Tuesday, March 26, 2013

The Two Most Important Points of Senior Care

Elderly people don't often decide on their own to enroll in senior care programs. Too often, family pushes them into programs that would work perfectly for everyone but the patient. These situations are set up to fail and lead to growing resentment, weaken family bonds and encourage the onset of senior depression. If you're concerned about a loved one and feel they need extra help, keep the following two points in mind while helping to set it up:

Senior Care Is for the Senior

Now that the older person in your life can no longer handle everyday tasks, you may be feeling the burden. People today are so busy the hour or two is takes to go grocery shopping, drop things off at the library and the like sometimes really are inconvenient. Senior care may seem like the perfect arrangement. Just remember that every program is different. Encouraging your loved one to get more help than they need could be detrimental.

Work with a program that offers individualized care. If your grandmother needs help with transportation and housecleaning, you should be able to find services that target those things. Adding in meal preparation or personal hygiene when it isn't needed can cause friction between you and your family member and between patient and caregiver.

In Home Care Helps Physically, Emotionally and Financially

Because in home support needs will change over time, some people start encouraging a residential setting right away. They want to deal with the problem and have it over with versus monitoring a situation over a length of time. Don't discount the benefits of a senior staying at home. Residential settings - even after insurance - are far more expensive than most in home services. The ability to stay in familiar surroundings with familiar people lessens the risks of abuse and accidents. Also, the comfort of staying at home means the difference between living out a happy life and depression for many elderly people.

No one wants to deal with the decline of a parents' health. It's hard to see the people who picked you up and dusted you off unable to care for themselves. It's important to see the difference, however, between someone struggling with certain tasks and being unable to care for him or herself. If you and a loved one are fighting over how much assistance is needed, don't be afraid to call in an expert and ask for advice. Work with a group that offers individual services. You may be surprised by the senior care options they can provide.

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