Tuesday, June 4, 2013

I Hate My Nursing Job - 7 Reasons Why You Should Leave Your Job

"I HATE NURSING," I would think, "I HATE MY NURSING JOB!" I would say on a daily basis because nurses eat their young!! It took me 10 years to become a nurse but within 3 months of graduation I would begin to say, "I HATE MY NURSING JOB."

Every job was the same. It would start wonderful; everyone would be so friendly and glad to have you there. They would be so friendly and ready to meet you. Within a week, the complaining and nit-picking would begin. "Oh you did not cross a T" or "You did not dot an "I." It would be that menial, and then the negativity would start. Oh some nurses can be so negative!!! "I hate my nursing job," I would begin to scream in my head. Now nurses would call their nit picking "being particular" or "I'm just picky" they would say. I would think "I hate this nursing job."

Every place I every worked it was all the same. Nurses would even go as far as to lie to their supervisor about me and "things" they said I would do. Things they never even bothered to bring to my attention to warn me about or say "hey did you know we don't do that here!" I've even been written up and fired about things I was never told about or warned about. When I would ask them, "What did I do wrong?" They would reply things like, "We don't have to tell you," or "it does not really matter." I would then think to myself, "If it does not matter then why you are writing me up or firing me?" I would then keep thinking, "I HATE MY NURSING JOB" it stinks cause nurses eat their young.

Finally I had enough, I quit my nursing job and thanks to all the nurses who lied on me and all the things they said and did to me. I am now financially free. No more clicking the clock, no more negativity and no more negative nurses. Now I have my own business and am only allowing myself to be around positive people.

I bet nurses wonder why their is a shortage in the field of nurses cause nurses eat their young. But thanks to all of the negative miserable nurses who did me wrong you have caused me to be on a mission to becoming a billionaire. Thanks to all those nurses who mistreated me. Thanks for the five years of hell it was real but I'm done cause "I hate my nursing job."

Let's list some reasons why you would hate your job:

1. I hate my job because I am dreading to go to work: If you dread work when its time to go then it's a possibility its time to look for other options

2. I hate my job because I hate the people around you at work: When the people around you are getting on your nerves there are probably time for other options.

3. I hate my job because I am living check to check: Are you running the rate race? Quitting your job and start a business that will help you have financial freedom.

4. I hate my job because I am not getting paid enough: The new from of slavery is to get paid the set amount, doing all the hard work and the big dogs get paid the real money!

5. I hate my job because I hate working 9-5: Or 10-6 or any other form of clicking the clock that makes you comes in at a certain time.

6. I hate my job because I want residual income: Residual income means that you do some form of work then all of a sudden all the money starts rolling in.

7. I hate my job because I have to ask for days off: When you work for yourself, you don't need permission for vacation, or to spend time with your children or any thing that has time constrains, one of the best reasons to work for yourself.

Being financial freedom and being sick and tired of saying I hate my job was the reasons that I decided to work from home and change my life as well as the lives of others in helping them also become financially free.

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