Saturday, October 19, 2013

Nursing Home Humiliation

When people age, they often lose the ability to care for themselves for natural reasons. This usually means that an individual may lose the ability to function in some ways, which requires them to rely on the assistance of others to live out their remaining days.

Since this is a full time job, families are often left to admit their elderly loved ones to nursing homes where attendants are available to offer care and assistance 24 hours a day. Unfortunately, this is an idealistic picture of nursing homes; the reality may be in stark contrast.

Some nursing home attendants become frustrated with their jobs and take out their anger on their patients. One way in which they may do this is through humiliation. Humiliation is the act of emotionally attacking an individual for his or her qualities.

Many of the qualities that an elderly care attendant may emotionally attack a patient for are beyond a patient's control. That is, patients are unable to care for themselves because of the way they have aged, which they cannot influence.

Nursing home staff may humiliate individuals in front of fellow residents or in front of other staff members. This may lower the elderly individual's sense of self worth, sending him or her into a state of depression and loathing.

This severe emotional trauma may cause an individual to suffer a rapid decline in health, which may ultimately lead to a premature death. As such, families of individuals who have been humiliated in elderly care facilities should fight to hold the responsible facility accountable.

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