Saturday, August 24, 2013

Living Options for Senior Citizens

Making the decision as to where to live depends on many things including health, move-ability and finances. We just recently went through this experience with my father-in-law. After my mother-in-law passed away two years ago, he was able to stay in his house and take care of things. He quickly deteriorated out of loneliness and age and it was soon apparent he wouldn't be able to stay in his own home. Unfortunately before anything was done about it he fell and broke his hip forcing the family to find better living conditions for him. After surgery he was moved to an assisted living center where he found companionship, activities, and decent meals three times a day. He did stay in his room for much of the time but came out for meals and a few activities.

This worked well for about five weeks and then he became restless and unhappy. We moved him to a very nice retirement home that was beautiful, a real resort. He had amazing food, a swimming pool, exercise classes, art classes, physical therapy even church was held in the facility. We thought he would thrive there, but sadly he didn't. We thought he would enjoy peers, friendship and companionship but all he wanted to do was go home. After many family meetings and much deliberation it was decided my father-in-law would move in with his daughter. He has taken advantage of services for assisted living in New Bern and has thrived for the first time since his wife passed on.

Every senior has different need, different financial concerns and different personalities. He didn't need all the social activities, he just wanted to be with family in a familiar place. He just wanted to be home and that is a great place to be.

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