Sunday, October 13, 2013

Adult Daycare or Assisted Living?

Both adult daycare and assisted living facilities serve an important purpose. They both allow senior citizens to get the help and supervision that they need when no one else is able to. Still, there are some important distinctions that need to be made between the two types of care. The intensity of the levels of care provided it the biggest difference that you will find. Adult daycare services provide only minimal care and instead provide mainly supervision in the event that an emergency arises. Assisted living facilities are a bit more hands on and will assist seniors with their activities of daily living.

Senior citizen daycare services operate under a simple premise: they will watch over your elderly loved one while you are away at work for the day. This is best for folks that need supervision but live with a working family. It is a cheaper alternative to in home care as it does not offer a individualized, hands on method of care. Senior daycare programs can be found mostly in more populous areas and will often serve dozens of seniors at a time. If you have an elderly loved one that needs a little bit of extra help during the day but is still fairly independent, an adult daycare service will probably work out well for them.

Assisted living facilities are best for the elderly folk that require more intensive care. This is not as intensive as a nursing home would be and still offer their residents quite a bit of freedom. Rather than overwhelming seniors with care, these homes generally will let their residents go about their days in the manner they please, but will be there ready to provide help if the situation warrants it.

Adult daycare centers are a good idea if your loved one is adamant about remaining within their home. You can still realize many of the benefits of an assisted living facility while only going to a daycare service. For example, many people look forward to assisted living because they will be surrounded by people their own age. For seniors living alone, socializing is tough to do sometimes. An adult daycare can help this to become a daily thing.

Assisted living is best for seniors that don't have a family that can watch them at night, as well. Seniors that need more supervision but do not live with a younger family member will benefit the most from something like this.

It is important to remember that assisted living facilities do not take away someone's independent style of living. They will help to maintain their independence while at the same time providing a safety net of care if the need ever arises. Both of these are great options for seniors looking to enhance their standard of living.

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