Saturday, August 10, 2013

Home Based Business For Nurses

A great home based business for nurses where you can still care for people and stay in the health and wellness industry. Many work at home nurses that come to us for a legitimate work at home business, come to us with similar scenarios. First of all, it is safe to say that most nurses got into their profession because they love caring for people. The nursing profession provides quite a variety of different areas in which nurses can care for others, such as clinics, outpatient, long term care, assisted living, community-based as well as hospital, which has many different specialities in itself. Some of those nurses, however, do go through burnout due to one scenario or another and are looking for something similar, where they can still care for people, but have greater control over their personal life, hence, they find us.

Burnt Out Nurses. Can you relate to one of these scenarios?

  • You got into nursing years ago because you wanted to help people and this provided so many different ways you could do so and a work at home nurse was not even thought about. You started off enjoying what you did for the most part. Your career was rewarding and you did see some fruit from your labor in appreciative patients and relieving stress for others going through difficult personal health situations. To make ends meet, you had to work a lot even though you really wanted to spend more time with your children. Day after day, year after year of taking care of others in need and in crisis starts to wear on you emotionally. You are so drained at the end of your work day, you have little energy for the ones you love. This too wears on you, but you have bills to pay and no choice, but to work 40-50+ hours a week, week after week. You are burnt out, but still want to help people, but on the terms that allow you to take care of yourself and your family.

  • Maybe a scenario you can relate to better might be that you got into nursing years ago because you wanted a rewarding profession that contributes to the lives of others. You work hard at being excellent at all that you do in your nursing career. You wouldn't want to work at home as a nurse because you want to be right in there. You are energetic and diligent in your career. You do your continuing education on a regular basis. You keep up on all the newest things related to the area of nursing you are in. Most people seem appreciative, but some are eager to blame their troubles on others and you worry it may be you. You constantly worry that despite your painstakingly careful approach to your duties, that you may lose focus, maybe come to work a little tired because you were up all night with the puppy or child, and the dreaded thing happens, you make a mistake. Not only do you have to live with the guilt of altering someone's life in a negative manner, but you now are being sued. The years of stress worrying about this has been overwhelming.

  • Another scenario might be that when you got into nursing years ago, it was portrayed as a profession that you could get a job anywhere, anytime, although work at home nurses may not have existed. This may have been true then, but maybe not now. Maybe the direction you took your career limits your places of employment. Besides, the health care industry, in general, has gotten so regulated that it makes is nearly, if not, impossible to meet all regulations. The area of nursing you are now in is okay, but just lacks its appeal that it once had. You are a professional and love caring for others, but all that you have to deal with to do that, makes it more stress on your life than you think you can take anymore. You would like to be calling the shots and running things in a way that truly is effective in helping people, but without all the corporate nonsense that will not allow you to properly take care of others.

What Are Many Nurses Looking For In A Work At Home Business

Basically, many nurses now are looking for work at home businesses where they can still care for and help people, but be able to work at home, spending time with their families, where nobody can sue them for mistakes, not have sore feet every day and provide a good income for their families. All the while, developing their businesses like they want, doing the things they enjoy and seeing lives change in the process. Being able to work as hard as they want and work smart, so that their rewards are not just in helping others, but helping themselves and their families as well.

There are a lot of good nurses out in the work force and we need you there as nurses are the glue that holds things together. If, however, you are at a place in your life where you are just a bit burned out and ready for a change, start investigating other options that support you emotionally. You might consider a health and wellness company where you can work from home, allowing you the freedom of working from home, but still in your line of interest. There are businesses that you can build totally online and/or offline with successful leaders. There are a variety of ways you can choose. Good solid work will bring you a fantastic income and you can enjoy yourself and your family while doing so. There are many "work at home" things out there, but not all are stable with a good track record. Be sure to choose a company that has been around, is solid and growing. One that has a good business plan and a proven track record for changing lives for the better.

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