letter should accompany your resume.
* Save your assistant medical resume in.doc file type if you are attaching it to an email.
* Your resume should be three pages at most.
* Check carefully for any grammatical errors.
* Ask another person to look over your resume for you, preferably someone in healthcare or recruitment, and ask for any advice they may have.

Your medical assistant resume is a marketing tool and employers will use it to decide if they want to interview you for the job. In other words, the objective of your resume is to get an interview. So instead of writing just one resume, it is better to tailor each one for a specific assistant medical job. How do you do that? For example, if the job requires a lot of administrative responsibilities, highlight your administrative skills and experience more than your clinical skills. That's the most important medical assistant resume writing tip of all.

Personal Injury Claims: The Blame Game

Personal injuries can happen for a number of reasons. They range from the smaller causes such as sprains as a result of a trip over uneven flooring to the more serious causes like car crashes, with many others in between.

A common query from those affected is how to ascertain whether they could potentially be eligible for a compensation claim. There is no absolute method of determining this as every situation is different. However one necessity required for personal injury compensation claims is liability.

In most circumstances, it will be mandatory to prove that your injury occurred as a result of another party's negligence. This is in order for the legal team to determine who can be held liable for your injury.

Who is liable for my injuries?

Unfortunately, the majority of personal injuries occur from situations that could have easily been prevented. There may not necessarily be one specific person wholly liable for the injury but a company or establishment.

For example, employers have a legal responsibility to protect their employees so if your personal injury at work occurred because you were provided with the incorrect protective equipment or unsafe tools then your employer could be to blame. When an accident at work is a direct result of an employer failing their duty to safeguard your well-being e.g. you were not given adequate training or made aware of the relevant emergency procedures in the result of fire or evacuation, a personal injury company may be able to assist you.

Of the 1.3 million work-related personal injury claims last year, just 550,000 were new cases. The rest reflected employees with existing illnesses or health issues which they felt were made worse by work. This could be anything from a back problem worsened by lifting without the correct equipment to psychological problems contributed to from work stress.

It is not just injuries at work which require the establishment of liability. In order for all personal injury claims to be processed, a defendant must be held liable. This can sometimes prove easier in certain scenarios than it does in others. For example, a car crash injury claim when a rear-end collision has occurred as a direct consequence of a car crashing into you.

Proving liability

Proving liability for other cases can be more complicated. In order to ascertain who can be held liable for compensation, there must be a full investigation into how the injury occurred. The injury firm will need to gather all the relevant information and as much evidence as possible to support your case. The length of time that this can take varies from case to case

In certain instances, a liability dispute may arise where the other party denies responsibility for the injury. In this situation, the personal injury lawyer would discuss with you additional information and evidence which could assist proceedings such as witness statements.

What information do I need to prove liability?

Again, each case differs so there are no set guidelines. However, if you have suffered an injury due to someone else's negligence then it is important to keep as much evidence and information as you possibly can. Did anyone see it happen? Are there witnesses who could support your story? Although it may be the last thing on your mind at the time, photographic evidence can also be very useful with regards to faulty equipment or facilities.

You will also need evidence of any financial losses which you hope to claim for whether these are medical expenses that you have incurred or periods of time which you have been unable to work due to injury. Essentially, the more detailed picture that you can illustrate to your personal injury lawyer, the better. They can then make the necessary enquiries for you.

It is always important to remember that with all personal injury claims there is no guarantee of being awarded any compensation if liability cannot be established.

If you would like some more information on liability or claims, speaking to a personal injury solicitor could prove beneficial.

Hit by a Car? You Need a Pedestrian Accident Attorney

If you have been hit by a car while you were walking this is called a pedestrian accident. Pedestrians have the right of way much of the time when they are walking, and cars are required to stop for them to cross roads or to give them room when walking. However, many times cars fail to do that, and pedestrians are injured or even killed. If you have been injured by a car while you were on foot or if you have had a loved one killed by a car while they were walking, riding a skateboard of otherwise traveling you might have a case that deserves top lawyer attention.

First, let us discuss how California defines a pedestrian. Our state calls anyone that is walking, riding a skateboard, scooter, roller skates, roller blades or any other type of non-motorized conveyance, except for bicycles. Also defined as pedestrians are those with a disability that are wheelchair or automated chair bound. California is one of the toughest states on pedestrian safety and the fines can be very severe. Of course, in return, a pedestrian that is injured by a car may end up with a very large compensation amount in a lawsuit. Contact the best lawyer you can find to assist you with any recent accident.

Some of the pedestrian safety laws in California include requiring that a vehicle stop for pedestrians that are waiting, whether or not there is a crosswalk at the intersection that is clearly marked. Also, cars should come to a stop when other cars are parked at a crosswalk to make sure that there is not a pedestrian coming around the car that is going to be hit by yours. California law states that vehicles must give the right of way to pedestrians and to exercise all due care. This may be open to interpretation but it is clear that cars should be watching out for pedestrians on the road.

Of course, pedestrians still need to respect drivers. For instance, pedestrians cannot walk out into a crosswalk or run out when cars are too close to stop. Pedestrians should wait for their walk signal if they are at a traffic signal and cars should stop for pedestrians if it is their turn to cross. On an unmarked crosswalk cars are still required to stop, but pedestrians should wait until traffic has thinned and they can cross safely. They also have the responsibility to not stop in the crosswalk and block traffic from proceeding for any longer than necessary.

Even if the pedestrian follows these rules there are still many cases when the driver simply does not respect the pedestrians right to cross, and in fact, there have been more than a few reported cases where drivers actually sped up when seeing a pedestrian cross the road, as if the person on foot had no right to be on the roadway at all. If a situation like this has occurred or if you have been in an accident with a car as a pedestrian or had a loved one die from such you should contact an accident attorney for that particular matters for a consultation.

A Better Alternative to Nursing Homes

As people become older they find simple everyday tasks become harder to accomplish. They are often unsteady on their feet which leads to reduced access to their home, in some cases they are unable to move around the house without the aid of a walking stick or a wheel chair. If a person's care team feels it's suitable for them to live out the autumn of their lives in the comfort of their own homes surrounded by those who love them then that person has a need for alternatives to nursing homes. helping the mobility challenged or the handicapped could be a difficult and unsafe task without home modifications.

However, if you look at things positively and try to find a simple solution to the problems you encounter everyday you will find that things begin to work out well. Little modifications around your home would mean a lot to seniors who want assistance and these individuals who enjoy their independence and love to hold on to their dignity which is all too natural. When a baby boomer with full mobility or handicapped person is able to do things for him or herself independently it becomes less of a burden to those who care for them. Converting your home into a more comfortable place for those who want mobility assistance would go a long way in ensuring a lot of happiness as everyone would be less stressed out.

It is also a better alternative to putting these people in a nursing home. To get more ideas you could visit our website. Small modifications like getting hand railings fixed around the place renovating the bathroom so that the mobility challenged and baby boomers that want assistance could use the same independently. Installing things like automatic door opener systems or a true curbless roll in shower ensuring that the floor is mechanically inviting to the human factor and the 6 o'clock position of the wheelchair wheel. This brings quality of life by way of accessibility to our own home. These modifications cost a small fraction of the average nursing home annual rent and enable free mobility inside the most difficult room to get around in. Reinvesting in your own equity will create a safer living arrangement and an accessible footprint for your future generations.

This brings quality of life by way of accessibility to our own home. These modifications cost a small fraction of the average nursing home annual rent and enable free mobility inside the most difficult room to get around in. Reinvesting in your own equity will create a safer living arrangement and an accessible footprint for your future generations.

Car Accident Attorneys - Auto Accident Causes, Distractions and Legal Representation

Accidents are a given, they happen no matter how cautious one may try to be. The responsibilities of owning and driving a car are much greater than one may think. It doesn't matter if the car is parked or the owner is driving it, a car accident can still occur. There are a number of car accident attorneys in every community and you should select an attorney who has a positive reputation.

Most accidents are caused by distractions; distractions can be due to internal or external sources. Internal distractions are one's thoughts about activities that have nothing to do with driving. External distractions are those that others, either inside or outside of the vehicle, create. Both are common occurrences that an experienced car accident attorney will be familiar with.

Internal types of distractions cause the driver to be inattentive and focus on their thoughts instead of driving. Thoughts can be of, but not limited to: personal and/or family problems, financial problems or maybe even a recent or future event that is of importance. External types of distractions can be caused by a large number of sources. The weather, tuning the radio, eating/drinking, reading a map, texting or talking on a phone or CB radio or even by looking at another occupant of the vehicle.

Although it does not directly impact the actual cause of the accident, but the speed at which the vehicle is moving has a great impact as to how extensive the damage is done when an accident is occurring. Accidents can occur in one's own driveway to happening on the highway. In addition, the collision can involve the driver's car only or many other vehicles.

Depending upon where the accident occurs, who is involved and what has been damaged in an accident may require legal counsel. Many times, accidents are minor and the incident is relatively easy to resolve but there are unfortunately times in which the matter is more complicated and an attorney is necessary.

There are many car accident attorneys who are knowledgeable of the laws surrounding this type of mishap. Choose a law office that is known in your area for being very knowledgeable in these types of situations. The staff at the law firm you hire should also be both educated and experienced with car accidents whether your case is small or big.

When the unfortunate circumstances of a car accident arise, a car accident attorney who is well versed and familiar with the local and state laws is very important as this level of expertness will not only educate the driver with the various processes that must be gone through but will follow the proper legal processes accordingly for each step to be completed successfully and in a timely manner.

You may already be aware of one or two car accident attorneys that you would call if you needed one; if not, choosing the right attorney may seem overwhelming when scanning the phone book. One of the most important things to consider is to be selective and interview the attorneys before hiring one. It is important that you are confident about your selection and feel comfortable the firm you select.

Wednesday, February 20, 2013

Nursing Homes and Retirement Homes in Canada

It is still customary for many people to think of "nursing homes" when they are considering care for aging loved ones. However, in Canada's senior care industry, you will not hear many staff refer to "nursing homes." The traditional "nursing home" in Canada is referred to as a long term care home, where patients will receive medical care and attention as warranted - perhaps from nurses on call around the clock.

The term "nursing home" also carries some negative connotations certainly and as a generic catchall term it is simply not fitting as a description of the many retirement living options available. In Canada today, senior care is increasingly adaptable and flexible, with a spectrum of options from complete independence to thorough care.

Some options you can find in retirement home living today include the following:

Active Adult Communities allow you to live in community with other people your own age with access to often-luxurious amenities such as a golf course, swimming pool, etc. These communities are usually age exclusive and the age of exclusion may be as low as 50 years. That doesn't mean your grandkids can't visit! They just can't live with you.

Independent Living also allows you to live in an exclusive community but in this, you might also participate in communal meals and other activities. You may be protected by security and you may even want to hire your own home health care if needed.

Congregate Living may mix together people requiring various degrees of care, including (for example) independent seniors along with those who require help with house cleaning or other regular daily activities.

Long-term care homes offer residents care as required. Many people still think of these as "nursing homes." These may be well-staffed with nurses and other medical staff and there may be many residents who require consistent care.

It's important to note that the retirement home industry is responding to senior's changing needs. The vast majority of retirement homes in Canada seek to treat residents with the very highest levels of respect, befitting those who have contributed so much to society in their lives. As the baby boomer generation puts their aging parents into retirement homes, they are demanding increased options and more respectful care. In fact, they are effecting changes that they will one day benefit from when they, too, decide to move into a retirement home.

Controversial 5 Star Nursing Home Ratings

The news recently buzzed about the Five Star Quality Ratings published for skilled nursing facilities. I was excited myself until I looked further into how the ratings were actually calculated. The ratings are based on three categories of data: health inspections, staffing and quality measures. To read the explanation regarding determination of quality ratings visit The Medicare website 5 Star Quality Ratings explanation page.

The category entitled Health Inspections is the ONLY category that provides information derived from trained teams of surveyors. However the category descriptor also mentions that there are "many differences in state licensing requirements that affect quality, and in state Medicaid programs that pay for much of the care in nursing homes." Additionally, "inspections do not identify nursing homes that give outstanding care. While reading these reports, keep in mind that the quality of a nursing home may get much better or much worse in a short period of time. These changes can occur when a nursing home's administrator or ownership changes or when a nursing home's finances suddenly change."

This statement says more about the care provided in a nursing home than most. Staff changes have significant ramifications on the care provided in a nursing home. Often when an administrator leaves many staff members also leave, resulting in significant gaps in patient care and coordination until new staff is up and running. I have personally experienced this myself when I have had clients in certain facilities, many of whom I would have previously recommended but would now not place my worst enemy. When looking for a good nursing home for a family member multiple factors should be considered including the annual survey which can serve as a starting point.

The second category Staffing, was based on "the overall number of staff compared to the number of residents and how many of the staff are trained nurses". This number was self-reported meaning that the rating relies on the integrity of the nursing home providing the information. Research shows that relying on numbers only is not a realistic measure of quality. After all how many times have we heard the joke "how many xyz does it take to change a light bulb?"

More relevant, an article in The Gerontologist related staffing levels and nursing home quality by focusing on staff stability, stating that "highly stable employees are likely to deliver consistent care and have a greater appreciation for care practices."

Staffing quality is not only a numbers game. Many times it depends on the care provided by individuals who have been with a facility for a number of years. Time indicates commitment to care as working for any length of time in a nursing home environment not only takes commitment but love of caring for others. The difficulty of the work is one of the reasons many facilities have high turnover especially if the employees do not receive sufficient support from supervisors and the company operating the facility.

Even more interesting is the category entitled Quality Measures which reports how well each nursing home performs on ten aspects of care such as dressing eating and preventing skin ulcers. These quality measures again are self-reported by each nursing home and I suspect the degree of quality is also self interpreted. How many individuals do you know that would purposely rate themselves as sub-standard giving only one or two stars.

This is the more important reason to visit several nursing homes. Meet with the staff. Are they responsive and do they have time for your questions? Pay attention to your first impressions. Ask other family members how they feel about the care. While there is a complaint outlet, called the ombudsman, few families proceed to file complaints about care. This often leads to individuals being placed in sub-standard homes because no family member wanted to complain.

Let me play devil's advocate. Thirty three percent of the star rating is provided by a trained team of surveyors and the remaining 66% self reported. I would say that the ratings are more questionable than not especially taking into consideration that the surveys are done during a "snapshot" of time when many nursing homes are on their best behavior and the survey itself mentions quality can change at the drop of a hat.

So how does one determine what makes a good nursing home? It is not easy, especially if you're a family member trying to make a choice and are held captive by an insurance company that dictates which nursing homes are covered by your insurance. When in doubt about your ability to investigate for appropriate care, seek expert advice.

1) Castle, Nicholas G et. al. Further Examination of the Influence of Caregiver Staffing Levels on Nursing Home Quality. Vol. 48, No. 4, 464-476.

Assisted Living - Retirement Home or Your Home

There comes a point in every person's life where they have to decide how best to look after their parents in old age. It is no shame in admitting that your parents are in such a state - everyone will approach elderly age at some point, and so it is best to be as prepared as possible for every eventuality.

So whether or not your parents are currently of the age where they require assisted living, you should start thinking now about how you want them to be looked after. For most families there are two choices present - either choosing senior living in a retirement home, or to look after them at your own home.

A lot of elderly people will still have their own home too, but this can become somewhat impractical, simply because it is not always easy if they require someone to be there to help them all of the time. Again while this is nothing to be ashamed of, it can put a huge strain on anyone who has a full time job and needs to get on with their own lives, especially if you have children of your own to look after. As such, assisted living can be an incredibly useful way to go, whether you choose to have a helper at your home or to move your parent(s) to a retirement home.

Overall it is your choice which of these you follow through with, but there are many benefits to assisted living in a care home. Primarily the benefit to this is that it allows experienced professionals to provide care for your elderly loved ones when life's obligations make it impossible for you to be there for them. The main goal is to give your parents the best level of care possible.

This means that assisted living can achieve two goals - not only does it give a high level of care for all of their needs, with employees there specializing in aiding the elderly, but it means you can rest easy knowing that they are being taken care of, so you do not have to keep them in the back of your mind constantly.

The thing that seems to put a lot of people off about assisted living is the idea that you would be abandoning your parents - but this is simply not the case. Many people who move their parents to a care home of sorts see them very often - at least once a week they will move down and see them, in order to catch up and to keep them company.

Families tend to find that this works very well. It is a manageable schedule for them to keep, especially if they dedicate a certain weekend day to go and see them for a few hours. It keeps both sides happy - not only do you get to see your parents, but your parents get to spend time with their grandchildren, and they love seeing that their family takes the time to come and see them.

A lot of elderly people themselves also tend to be surprised at just how easily they adapt to assisted living. It tends to be seen as the worst place to go when reaching old age, but this is simply not the case, especially if your parents have some kind of special needs of their own having reached an elderly age.

The great thing about assisted living is that you get to know they are constantly happy and being looked after. All staff at any care home have undergone rigorous training, meaning that there will not be a moment where your family is not cared for. If you have any worries you are obviously able to come and visit your parents whenever you like, and you can catch up with them to ensure that they are being thoroughly looked after. This is very rarely a problem though, as many customers are entirely happy with the service given by care homes and the like.

As such, you can talk to many people who have used these homes, and will find entirely positive comments and reviews about the overall level of care and happiness.

The Procedure of Filing Injury Claims Explained in Details

The exact procedure that revolves around the filing of the compensation claims is not as well known and recognized among people as the availability of the very facility. Consequently, for many, the efforts put on filing a particular claim goes in vain in due to lack of knowledge of the appropriate set of legal actions. It is necessary to abide by a stipulated procedure of filing the claims in order to be able to achieve faster and effective outcome. Though it is primarily the responsibility of the personal injury solicitors to take on the ideal course, prospective claimants must also stay aware of the steps for it is they who are going to benefit from the success of the injury claims.

The basic procedure, which remains the same irrespective of the nature of accident or the injuries, begins with a locating of the specialized solicitors, usually registered with the claims management agencies. The details of the case and the purpose of the claim are communicated in details to the solicitors, who decide on representing only those claims that are sufficiently valid and credible. Once, they take up the case, immediate attention is paid on gathering all the evidence in the form of the witness accounts and so on as, they have a significant role to play in guaranteeing the ultimate success of the claim.

The outcome of the claim is largely determined by the manner in which a claim is presented and the firmness with which the innocence of the plaintiff and the faulty act of the opponent is highlighted. Alongside, the losses, resulting from both the general as well as the special damages are underlined for it is the intensity of the financial deficits that will determine the amount of compensation, the victim will be entitled to receive. There are some additional steps in the process depending upon the nature of the claim. For instance, with regards to the car accident claims, negotiating with the insurance providers does take some time.

An injury claim gets resolved in the most hassle- free manner if the opponent agrees on paying the amount that has been asked from them. However, this may not always be the situation, which paves the way for the case to be taken to the court. Claimants may not always be willing to take their claims to court, in which case, they can certainly communicate their desire for an out- of- court settlement to the respective solicitors.

Assisted Living Facilities - What to Look for Before Choosing

Do you have a loved one who is having difficulty with routine daily activities? If you want to give him the best care, there are several assisted living facilities that are equipped to give the personal care and support that he needs every day.

What are assisted living facilities? These are institutions that are created to cater for families who have loved ones are having difficulty doing activities of daily living such as taking their meals, doing their laundry or taking a bath. Most facilities also offer higher levels of care for seniors who cannot ambulate and those who require medical attention. Assisted living homes offer a wide range of services from simple assistance to specialized medical care.

There may be several nursing facilities in your state or locality that offer care for seniors and each have different services available. The choice you make depends on the quality and range of assistance is required to make your loved ones comfortable and happy. Before deciding on the facility of your choice, below are some things to consider. It is best to weight the benefits and compare top-rated senior retirement homes before making a final decision.

  • Location - Most families prefer to have their loved ones in an assisted living home that is near their own homes so they can monitor and visit them regularly. It is more convenient to choose a facility that is in your locality because the transition will also be easier for your loved one if he stays in the same locality rather than moved to a retirement home in another state. Long drives can be a hassle and retirees are more comfortable with the idea when the family is not too far away.

  • Services and Level of Care - Know what is comfortable for your loved one and what he needs. It is important to choose a facility that is safe, comfortable and matches the kind of care that is required of his condition. Assisted living facilities offer as much independence to their clients while assisting them in daily chores that they alone cannot handle such as doing their groceries, preparing their meals and going to the bathroom or going on daily walks. Facilities also have a range of social activities to entertain their residents and to allow them opportunities to mingle with other senior residents. You can also choose a facility that has a nursing home when the need for a higher level of care and medical attention arises. Such facilities focus not only on the personal needs of their clients but include a team of medical professionals to monitor the health of their aging residents.

  • Cost - If you have purchased an insurance plan check if it includes paying for the continuing care facility for the elderly since not all insurance plans cover the costs of assisted living. Never assume that expensive facilities mean better services; know how much you are willing to spend and find a facility that offers the maximum benefits for your money.

Looking for the right senior home care facility can be overwhelming but comparing different assisted living facilities is essential in making the perfect choice for your loved one's comfort and happiness. It is not impossible to find a new home for him that is both affordable and suited for his needs.

Top Reasons To Buy A Health Care Franchise Business

For a number of reasons there has probably never been a better time to buy and start a health care related franchise business. In this article you will find some of the top and most compelling reasons to consider starting your own health care franchise today. This includes info about some of the emerging social, demographic, and economic trends in the marketplace that bode extremely well for the healthcare industry in general. As well as some of the advantages that franchising can offer to individuals who want to maximize their chances of owning a successful business.

Favorable Market Trends:

With the inevitable aging of the huge baby boomer generation it is estimated by the US Census that by the year 2030 over 70 million Americans will be over the age of 65. This population trend will produce enormous business opportunities in the senior health care services industry for savvy entrepreneurs who position themselves to serve this fast growing age demographic. In particular non-medical and in home care services are expected to be one of the hottest growth segments in health care industry as more seniors choose to decline residing in assisted living facilities for a number of reasons including economic.

Fastest Growing Industry:

By all estimates the Health care industry overall is still the fastest growing industry in the US and demand for services will continue to expand for the foreseeable future. In particular the home care services industry is expected to grow significantly in the next decade. This bodes well for small and locally owned businesses (including franchise businesses) that are positioned to provide non-medical and in home care service to seniors and the elderly.

Recession Resistant Industry:

For many reasons, including the fact that health care spending is generally considered a necessary expense and not discretionary, the health care industry is widely regarded as extremely recession resistant, if not recession proof. Thus owning a recession proof business or franchise can obviously provide a small business owner with a level of security and predictability about the future that is very enviable in this day and age.

Turnkey & Proven Business:

One of the hallmarks and biggest advantages of buying a franchise business is that it allows you to go into business for yourself, but not by yourself - which should ultimately increase your chances of success. Today most established health care franchises can offer a turnkey and proven business model with a track record of success that you can verify in the due diligence process before you sign a franchise agreement. This includes the opportunity to talk with other franchisees in the system to help validate the viability and profitability of the franchiser's particular business model.

Low Start-Up Costs:

In general many home health care and assisted living services franchises being offered today are relatively very affordable and have low start up costs. This is particularly true when you compare the costs of opening a more traditional retail brick & mortar type franchise like a fast food restaurant. Some health care services franchises even have the option to be operated form a home-based office which can also help lower your initial start-up costs as well as significantly help reduce your monthly overhead expenses.

Tuesday, February 19, 2013

Why You Should Explore Becoming a Dialysis Nurse

Nurses of all types are in high demand all over the country. However, if you are a registered nurse and you specialize or become certified in dialysis, then you are going to have well above average job opportunities, pay, benefits, and hours. This is because the dialysis population in the United States alone currently exceeds over 400,000 people and is climbing daily.

What is involved in obtaining dialysis nurse jobs? You must first be a registered nurse (RN), a licensed vocational nurse (LVN), or a licensed practical nurse (LPN). Obviously, the RN is going to demand the most consideration in being hired to work in a dialysis setting. The dialysis nurse specialist must be trained in both hemodialysis and peritoneal dialysis and obtain all of the necessary education as well as meet all of the requirements to become certified for that position. One of the main requirements is going through an end stage renal disease dialysis facility and working there for at least a year. Then you must pass a test relating to all areas of nursing as well as your dialysis training certification test. Recertification is required once every four years to maintain your qualifications.

Though dialysis nurse jobs can be in many settings including hospitals, home visits, and cruise ships among others, the majority of these positions are in various dialysis clinics located throughout the country. You will find dialysis centers in major cities, medium sized cities, and even in some smaller towns. There is usually one located within a reasonable commute to almost any patient with ESRD who is currently on are ready to start dialysis treatments. No matter what part of the country you would like to work in, with the right qualifications, you will most likely have no problems obtaining a job there.

As a dialysis nurse, your responsibilities will include overseeing technicians working in your unit, maintaining documentation of all activities occurring in the unit, and ensuring top quality patient care. You will coordinate with the facility administrator, the nephrologists making their patient rounds at the dialysis clinic and any nurse practitioners assisting the doctors. It is up to you to make sure that patient records with all vital signs and weight, both pre and post dialysis are posted. Treatment information must be charted on each patient and all equipment and supplies must be working correctly and sanitized after each use. You should also note any condition whether medical, psychological, or dietary that warrants a doctor or the facility manager's attention.

A dialysis nurse's job is not only important but rewarding in many ways. In addition to seeing and interacting with the same patients on a weekly basis, the pay is usually well above average, the setting is typically small and congenial, benefits are usually outstanding, and there is often much flexibility with your work schedule.

What to Expect From CNA Jobs

There have been an increased number of CNA jobs opening up all over the country, and there seems to be a lack of CNA's available. As a CNA, the job can be demanding and often times exhausting depending on where you are employed. There are more and more people in the world that are getting older and more and more people need health care. Before you make a decision to take a CNA job, you may want to do some thorough research to learn about the things you will be doing on the job as an aide.

Long Shifts

For the most part, when you work in a hospital setting, you will be working 12-hour shifts. This means you are going to be on your feet for long periods of time and on the go a lot. You are going to be going from room to room and ensuring your work area is neat. If you are working in a hospital, there will be call bells going off and you are going to need to ensure that all of your patients' needs are met. There is rarely time to sit until the end of your shift.

Pay Rate

Compared to the amount of work you will be doing as a nursing aide, the pay is not what it should be. You can expect a pay rate from $9-$12 an hour. In the economy these days it is often times lower as more and more companies and businesses are hurting. Insurance companies are not paying as much and Medicare is not paying that much to facilities anymore. The best options for working as a CNA is to work in a hospital since they often times offer overtime and bonuses.

Wide Array of Patients

As an aide, you are going to deal with several types of patients. When working in certain hospitals, you will be dealing with elderly patients as well as ER patients. The hospital you work at may have different departments for you to work in.

If you are working in a nursing home, you may come across patients that have dementia and are a little frailer. These patients are going to need help with getting out of bed and getting dressed. There are also assisted living facilities that you can work at where you will be simply there to supervise the patient. These types of facilities are where elderly people go when they can still do a majority of things on their own; they just may need minimal supervision.


When working with certain types of patients, you will be required to chart and document their intake and output as well as their bowel and bladder movements. You will need to report any changes in the patient and document any new wounds or bruises for the next shift. Things like these should be documented to ensure that you are not held responsible for them.

There are many more duties that you will need to take care of when working as a CNA. This is often times a small fraction of it, and other duties you will be responsible include transfers, giving showers, cleaning colostomy bags as well as catheters, and much more.

Houston: The Car Accident Capitol of Texas

Statistical data compiled by the Texas Department of Transportation (DOT) indicates that Houston is the city that consistently has the most total car accidents and the most fatal and injurious vehicle accidents annually. In 2011, there were 177 fatal crashes, 4,252 serious injury crashes, and a grand total of 38,538 crashes. These statistics mean that Houston not only surpasses, but far surpasses the car accident rates of most other cities in the state of Texas. What is the reason for such a high accident rate?

Since most car accidents are avoidable, the number one cause of motor vehicle accidents is driver negligence. Most car accidents occur because a driver was not paying attention or they were driving contrary to the laws of the road. While this is the overarching cause of most car accidents, there are many other more specific reasons why motorists are involved in collisions. One of the most common is driver distraction. According to the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration (NHTSA), distracted driving is anything that takes a driver's mind, eyes or hands off of the situation at hand.

Another common contributing factor to accidents in the Houston area is the busy roads and interstates. Houston is at the top of the list for having some of the world's most complicated interchange and highway systems. With roads sometimes spanning more than four lanes wide, accidents are more likely to occur than on rural or suburban roads. Houston is a busy metropolitan area, and those types of areas are statistically more prone to accidents.

Speeding drivers, according to the Texas DOT, are a major cause of all traffic fatalities on Houston and other Texas roads and highways. Speeding is a type of aggressive driving practice, commonly a contributing factor to not only accidents, but accidents with serious consequences. Other types of aggressive driving include tailgating and road rage. Sadly enough, the most common cause of fatal crashes in Texas is driving under the influence of alcohol. In 2011, there were 327 of these accidents.

When a driver fails to adhere to traffic laws, they may be issued a citation, but the victims of these accidents can also take civil action against them in order to recover financial compensation for injuries and other damages. If you reside in Houston or were involved in a car accident in the area, then consult with a personal injury attorney in your area for the best advice concerning the steps that you may be able to take toward financial compensation.

Evaluating Assisted Living Facilities - An Important Consideration to Keep in Mind

As the bulge in the population known as the baby boomer generation starts to reach retirement age and beyond, senior housing is becoming a real issue. Assisted living is a popular option these days, but there is an important consideration to take in when doing the evaluation of various facilities.

What is assisted living? It is a community based lifestyle for seniors. It provides them with more care than living alone, but is not nearly as all encompassing as a nursing home facility. The community element makes the concept of assisted living very popular with seniors.

You might be thinking the above paragraph really doesn't define assisted living all that well. You're right. The reason is also the consideration that you must take into account when evaluating various assisted living facilities. The simple fact is there really is no absolute definition of an assisted living facility.

Assisted living is often pitched as an absolute concept, but it is not. You might visit two assisted living communities and find night and day differences between them. Some will feel like a retirement home that has slightly been spruced up a bit while others will feel like a full blown village catering to seniors. As you can imagine, this second version is far superior to the first.

The bigger issue to keep in mind, however, is that there is vast variation between assisted living facilities. This means you should continue to visit them until you find a location that the senior in question likes. The placement services are usually free, so there is no expense other than your time, involved in doing the viewings. It is a big decision, so making the effort to find the perfect spot just makes sense.

To this end, it is also important to think outside of the box a bit. If you live in a cold climate, it might be wise to think about relocating to an area that is warm. Old bones tend to prefer the heat to the cold, so hopping online to look at locations in Florida, California, Arizona and so on is worth the time it takes to click and point. The only downside is this can create a sizeable distance between family members, but the occasional vacation can be used to create family gatherings.

Assisted living is very popular with seniors looking at housing options these days. The variation available in the field is so vast that you should take the time out to take a look at the different options available under the "assisted living" flag. You'll be surprised what you can and cannot get at different locations.

LPN Nursing Schools

LPN Nursing

The occupation of becoming a licensed practical nurse requires about one year of continuing education in a vocational, technical, community, or online college. Becoming an LPN is a career stepping stone for some nurses and a career stopping point for others. Deciding to continue your educational and career goals is a personal situation and a question that is answered differently by each individual nurse.

The LPN Education

The aspiring licensed practical nurse will have to attend classes for one year on average which will incorporate classes such as anatomy and physiology, nursing theory, basic first aid and life saving skills, patient hygiene, pediatric and surgical nursing introduction classes. Upon successful completion of the classroom requirements there are practical skills training and assessment classes that help prepare the student for their respective state board exams. Once a student successfully passes the required state exams, they are officially licensed as LPN's and ready to assume professional employment.

The LPN's Job

The licensed practical nurse job description is as intense and varied as any other nurse's job requirements. LPN's are responsible for performing duties such as patient bedside care for terminally ill or physically disabled patients. They also perform such responsibilities as vital sign monitoring and recording to include blood pressure, pulse, respiratory rates, temperature, height and weight, and any other pertinent physical vital components. LPN's are also required to monitor catheters and clean and dress various wounds. The licensed practical nurse will also find patient personal hygiene and mobility assignments in their job description. This includes moving patients from hospital to permanent beds and assisting daily exercise routines. Licensed practical nurses that have extended experience may also serve in supervisory roles to nursing assistants or home health aides. The LPN's job description grows even more in depth with patient drug monitoring and watching and responding to possible drug interactions. These job requirements are patient specific and some or most of these areas may be performed or only a specified task. LPN's require education and the need to be familiar with their respective job requirements because their skills may be called upon at anytime.

Where LPN's Work

Licensed practical nurses are utilized in hospitals and urgent care facilities. They are also employed in public and private nursing facilities from state run institutions to the most prestigious assisted living and private nursing homes. LPN's also frequently become employed in personal nursing which provides patients with illnesses and disabilities the convenience of dealing with their health issues from the privacy of their homes. Private nursing care is steadily trending upwards as the U.S. population grows older. Regardless of where licensed practical nurses look for employment, there are sure to be open positions as there is an across the board shortage of nurses of all levels across the country.

LPN's are in demand. For some this is a beginning to a long career in which continuing education and career advancement are part of the nurses' plan, and for some it is the highlight of their career. In either case LPN's are needed to fill a nationwide shortage.

Top Experiences of Being a Hospital Aide

Hospital Aides are commonly called hospital attendants, nurse aides or nursing assistants. According to the most current update from the US Department of Labor, the population of nurse aides is projected at an estimate of 2.9 million by 2016. Earning differ for nursing, psychiatric and home health aides. Their pay ranges from an hourly rate of $9 to $14, although some skilled ones can earn around $17.

Compared to the salary of fast food workers, the salary of the health aides are just slightly higher. Aside from the salary issue, there are several difficulties nurse aides are going through. Although an increasing demand of hospital aides was projected, there is also an increasing trend of these workers leaving the industry.

Here are some of the facts hospital attendants are going through:

1. Direct care workers typically earn poverty level wages.
2. An estimate of one third of all direct care workers are without health coverage. Considering their physical labor, some of them are not even covered by any insurance. This is especially prevalent on those home health care assistants.
3. Nursing aides have the highest rate of injuries and illness. Nursing homes are one of the most hazardous places workplaces. Musculoskeletal injuries, just like back pain, are just one of the many kinds of injuries they acquire while working. There are elderly patients who could be physically abusive. A majority of the nursing assistants were already able to experience being kicked in the chest, bitten, hit and etc.
4. Because of their job description, they too experience discrimination by supervisors and managers.

Nursing assistants are not all times the subject of abusive behaviors. There are those who initiate abuse to their patients. The Elder Abuse and Elder Law aims to protect the safety of elderly people from hospital aides who neglect giving the care required, which results to either physical or mental suffering. Aside from this, there were also reported incidents where nurse aides build rapport with their patients. All these friendly efforts are geared to aiming at their patient's wealth. There were those who were able to acquire their patient's estates leaving the real family with nothing.

The 1987 Nursing Home Reform Act was established to investigate abuse by the healthcare assistants to nursing home patients. But at the same time, it also provides that a due process is given to nursing assistants. The American Federation of State, County and Municipal Employees (AFSCME) ensures that the said reform is used for its main purpose. That is to make improvement on the patient and healthcare workers condition.

A nurse assistant isn't an easy job. If you aren't that lucky, aside from earning a minimal amount, you may have terrible experiences with some of the patients. If you think you are a victim of this abuse, you can contact the local authorities so that you may be informed about your rights as an employee. However, you are also responsible for your actions when you are not doing your job properly as a nurse aide.