Tuesday, December 24, 2013

Giving From Your Heart

Giving back to your community is a powerful way to share your skills, talents and blessings with others. Even though you might not have anything of monetary value to give others, if your intention is to make another person's life more enjoyable simply by your kindheartedness and helping hand, you have given more than money can buy.

The encouragement and care that you are able to give is infinite and caring for another is more significant when it is done through the kindness of your spiritual self. Contributing to the life of another person will deepen the desire to make the world a better place as you strengthen your connection to your spirit.

Being of service to others not only makes one feel valuable, it also is a way to share the abundance of your joyful heart. Volunteering to help in a community center, assisted living home or doing something for people in your neighborhood can give you a feeling that your skills, talents and blessings are contributing to the betterment of others' lives as well as deepening your sense of connectedness with people. While you are helping other people, if you keep in mind that your help is simply an extension of the universal spirit that connects us all, you will find what you do is more meaningful, not only for yourself, but for those you help. When you give from the heart, your energy vibrates at a higher level, and is experienced by others as warm, nourishing and energizing to them.

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