Monday, July 1, 2013

10 Ways to Stay Mentally Active

I decided to write this article after an experience I had when I went home for Thanksgiving. I'm a Licensed Nursing Home Administrator with a passion for taking care of the elderly...both at work and at home... both strangers and family.

My mom, who is approaching 60, has left her keys in the keyhole on the outside of the door to her condo several times... Overnight Even!! Scary, huh?

When I went home for Thanksgiving, I noticed she has written "KEYS" on a piece of tape and stuck it to the inside of the door at eye level. Of course, this will only be a reminder for a short period of time (evidenced by the fact that she left them on the outside while we were visiting!), because this tape will become part of the door, thereby causing her to no longer notice it.

Aging can be a frightening process for some. Some may see the downside to aging as less physical mobility, mental decline, and illnesses. As we all know, however, there is certainly an upside, which includes more financial stability, retirement, and grandchildren! There are several ways to ensure more pros than cons when it comes to aging. One way would be to...

Stay mentally active!

Your lifestyle may be the key to slowing cognitive decline. Studies have shown that older adults who are cognitively active were 2.6 times less likely to develop Alzheimer's Disease and Dementia than those who were not.

The following list spells out 10 ways to stay mentally active.

1. Crossword Puzzles: Stimulates the brain, which can cause us to grow more neurons

2. Attend Lectures: Forces the brain to do a different kind of mental processing by listening to very new information

3. Go to Plays: Forces the brain to do a different kind of mental processing by listening to and watching something very new

4. Read and Write Daily: Preserves cognitive function

5. Gardening: M.Vaccae, a harmless bacteria found in soil, activates brain cells to release mood-lifting chemicals

6. Board Games: Stimulates the brain, which can cause us to grow more neurons

7. Video Games: Stimulates the brain, which can cause us to grow more neurons

8. Stay Curious and Involved: Exposes you to the opportunity to learn something new, which will force the brain to do a different kind of mental processing

9. Enroll in a Course/Class: Forces the brain to do a different kind of mental processing by studying and applying a new skill

10. Remain Socially Active: Makes mental activity enjoyable and can reduce stress hormone levels, which helps maintain healthy connections among brain cells

All of these activities have a bonus effect besides brain stimulation: They are all confidence and self-esteem boosters. If nothing else is gained, you're sure to have fun!

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