Monday, August 5, 2013

Nursing Homes Versus Adult Daycare

Considerations for a Day Care
Adult daycare is for elderly people who are no longer able to take care of themselves. This daycare will provide a good atmosphere, social setting and best supervision to them.

Most Daycare Centers are sponsored by the Federal or state government, public, churches, and other volunteer groups. There are also some daycare centers that are owned and managed by a firm which can also be private centers.

The Organization of United Cerebral Palsy Foundation (UCP) is offering programs that can be both for residential and for adult daycare in some parts in the country to help people who suffer from cerebral palsy or have other mental and physical disabilities.

Activities in an Adult Daycare
Elderly should be comfortable and must enjoy their stay in daycare. Different facilities must be available and some interesting activities should be done to entertain them. When looking for an adult daycare center, you should know their daily activities and know if it is possible for an adult to do these. The Recreation Director is the one in-charge for initiating the activities to be done for the whole day and making sure that no elderly will only watch television all day long. Recreational and other social outlets are also provided for older persons who are disabled.

Inquire about social and entertaining activities in a daycare. Most of the seniors have talents and these talents can also serve as their hobbies too. Different programs should be formed which include arts, gardening and music and others also include pets. Programs and activities should be full of fun and interesting. These must boost the energy of seniors. Physical exercises can also be added to daily activities. This information should be gathered upon touring the facilities of adult daycare.

List of Questions
Before going on a tour in different adult daycare, you must prepare a list of valid questions that you will ask to the director or person that will assist you in your tour. Upon answering your questions, you must write down the responses because this will serve as your guide and reference when you go to a different day care.

Asking Questions
Do not forget to ask questions regarding their hours of operation and medicines and other items you must bring if they can do medications. Discuss their rates and other additional charges. Check out if there is doctor or a nurse that are always available in cases of emergencies.

Checking the Facility of an Adult Daycare
Bringing the senior during the tour to the whole place will help you determine if the available daycare facilities are comfortable for him. The tour will also help the citizen to be familiarized with these facilities for easy recognition that he will enjoy when he is already inside the daycare. Introduce him to the staff and other seniors in the daycare to start making friends.

Be Observant All the Time
You must be a keen observer while touring and making interviews. Pay attention to the cleanliness of the place and neatness of the working staffs. Through observing, you can determine if the place is really comfortable and whether cleanliness is strictly observed by having no foul smell around the area. And best of all, you have to ask questions if you are bothered by the quality of the facility.

Residential Care
Seniors and also those physically or mentally disabled individuals that have no families who cannot stay in their homes for some reason can go to group homes or other type of residential facilities. These facilities offer well trained host, thus one reason why residential daycare are more expensive.

Investigate whether the person granted to have a residential care are eligible enough for assisting the seniors in their houses in their daily activities.

Do Not Be Intimidated While Touring
Sending your loved ones to daycares requires lots of things to pay attention to. You will search the right nursing homes for them and upon deciding you must choose the best to take care for them. Do not be intimidated to the things that you will see in daycare since you are seeking for professionals who can give medical care and also medical environment.

Locating Adult DayCare
In America, there are only few daycares for adults. You can find it by searching the Yellow Pages of your local directory.

If you experience difficulty in locating any adult daycare, best to call a hospital, social worker or someone that specializes in geriatric care.

Helpful Ideas
Stimulation and lighting should be adequate for the senior. Their vision problems can lead for some minor accidents or can also be major accidents in daycare so adequate lighting is very important. Replace bulbs that are not functioning especially any burned out light bulbs and make sure that lights must have same wattage. Be sure to have lighting in stairs, closets and restrooms where accidents occur often. It is very important to provide enough lighting when they are doing their hobbies and especially while they are reading. It has been observed that seniors love to read newspapers so provide them a magnifier. Losing vision tend to make them decline from any activities or programs and it is really a heartbreak for them.

Check the floors if it is safe for elders
The flooring is the most widely used of elders in a daycare whether in rooms, kitchens and other rooms for doing the activities and programs. It is best to check the floors if it is safe for walking for seniors and that no any polish is applied on those which can be slippery. Check also the tile floors if there are more broken tiles. There should be no rugs that can cause a senior to slip down and will be hurt that can lead them from suffering in wheelchair when there are not able to carry themselves to walk. There are also some rugs that are available in the department stores that have a non-skid back to avoid any accidents.

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