Saturday, October 26, 2013

Proper Exercise Not Negotiable If You Want to Stay Out of the Nursing Home

The older we get the more we need to protect ourselves from the ravages of aging which are not pretty. Adults who do not do enough muscle building and maintaining activity lose muscle tissue at the rate of 4 percent per decade until age 50 then the loss accelerates to 10 percent per decade.

Along with the muscle tissue loss is the accompanying loss of bone strength as without strong muscles pulling on the bones they are attached to they have no reason to stay strong. Negative body composition changes (muscle/fat ratio) decrease the efficiency of the metabolism (the body's engine) heart and lung function declines and health is pulled into a downward spiral.

With the muscular strength loss is a loss of body endurance and stamina which is noticed when everyday tasks and activities become harder and more tiresome. Extra energy that could be used for enjoyable activities now has to be used just to get through the day.

Although these are age-related conditions - they are more noticed as one gets older they have been happening since a much younger age. Somewhere in the mid 20's these decreases start happening and are closely linked to how much proper exercise is done.

This loss of muscle is known as sarcopenia affecting both genders and plays a huge part in the multitude of health issues and physical function decline during the aging process.
We all need to participate in a proper strength training exercise program to fight the effects of aging so we can get through them with a good quality of life and plenty of protection from premature and preventable disease.

Proper exercise is not a 'luxury' or "if I have time left over I'll do it" scenario. It is a non-negotiable high priority self care necessity that will make aging a much more enjoyable experience and not something to be feared as an inevitable trip to the nursing home.
If we want to stay out of those places we each need to take responsibility for our own strength and health. If left to chance they will disappear along with our quality of life. When the human body is allowed to become weak, disease is always waiting in the shadows to pounce.

To get yourself going your local gym or fitness center can help you get started on a proper exercise program and monitor your progress. Time and effort should not be wasted doing the wrong types of exercise or at too low an intensity (degree of effort).

We are the lucky ones as our parents and even our grandparents did not have access to this knowledge and we watched them lose their strength, health, independence and dignity. We do not have to follow in their footsteps on this one. A strength training program is a key anti-aging strategy to reduce, delay and reverse the villain sarcopenia. Get yourself strong so you look and feel better and more youthful than you will believe.

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