Thursday, January 16, 2014

10 Useful Nursing Home Questions

Placing a loved one in an assisted living or senior care environment can be quite stressful. If you properly prepare with the right nursing home questions in mind, chances are you will find it easier - and most importantly less stressful - to choose the option that best fits you or your loved one's needs.

Listed below are 10 examples of useful nursing home questions to make your decision easier:

1. How safe is the location where the care facility is situated? Is it in a good neighborhood with low crime, or are the police forced to step up patrols in the area? Have the police been dispatched to the nursing home itself?

2. What is the ratio of nursing home staff to residents? Do residents appear to relate to staffers in a positive way, or do smiles disappear when a certain orderly or nurse enters a room?

3. What procedures are in place to ensure proper dispensing of medicines? Are there examples of poor response in medical emergencies?

4. What is the atmosphere that exists among residents? Is it friendly and outgoing, or are there social groups that exclude certain residents?

5. How many complaints against staff or the firm itself have been filed by residents or family members? What was done to resolve such complaints?

6. How many accidents or injuries have occurred on facility property?

7. What social activities are offered by the facility? Are there volunteer youth groups that are called in to interact with residents?

8. How well-groomed are the residents? Have they been allowed to ignore their appearance, or does the staff encourage and facilitate a high level of cleanliness?

9. Does the facility itself appear to be well taken care of? Is it in a state of disrepair? Are air conditioners and heaters functioning properly? How clean are the bathrooms and floors?

10. What representations does the nursing home facility make regarding its obligations to residents? What guarantees do they make? What are they responsible for, and what am I responsible for?

Clearly there are many questions you will have as you begin the process of determining the right nursing home for your loved one. These ten useful nursing home questions will start you off in the right direction.

Knowing what to ask - and just as importantly, who to ask - is essential to ensuring the best possible care for your loved one.

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