Saturday, June 29, 2013

Adult Diaper Rash - How to Reduce the Redness and Heal the Skin

It is difficult for an adult to deal with the need to wear diapers. Often, problems of incontinence are kept a secret from family members for a while. Once this is out in the open with family members, the next hurdle can be how to deal with adult diaper rash. Not everyone gets diaper rash, but depending on one's illness, lifestyle , allergies and hygiene this problem can occur. If one is in bed most of the day this can also complicate the problem.

One can wear diapers as an adult both due to bed wetting, urinary incontinence, urinary infections, leakage and fecal incontinence. If one is in an assisted living facility or nursing home, the staff should be taking care of this problem. An adult diaper rash can be small pimples, larger sores or red patches.

It's important to frequently change the diaper because the skin gets irritated by urine and fecal material and this leads to a rash often. Ideally it is best to change the diaper as soon after it is soiled as possible. However, due to one's sleep routines, degree of disability, hours of hired help and other factors this isn't always possible. If there is a rash, frequent changing of the diaper, stronger diaper materials that absorb dampness plus applying effective lotions on the skin are important to heal the skin.

At the assisted living facility I work at, one client complained of her diaper being too tight on her body. It is important to be sure that it is adjusted properly. If the diaper is tight and the body heats up then this can make the problem more severe. Urine is acidic and having this trapped is not healthy. If you are taking care of someone or hire help, be sure that they let the body dry off when the diaper is removed. Be aware when you are wiping whether there is an issue with the alcohol in some wipes.

Over the counter diaper rashes are effective. Some people prefer Vitamin A and D ointments and others find applying dry cornstarch useful for drying up the red diaper rash and sores. Check for allergies as well as certain foods can create a rash in the sensitive areas of the body.

Be sensitive to the adult your are helping with the issue. There is often a sense of shame. Assure the person that it is very common and not to beat themselves up about it. Show your care and use humor to diffuse a negative mood so you can uplift the person in your life.

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